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1 Best Friends 1 of 2

A Before you watch

1 Read these words to describe friends. Are they positive or negative? Complete the chart.
bossy  considerate  bratty  diplomatic  down-to-earth  obsessive  supportive  loyal  jealous  perfect

Positive Negative

2 W
 ork in pairs. Think of other words to describe friends. Add them to the chart. Which words describe you?
Give examples.
I’m sometimes bratty to my friend. For example, when she asks me to help her, I …
B While you watch
1 Match the questions with the answers.
1 Do you have a best friend? a Actually, at a wedding.
2 How did you meet? b Having the same sense of humor makes a good friend.
3 Does your best friend have any annoying habits? c My best friend is my boyfriend. His name’s Steve.
4 Have you ever had an argument? d We had a disagreement.
5 What qualities or traits make a good friend? e She smokes, that’s a bad habit.

2 Read the statements. Match the people to the statements. There are two statements for each of them.

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ,

a She was my roommate all through college. e She likes to make fun of me.
b She’s like an older sister to me. f Actually, she dated my brother.
c We met in the Lincoln Center. g She thought I said something or meant
d We met online. something, and I didn’t.
h When she’s mad, she runs the vacuum cleaner.

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2009

Viewp ints

1 Best Friends 2 of 2

C After you watch

 ead the questions and think of your own answers.
Write notes. In pairs, take turns asking and answering the questions.
1 Do you have a best friend?

2 How did you meet?

3 Does your best friend have any annoying habits?

4 Have you ever had an argument?

5 What qualities or traits make a good friend?

D Language points
Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.
makes noises with her mouth  repeating the same thing  very bossy  make fun of me

1 He’ll keep .
2 She likes to .
3 She .
4 He can be .

E Your viewpoint
Work in groups and discuss these questions.
1 How many close friends do you have?
2 Where are good places to meet new friends? Do you find it easy to make new friends?
3 What qualities make a good friend? Which of these do you have? Do you have any bad qualities
or annoying habits?

I have a lot of casual friends, but only a few close friends.

One of my closest friends is named Marta. I met her online …

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V 2009

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