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Filipino single mothers bear the brunt of

“I was already having a hard time as a single mother before COVID-19 but since the
community quarantine was imposed, I’ve never felt more helpless,” laments 30-year old

Jessica, a single parent of three, worked at a burger shack earning at least Php 200 a day,
until the pandemic further sets back her situation. She takes care of 5-month old Raizen, 
7-year old Abigail who is malnourished, and 8 year old Adrian who has a clinical
attention disorder.

“It has been two months since I was rendered jobless. It frustrates me and it breaks my
heart when my children cry because of hunger,” she adds.

Based on a recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO), Philippines has
about 15 million solo parents, 95 per cent or more than 14 million of whom are

With the increasing number of COVID-19 cases and the down slope of economy, single
mothers like Jessica  suffer the most brunt especially in providing for the needs of their
children while on community quarantine.

“This could take a toll on their physical, mental and emotional well-being, especially on
women in poor communities. The disruption and even the loss of jobs and livelihood is
glaringly felt by women and this brought a heightened loss of resources to meet their
basic needs. The multiple burden of women is even more evident as the home becomes a
place of work,” says Carleneth San Valentin, World Vision’s health and nutrition

“Pregnant and lactating mothers are also affected. The lack of transport going to health
facilities [due to] the community quarantine, the temporary suspension of basic heath
services including maternal health care and nutrition services for women and children are
also challenges that need to be addressed,” San Valentin explains.

Jessica could not bring her children, especially her youngest, to the health center in the
last two months because of limited resources, mobility and fear that they could get
infected. She has also not brought her eldest to the hospital for his regular checkups
because of lack of money.

“I just want to provide for them and to give them what they need. I rely on relief goods
provided by the government and generous individuals. I am also dependent on the help of
my family,” she shares.
World Vision recently launched its  unconditional cash transfer project to aid at least
15,000 families like Jessica’s.

In partnership with a financial service provider, Jessica received at least Php 1,000 which
she immediately used to buy rice,  vegetables, and vitamin supplements for her children.

“This means so much to me. Thank you for your help,” Jessica claims.

To reach more pregnant and lactating mothers, World Vision also partnered with local
radio stations to broadcast health awareness, messages on infant and young child feeding
as well as infection prevention and control (IPC) measures to aid mothers and children.


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