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I totally agree with the decision of countries in investing a significant part of their health

budget in education and prevention, since unlike a momentary expense, prevention probably
should result in a long period of future benefits.

Firs of all we need to understand the difference between an expense and investment. The
latter is focused on receiving a future benefit in exchange for an initial cost; in contrast the
expense does not have any return. In the case of health budget, the investment is given in
trying to change the behavior of citizens toward the prevention through campaigns in
education and diagnostic, which have the goal of generating a cheaper treatment in the long
term and also avoiding fatal events for people. For instance, there is the case of cancer that
currently has developed a prevention program in the world that has achieved an important
reduction of deaths and also it allows countries to save budget in detecting the disease in an
early stage.

Another important reason to invest in prevention is that the results of its application create
consciousness/awareness in the population, since people can observe that prevention gives a
chance to face diseases that could be impossible to manage in other times. For example, there
is the case of tuberculosis, which is currently under control because it is well known that the
treatment is covered by the government and if it is diagnosed at an early stage it is easy to

In conclusion, it is better to prevent than to give temporary solutions, since the former give s
long term benefits and creates a sustainable way of life that cures continuously the life of the
population and helps the government to save budget.

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