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INSTRUCTION: The following test items follows a multiple-choice test type. Encircle only one letter that corresponds to your
1. What is this justifying circumstance where the person defended is NOT relative by the consanguinity within the fourth
A Defense of relative 
b. defense of stranger
c. Defense of self defense
d. Parricide

2. When a Filipino killed a Chinese on board a visual being the flag of Mexico while a vessel it is Philippines water of territory
may the criminal law of the Philippines apply?
A. Yes because the offender is a Filipino citizen.
B. No because the offender party is a chines citizen.
C. Yes because the killing happened within the Philippines water of territory.
D. No because the killing happened on board a Mexico registered vessel.

3. The following are elements of ATTEMPTED stage in the commission of the crime EXCEPT
A. the offender commences the commission of felony by means of overt act
B. the offender does not performs all acts of execution
C. by reason of spontaneous desistance of the accused
D. the acts performed would produce the felony as a consequence

4. The following are elements of frustrated stage in the commission of the crime EXCEPT
A. the felony
B. the offender performs all acts of execution
C. by reason of spontaneous desistance of the accused
D. the acts performed would produce the felony as a consequence

5. Our criminal law may be applicable even outside of our territory, this is ________________.

A. Generality
B. Territoriality
C. Extra Territoriality
D. Extension Territoriality

6. Conspiracy in the commission of a crime takes place when _____________________.

A. 2 person decide the commit the commission of a crime
B. 2 or more person agreed and decides to commit a crime
C. 3 or more person decide to commit and propose it to somebody
D. 2 or more person decide to commit and propose it to somebody

7. Our criminal law may be applied extraterritoriality which simply means that
A. our criminal law may be enforced by another sovereign country
B. foreigners here in our country may be charge for violation of our country
C. those accused of crime may be arrested even outside of our territory
D. our criminal law may be applicable even outside of our territory

8. In judicial notice when hearing is necessary. It may conduct __________________________.

a. During the trial, the court, on its own initiative, or on request of a party
b. During the trial
c. During the trial or on request of a party
d. None of the above

9. To be considered as conspirator in a criminal case the following any m

A. need not even take part in every act 
B. need not even know the exact part to be performed by the
C. can only be conspirator if he participated in the edition of the plan
D. need not participate in every detail of the execution
10. In parole evidence rule, a party may present evidence to modify, explain or add to the terms of written agreement if he puts
in issue in his pleading when ___________________________.
a. An intrinsic ambiguity, mistake or imperfection in the written agreement
b. The failure of the written agreement to express the true intent and agreement of the parties thereto
c. The validity of the written agreement;

d. All of the foregoing
11. What is this justifying circumstance where the personated the consanguinity within the fourth degree?
A Defense of relative  b. defense of stranger
c. Defense of self defense d. Parricide

12. Which of this public and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or detect?
A. Slander - B. Embarrassment
C. Libel - D. Defamation

13. Negligence indicates a deficiency in ___________.

A action B. perception
C. both action and perception D. in intent and motive

14. Which of the following is true?

I. Imprudence or negligence is not a crime in itself
II. Imprudence or negligence is simply a way of committing a crime.
III. Imprudence or negligence requires an intent to be a crime.

A. II and III B. I and II

C. I and III D. I, II, and III

15. What is the evidence which admission is depending in its being obtained legally?
A. Conclusive B. Relevant
C. Competent D. Material

16.Which is the crime committed by any husband who shall have sexual Intercourse with another woman who is not his wife?
A. Seduction B. Concubinage
C Adultery D. None

17. In the crime of abduction where the accused brought the woman who in a secluded place without consent of the letter. The
material element in this crime is ______________.
A. sexual intercourse B. scandalous sex
C. Lewd Design D. false promise of marriage

18. Which is the crime committed considered as LESS GRAVE felony?

A. The crime committed has a penalty is afflictive in nature
B. The crime committed has a penalty is correctional in nature
C. The crime committed has a penalty of imprisonment of not exceeding 30 days.
D. The penalty for the committed is imprisonment of 6 years.

19. For a fact to be considered as judicial noticed, it must be of ____.

A. personal knowledge B. all of this
C. common knowledge D. listed in almanac

20. In the hierarchy of evidence. Which evidence is considered as the most reliable because its physical appearance cannot lie?
A. Real evidence B. Testimonial
C. Documentary D. Direct evidence -

21. Which evidence that is also called outside or extrinsic evidence introduced or submitted to modify or explain or add to the
terms of an agreement?
A. Parole B. Supplemental
C. Original  D. Secondary

23. KAi wanted to sing the song “My way “in a karaoke bar. He was prevented BY RAVENA. It may contribute as a crime of
grave coercion if ____________________.
A. None of These.
B. RAVENA preventing KAI to sing by means of force upon things
C.RAVENA preventing KAI to sing by means
D.RAVENA preventing KAI to sing by means threats of filling a criminal case against Kai

24. Which is committed by counterfeiting or imitating any handwriting, signature, or rubric casing it to appear that persons have
participated in any act or proceeding when in fact they did not so participated? 
A. Falsification B. Forging
C. Perjury D. Counterfeiting

25. The Metropolitan Trial Curt Court has jurisdiction over case the penalty of which is imprisonment of_________
A. 4 years 2 months and 1 day  B. 6 years and 1 day and above
C. 12 years or more  D. Not exceeding 6 years

26.The crime committed is in violation of R.A.3019 or the Anti-Graft and corrupt practices Act. as amended. The Offender is a
government employee with a salary grade of lower than 27 the penalty is lower than 6 years. Which court should have
jurisdiction over the case?
A. Metropolitan Trial court  B. Municipal Trial Court
C. Sandigang bayan D. Regional Trial Court

27. Looking from the outside, KAI saw the cellphone of KOBE on top of the sofa. Since the door of KOBE's house is open, KAI
entered the house of KOBE and took the cellphone. Which is the crime committed?
A. Trepass to dwelling B.Robbery
C. Theft D.Estafa

28.Which is the crime committed by any husband who shall have sexual Intercourse by scandalous circumstances with another
woman who is not his wife?
A.Seduction B.Concubinage
C Adultery D.Bigamy

29.The accused with lewd design brought the woman who is a minor in a secluded place but with the consent of the letter. The
accused is a liable for the crime of?
A. Consented Abduction B. Simple seduction
C. Qualified Abduction D. Forcible Abduction

30.Which is the elements of Bigamy?

I.That the offender has been legally married 
II.That the marriage has not has been legally dissolved
III.That the offender contracts a second or subsequent marriage 
IV.That the second or subsequent marriage has all the essential requisites of validity.

A.I,III and IV B.I,II and III

C.I,II,III and IV D.I,II and IV

31. Which are the elements of Defamation?

I.There must be Imputation of a crime or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary
II.That the imputation must be made publicly 
III.That must be malicious 

A.I and III B.I,II and III

C.I, II,III and IV D.II and III Criminal law 

The accused was already arraignment and plead not guilty for a grave offense. under the rules how many days should the pre-
trial commence?

a. within thirty (30) days from the date the court acquires jurisdiction over the person of the accused
b. within thirty (15) days from the date the court acquires jurisdiction over the person of the accused
c. within thirty (20) days from the date the court acquires jurisdiction over the person of the accused
d. within reasonable time and days from the date the court acquires jurisdiction over the person of the accused

32. Which is the crime committed considered as LESS GRAVE felony?

A. The crime committed has a penalty of imprisonment ranging from 30 days and 1 day to 6 year
B. The crime committed has a penalty of imprisonment is at least 6 years and 1 day.
C. The crime committed has a penalty of imprisonment of not exceeding 30 days.
D. The penalty for the committed is imprisonment of reclusion temporal.

33. Crime injury produced when a person is committing a crime is ___________ injury.
A. Community B. Social 
C. State D. Physical

34. Which is not damages that can be recovered in a criminal case?

A. Moral B. Physical
C. Exemplary D. Social  

35. In exempting circumstances of compulsion of uncontrollable fear the offender employs _____________________ in
compelling another to commit a crime.
a. physical force b. threat
c. duress d. Third party

36. In circumstance of on Impossibility in the commission of the crime, the crime must be directed to ____________________.
a. Any person
b. Any person and property
c. Any person, property and public order crime
d. Any person, property, public order crime and quasi offense

37. Privacy under Article 122 of the Revised Penal Code, as may be distinguished from P.D 532, can be committed
A. With internal lands and waters B. Within the Philippine waters
C. In the high seas D. Anywhere in the Philippines

38. When the object of movement is completely to overthrow and supersede the existing government this is
A. coup de etat B. Rebellion
C. Military Junta D. Insurrection 

39. JAYBEE a convicted person deprived of liberty, along with other PDLs escaped because of confusion brought about by the
riot that happened inside MALAKING LUPA Correctional Institution. JAYBEE did not participate in the said riot. Because of the
riot and escape of hundred prisoners. The president declared a national emergency. Did JAYBEE commit a crime? If any? 
A. Not yet, he is liable if he fails to return within 48 hours when the President Secures that the emergency is over.
B. Yes for delivery of prisoner from jail.
C. yes for evasion of service of sentence
D. yes for evasion of service of sentence from the time the President declares a national emergency.

40. The threat of compulsion un uncontrollable fear the offender employs _____________________ in compelling another to
commit a crime.
a. greater injury b. equal injury
c. equal or greater injury d. Third party

41. Which is committed by giving to a treasury or bank note or any instrument payable to bearer or re order the appearance of
the true and genuine document? 
A. Falsification - B.Forging
C. Perjury D. Counterfeiting

42. To be liable for violation for gambling games one must __________________________
A. be doing something else rather than any act of gambling
B. take part in gambling, directly or indirectly
C. not necessarily take part in the act of gambling
D. be inside the gambling houses

43. In killing CARDO, HIPOLITO used the sufficient lapse of time to think and ensure the success of killing, which is the
applicable Aggravating circumstances?
a. Treachery b. Superior srtenght
c. Cruelty d. Evident Premeditation

44. What is this justifying circumstance where the accused in making the defense ensure that in case the provocation was given
by the person attacked, the one making the defense had no part in such provocation

a. Defense of stranger b. Defense of relative

c. Self Defense of Relative d. Self Defense of stranger

In Justifying circumstances of defense of relatives, which of the following is not included?

a. spouse, ascendants, and descendants
b. legitimate, natural or adopted brothers and sisters, or relatives by affinity in the same degrees
c. Relatives by consanguinity within the 4th civil degree
d. Illegitimate, natural or adopted brothers and sisters

45. What is this PHASE in the commission of the crime where the person stop in the commission of the crime because of the
spontaneous desistance or because of the presence of the police officer and not perform all the acts of execution but does not
produce the felony?
a. Internal b. external
c. subjective d. objective

46. Which crime is committed by a public officer who shall agree to perform an act, constituting a crime in connection with the
performance of his official functions in consideration of a gift, offer or promise?
A. Qualified Bribery B. Bribery
C. Direct Bribery  D. Indirect Bribery 

47. When the object of movement is completely to overthrow and supersede the existing government, this is ____
A. Coup de etat B. Rebellion
C. Military Junta D. Insurrection

48. The offender through evident premeditation and by means of firearm shoot the offended person who has by in the terrace
of the house with intent to kill, However the offended person was not hit. The crime is __________________.
a. Illegal discharge of firearm b. Attempted murder
c. grave threat d. impossible crime of murder

49. The offender who at the time of his trial for one crime, shall have been previously convicted by final judgment of another
crime embraced in the same title of the RPC killed the victim by shooting the latter. This is _________________.
a. treachery thus makes the killing as murder
b. a recidivist which makes the act aggravating
c. superior strength makes the crime as murder
d. evident premeditation making the crime as homicide

50. The effect of failure to prove the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt is ________________________.
A. The acquittal of the accused. B. None of these.
C. The finding of civil liability. D. The of the case.
51. The metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court of Municipal Circuit Trial Court has justification over case the penalty of
which is imprisonment of_________
A. 4 years 2 months and 1 day  B. 6 years and 1 day 
C. 12 years or more  D. Not exceeding 5 years

52. The crime committed is in violation of R.A.3019 or the Anti-Graft and corrupt practices Act. as amended. The Offender is a
government employee with a salary grade of lower than 27 the penalty is lower than 6 years. Which court should have
jurisdiction over the case?
A. Metropolitan Trial court  B. Municipal Trial Court
C. Sadigang bayan D. Regional Trial Court

53. A criminal case has been filed against the offender. The warrant of arrest has been issues already and now in your office for
service. The offender is still at large taking into consideration the situation which of the following is the BEST legal reason why
the police officer need to effect the arrest of the accused?
A. Arrest is important so that justice way be achieved by the complainant 
B. Arrest is important for the court to do its job and hold the accused for that 
C. All of these
D. Arrest of the accused is important

54. The search warrant may be issued by the court only upon the findings of the following. Except
A. the witness of the applicant has personal knowledge of the fact upon the issuance of search is sought
B. the issuance of the warrant must be based on the sound judgement of the court that issue the same
C the applicant police officer has personal knowledge of the facts upon which the issuance of search is sought
D. the issuance of the warrant is based on probable cause

55. YOR. ME committed a crime which is punishable by imprisonment of at least 4 years 2 months and 1 day. The crime was
committed in Metro Manila YOR. ME is not yet arrested Where should the complaint be filed to initiate the criminal action
against YOR ME.
A To file the complaint directly with the Municipal Trial Court
B. At the police station for the conduct of warrantless arrest and subsequent inquest proceedings
C. At the appropriate city prosecutor's office for the conduct of preliminary investigation
D. To file the information directly with the Regional Trial Court

56. The person was arrested without a warrant This penalty is imprisonment of at least 4 years 2 months and 1 day. His request
for preliminary investigation was granted under the rules how many days should the preliminary investigation be conducted and
A. within 30 days from the time the preliminary investigation was conducted 
B. until such time as the prosecutor may reasonable finish the investigation
C. within 15 days from the time the preliminary investigation was conducted
D. within 60 days from the time the preliminary investigation was conducted.

57. Which of the following is the right of the person before or during the examination in open court? 
A The right to bail
B. The right to be informed of the cause and accusation
C. The right to have counsel
D. The right against self-incrimination

58. During all stages of the trial, the accused has the right for the assistance of
A. counsel assistance of the police
C. the court D. the public attorney's
59. LILA, a member of House of Representative and in session committed a crime of murder. You are a Police Officer; will you
arrest Representative LILA?
a. No. Because the Congress is in session pursuant to Law on Preferential Application or Treatment.
b. Yes. Because the penalty of murder is more than six years of imprisonment such immunity cease, and the arrest maybe made
whether or not Congress is in session.
c. No. Because there is no valid warrant of arrest.
d. Maybe

60. The following are the requisites of self-defense, except.

a. Unlawful aggression

b. Reasonable Necessity of the means employed to prevent or repel it.
c. Lack of Sufficient provocation on the part of the person defending himself.
d. The person defending be not induced by revenge, resentment or evil motive.

61. During lucid interval period of ROBRA, she killed KIKAY by means of firearm caliber .357. Wanwan was convicted of
Murder by RTC. Why the exempting circumstances does not apply?
a. Because she committed murder during her lucid interval period.
b. Because she did not appeal to the higher court.
C. Because the court found killing is mala in se.
d. Because insane she is insane.

62. According to classification of law, if Criminal law is Substantive law, then Criminal Procedure is?

a. Rules of Court
b. Remedial law (Adjective law)
c. Lex Ordinande
d. Summary procedure

63.A rule that the maximum duration of the convict's sentence shall not be more than threefold the length of time
corresponding to the most severe of the penalties imposed upon him. No other penalty to which he may be held liable shall be
inflicted after the sum of those imposed equals the said maximum period. Such maximum period shall in no case exceed forty
a. Three-Fold rule
b. Period rule
c. Degree rule
d. Equipoise rule

64. It is a personal liability to be suffered by the convict who has no property to pay the fine at the equivalent rate of the
highest minimum wage per day as provided in RA 10159.
a. Preventive imprisonment
c. Subsidiary imprisonment
b. Fine
d. Fianza

65. Any Filipino citizen or a resident alien who levies war against the Philippines or adheres to her enemies, giving them aid or
comfort within the Philippines or elsewhere.
a. Misprision of Treason c. Sedition
b. Treason d. Inciting to war or giving motives for reprisals

66. The degree of proof needed to convict a person to the crime of treason?
a. The testimony of the two witnesses at least to the same overt act.
b. The confession of the accused in an open court.
c. Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt
d. Both A and B

67. It is the offense of gathering, transmitting, or losing information respecting the national defense with intent or reason to
believe that information is to be used to the injury of the Republic of the Philippines or to the advantage of any foreign nation.
a. Unlawful entry
b. Mutiny
c. Espionage
d. Sedition

68. JEERY entered his big-long tongue to the genital organ of ODRA. What is the crime committed?
a. Rape by sexual assault
b. Act of lasciviousness
c. Physical injury
d. None

69.It is committed by any person in public authority, or priest, home servant, domestic guardian, teacher, or any person who, in
any capacity, shall be entrusted with the education or custody of a virgin over 12 but under 18 years of age who shall have
carnal knowledge with her.
a. Rape
b. Act of lasciviousness
c. Malicious Mischief
d. Qualified Seduction

70.It is enticing a woman to unlawful sexual intercourse by promise of marriage or other means of use or persuasion without
use of force.
a. Seduction
b. Simple Seduction

c. Rape
d. Qualified Seduction

71. During arraignment the following are present in court. Whose presence is indispensable without which there CANNOT BE an
arraignment done?
A. The presence of the accused because it is his time to be informed of the nature and cause of accusation against him.
B. The public attorneys who are usually the substitute counsel for arraignment purposes.
C. None of these
D. The presence of the counsel of the accused which is his own choice.

72. Yo R. Me committed a crime which is punishable by imprisonment of at least 4years and 1month and 1day. The crime was
committed in Metro Manila YO R. Me is not yet arrested where should the complaint be filled to initiate the criminal action
against YO R. Me
A. To file the complaint directly with the Municipal Trial Court
B. At the police station for the conduct of warrantless arrest and subsequence inquest proceedings
C. At the appropriate city prosecutor's office for the conduct preliminary investigators
D. To file the information directly with the Regional Trial Court

73. The person was arrested without a warrant. The penalty is imprisonment of at least 4years 1months and 1 day. His request
for preliminary investigation was granted under the Rules how many days should the preliminary investigation be conducted and
A. Within 30days from the time the preliminary investigation was conducted
B. Until such time as the prosecutor may reasonable finish the investigation
C. Within 15days from the time the preliminary investigation was conducted
D. Within 60days from the time the preliminary investigation was conducted

74. Which of the following is the right of the person before or during the examination in open court?
A. The right bail
B. The right to be informed of the case cause and accusation
C. The right to have counsel
D. The right against self-incrimination

75. During all stages of the trial, the accused has the right for the assistance of _____.
A. Counsel B. To assistance of the public
C. The court D. The public attorney's

76. During arraignment the following are present in court. Whose presence is indispensable without which there CANNOT BE an
arraignment done?
A. The presence of the accused because it is his time to be informed of the nature and cause of accusation against him.
B. The public attorneys who are usually the substitute counsel for arraignment purposes.
C. None of these.
D. The presence of the counsel of the accused which is his own choice.

77. THIRDY committed a grave offense. KOBE arrested THIRDY without a warrant. Due to the long travel from the place of
arrest to the office of the provincial prosecutor, information was filed more than three days from the arrest. THIRDY remained
under the custody of the police. Suppose that KBOE and you are charge with arbitrary detention under art. 125 of the Revise
Pena Code, How would you defend yourself?
a. I will invoke of lawful and insuperable cause
b. None of these
c. I will invoke the defense of performance of a lawful order
d. I will invoke the defense of lawful performance of duty

78. In exempting circumstances of compulsion of irresistible force, the irresistible force must be from the
a. offender himself b. police officer
c. victim himself d. Third party

79. What is this exempting circumstances where in the basis of exception is the age of the accused?
a. Age of absolute criminal irresponsibility b. age of mitigating criminal responsibility
c. Age of imbecility and insanity d. Age of justifying criminal responsibility

80. In exempting circumstances of compulsion of irresistible force, the irresistible force must be in the form
A. Intimidation b. Spiritual force
c. Physical fear d. Physical force

81. What is this circumstance which is based on impossibility of performance by law or inefficient by the law?
a. Mistake in Identity
b. Prevention by some lawful or insuperable cause
c. Impossibility in the commission of the crime

d. Mistake of fact

82. In killing CARDO, HIPOLITO used the presence of 4 of his relatives to ensure that CARDO would not retaliate against him,
which is the applicable modifying circumstances?
a. Mitigating b. Exempting
c. Alternative d. Aggravating

83. What is this justifying circumstance where the accused in making the defense must not be induced by revenge or ill motive?
a. Defense of stranger b. Defense of relative
c. Self Defense of Relative d. Self Defense of stranger

84. LEBRON Killed ELLEN by also ensuring that ELLEN cannot retaliate of cause harm against him. Which is the applicable
modifying circumstance?
a. Mitigating b. Exempting
c. Alternative d. Aggravating

85. What is this phase in the commission of the crime where the person did not stop the commission of the crime because of
the spontaneous desistance or because of the presence of the police officer until perform all the acts of execution but does not
produce the felony?
a. Internal b. external
c. subjective d. objective

86. HIPOLITO is charge of crime in violation of 9262 (Anti Violence Against Women and Children). What is the nature of the
crime committed by HIPOLITO?
a. Mala Inse b. Mala Prohibita
b. Revise Penal Code d. Special Penal Law

87. The new and independent act which is the immediate cause of the injury which breaks the connection between the original
wrong and the injury is referred to as the________ cause.
A. effective intervening C. efficient intervening
B. casual connecting D efficient connecting
88. The offender by means of firearm shoot the offended person who has by in the terrace of the house without intent to kill,
Obviously the offended person was not hit. The crime is __________________.
a. Illegal discharge of firearm b. Attempted murder
c. grave threat d. frustrated murder

89. The offender killed the victim by shooting the latter in a sudden and unexpected manner. The circumstance is considered as
a. treachery thus makes the killing as murder
b. privilege aggravating circumstances
c. superior strength makes the crime as murder
d. evident premeditation making the crime as homicide

90. Car Los seriously ignores the authority of Pat Cardo. The latter reacted by looking angry to CAR LOS and draw his firearm
without pointing to CAR LOS. Which of the following crime could PAT CARDO be liable?
a. Grave coercion b. Grave Threat
c. Light Coercion d. Light Threat
91. Robbery with homicide is committed when the _____________.
a. crime of homicide was committed on the occasion of robbery
b. Killing resulting from robbery is not parricide, murder or infanticide
c. commission of robbery is accompanied by homicide
d. commission of robbery is accompanied by crimes of homicide only

92. Which of the following Best exemplifies the concept of continuing crime?
a. HARDEN steal the chicken of Curry, while at it, took the chicken of GANDA and that of LAKAS
b. HARDEN wanted to kill CURRY, he threw a grenade against CURRY. It killed CURRY and LAKAS - compound
c. HARDEN Killed CURRY, after a week, raped GANDA and Later steal the chicken of LAKAS
d. HARDEN wanted to kill CURRY, HARDEN set fire the house of CURRY resulting the death of CURRY –murder,

93. Intent to kill is an element of the crime of Homicide which is presumed from __________________.
a. the prima facie evidence against the guilt of the accused b. acts of the accused
c. the evidence resulting to the findings of probable cause d. the death of the victim

94. An uncle or auntie who shall kill his nephew or niece who is just 3 days old shall __________________________.
a. not be liable from the crime of murder b. be liable for the crime of parricide
c. be liable for the crime of murder d. be liable for the crime of infanticide

95. In general, the basis of parricide is blood relationship in the direct line. A person who shall kill her/his legitimate spouse with
obvious treachery shall be liable for the crime of ____________.
a. any of these b. homicide

c. parricide d. Murder

96. To be able to avail of the mitigating circumstances of concealing dishonor for the crime of abortion the offender must
a. paternal grandparent b. the maternal grandparent
c. any of the grandparent d. the father of the child

97. The element of using force upon things in the crime of robbery requires that ____________________.
a. there must be breaking of things inside the house or building
b. the offender must have enter the house or the building
c. The offender uses genuine key in entrance upon
d. The offender uses real name to allow entrance in the building

98. CAR LOS took the cellphone from ELEAZAR with Intimidation CAR LOS speed away by using motor vehicle which run over
ELLEN the daughter of CAR LOS, resulting the death of ELLEN. What is the crime committed by CAR lOS? If any?
a. robbery with reckless imprudence resulting to homicide
b. robbery with homicide
c. robbery and homicide
d. robbery with reckless imprudence resulting to murder

99. The opposing party should object on the offer of object or documentary evidence at the time the _____________.
a. object and documentary evidence are formally offered
b. prosecution of defense witness is called to testify
c. court orders the party to offer the object or documentary evidence
d. object and documentary evidence are identified and marked by the witness

100. CAR LOS and KAI took the cellphone from ELEAZAR with Intimidation. PSSG CARDO responded and exchange gunfire with
CAR LOS and KAI, Unfortunately PSSG CARDO was hit and resulting to the death of the latter. What is the crime committed by
CARLOS if any?
a. robbery with reckless imprudence resulting to homicide
b. robbery with homicide
c. robbery and homicide
d. robbery with reckless imprudence resulting to murder

101. The requirement of violence against or intimidation of person in the crime of robbery is that the following must be
a. before and after taking of personal property
b. before the taking of personal property is complete
c. in all of these
d. after the taking personal property from the offended person

102. To constitute as crime of kidnapping and serious illegal detention, one of the offender must kidnap or detain the offended
person for ___________________.
a. 3 days or less b. at least 3 days
c. 3 days d. more than 3 days

103. Curry deprived Paul of his liberty, Curry is a private individual. Paul is a private employee. The investigation revealed that
the deprivation of liberty is without intimidation but more than 3 days. What is the crime committed by CURRY?
a. Serious Illegal Detention b. Unlawful arrest
c. Arbitrary Detention d. Violation of Domicile

104. KAI entered the house of RAMOS since the door is open. Kai took the cellphone of RAMOS. KAI was about to leave the
house, RAMOS arrived and discovered that his cellphone has been stolen by KAI. The LATTER brandished a knife against
RAMOS and KAI was able to speed away. Which of the following is the crime committed by KAI?
a. Theft b. Qualified theft
c. Robbery with intimidation d. Robbery with violence against person

105. What is the law enacted by the Congress that imposed a penalty, other than the revised penal code?
a. Ordinance b. Statute
c. Special Penal Law d. Criminal Code

106. Which of the following is NOT a source of Criminal law?

a. Special Penal Law b. Revised Penal Code
c. Resolution d. Ordinance

107. Which are the acts by public officer in connection with his official function by which direct bribery may be committed?
a. By agreeing to perform in consideration of a promise or gift in constituting a crime
b. Execute and act which does not constitute a crime in in consideration of an offer or promise
c. By refraining from doing something which is his official duty in consideration of an offer or promise
d. By coercing a person to give a reward, money or anything in consideration of certain request.

108. CARDO the accused in the crime of rape is mandatory to undergone in a proceeding which is called pre-trial, as
criminologist what will be the effect of Pre-trial in CARDO’s criminal proceedings?
a. He will be found guilty b. There will expeditious in his proceedings
c. There will be no arraignment d. Trial in absencia will be allowed

109. The following are ground to file for a motion to quash, EXCEPT ____________.
a. That the facts charged do not constitute an offense
b. That the court trying the case has jurisdiction over the offense charged
c. That more than one offense is charged except when a single punishment for various offenses is prescribed by law
d. That the accused has been previously convicted or acquitted of the offense charged, or the case against him was dismissed
or otherwise terminated without his express consent

110. The declaration of a dying person, made under the consciousness of an impending death, may be received in any case
wherein his death is the subject of inquiry, as evidence of the cause and surrounding circumstances of such death.
a. Articulo Mortis b. Res GESTAE

111. Relevancy of evidence means that _____.

A. All of these
B. that evidence obtained unlawfully shall be excluded by the court and not be admitted.
C. that evidence obtained has something in connection to the fact in issue are testimonial but objectionable shall be excluded
D.that witnesses not subject for examination should be excluded from the court

112. The extra-judicial confession of an accused is sufficient for conviction?

A. provided that it is freely, intelligently and voluntarily given.
B. when it is corroborated by evidence of corpus delicti.
C. even if it is not corroborated by evidence of corpus delicti
D. whether or not corroborated by evidence of corpus delicti.

113. Similar acts as evidence is also referred to as _______________.

a. res inter alios acta rule I b. Evidence of previous conduct rule
c. res inter alios acta rule II D. Opinion rule

114.TATUM is a house servant of CURRY, One day when TATUM forgot to locked the door of their room and it was leave open,
TATUM was able to took the jewelry of CURRY’s wife. What crime if any did TATUM Commit?
a. theft
b. robbery
c. estafa
d. qualified theft

115. Which of the following instances where the initiation of criminal action cannot be done by any person?
a. When the offender is a relative of the offended party in crime of BIGAMY
b. When the offender is a relative of the offended party in crime of RAPE
c. When the offender is not a relative of the offended party in crime of abduction
d. When the offender is not a relative of the offended party in crime of RAPE

116.In what instances can the husband and wife can testify against each other?
a. without the consent of the other as to any communication received in confidence by one from the other
b. in a criminal case for a crime committed by one against the other or the latter's direct descendants or ascendants
c. In criminal case if there is a consent of both husband and wife to any communication received in confidence by one from the
d. all of the above

117. In crime of Brigandage, which of the following circumstance that will make all offender “BRIGANDS”
a. If any of them carries license firearm
b. if all them carries unlicensed firearm
c. if any of the, carries unlicensed firearm
d. if all them carries unlicensed firearm

118. TATUM by means of false pretense or fraudulent means was able to make MANNY to part his money and as result suffered
damage. What crime is committed by TATUM if any?
a. Estafa with abuse of confidence b. Estafa by means of deceit
c. Estafa with unfaithfulness d. Esatafa by means of falsification

119. CHRIS an envious guy deliberately damaged the FORD MUSTANG of HARRY by hammering it with a stone. Is there a
crime committed?
a. yes a crime of arson b. no because of envy CHIRS is exempted
c. yes for a crime of malicious mischief d. no, a crime should be committed first

120. In case of inability to return the property stolen, the culprit must pay the value of the

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Property stolen. This is means of ___________________.
a. reparation b. restitution
c. indemnification d. payment

121. For a person to become an accomplice he must cooperate in execution of the offense by previous or simultaneous acts. If
the person cooperate in the commission of the crime through negligence will become _____________________.
a. Accomplice b. Accessories
c. Principal d. None

122. MANNY knowing the evil intent of PAMFILU, willingly cooperate in killing YOR ME. However, it is MANNY who inflict a
mortal wound which kills YOR ME? As criminologist what can be the degree of participation of MANNY?
A. Accomplice b. Accessories
c. Principal d. None

123. When the accused interposes self defense, what is NOT MODIFIED in the court proceedings in so far as the presentation of
the witness?
a. The presumption of innocence b. The order of presentation of evidence
c. None of these d. The burden of proof

124. A person is about to commit a crime in your presence. As a police officer, what would be the appropriate course of action
to do considering that the crime is yes to be consummated?
a. To arrest the person even without a warrant of arrest
b. To wait for the crime to be consummated, before arresting the person
c. To detain the person while waiting for the issuance of the warrant
d. To identify the person and file a case a preliminary investigation

125. Which of the following instances where the initiation of criminal action cannot be done by any person?
a. When the offender is a relative of the offended party in crime of BIGAMY
b. When the offender is a relative of the offended party in crime of RAPE
c. When the offender is not a relative of the offended party in crime of SEDUCITON
d. When the offender is not a relative of the offended party in crime of RAPE

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