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I. Objectives
At the end of the period the pupil should be able to:
A. Describe changes happening in a certain matter
B. Compare the characteristics of physical change and chemical change
C. Classify the changes happened to the object, if it is physical or chemical change.
D. Show willingness to help each member on assigned group activities

II. Subject matter

Changes in matter
Values being observant to the changes happening in our environment
III. Materials
Chart, visual aids, pictures, power point
IV. Procedure

Teachers Activity Student’s Activity

A. Prayer
Angelica lead us a short prayer
B. Greetings
Good morning ma’am!
Good morning class!
C. Checking of attendance None ma’am
Who is absent today?
D. Review past lesson
Last week we discussed all about matter. May I
know who can recall what matter is? Matter is anything that has mass and takes up
Mario: matter is anything such as solid, liquid, or
gas that has mass and occupies space.

E. Motivation
I have prepared one game for you. I will show
you picture and fill out the missing letter that is
based on the picture. I will give you 2 minutes
each picture that is equivalent to 5 points on Yes ma’am!
your quiz. Are you ready? (GAME PROPER)

F. Activity

Please remain on your group for your activity. I

would like you to list and write as many as you
can the responsibilities if you are a worker or an
owner of such business.
Yes, ma’am!
In group one, the task will be
(starting their work and sharing ideas)
You may start now!
Answer to the group activity
Characteristic Group 1 Group 2
Matches paper
Break into Burned Tear into pieces burned
Size Smaller than Powdered or Smaller than the Ashes like
to original transformed normal paper
size its smallest
form it
became ashes
Color Color black Same as the Same as the Color black
original original
texture Same as the Rougher Same as the first Easily tear
first object object smooth

Okay, time is up.

Please stop writing and post your work on the
board (every group post their works on the board)

Choose two representatives to explain what Group 1

you have observed. The matches that broke into pieces have smaller
size compare to its original form but same color and
texture. On the other hand, the burned matches
are very far from its characteristic in terms of size,
color and texture from the original. It gets powdery,
color black and rougher
Very good! (clap)
Please give group 1 a clap
Group 2
The papers were cut into pieces but also same color
and texture as the original. But on the burned
papers is became ashes. Color black and white and
when you hold it, it easily destroys.
Very good! Give group 2 a clap
(Clap) 1 2 3
V. Preparation
You all have a very good answer and your
answer are much closed to each other but
different variables.
In group 1 matches, and in group 2 paper.

A while ago, two of your classmates defines

what matter is, and one of the answer that
matter has its states.
Anthony: solid
Who can give me one?
Tina: liquid
Vilma: gas

Very good!
And may also change.
Change in matter may occur when a force or
energy is applied in an object.
For example, (get a piece of paper). I will tear
this paper into pieces.
Bea: it became smaller ma’am
What changed did you notice?

Absolutely! the size, it became smaller than Nancy: because you extend force for it to
the original. transformed into pieces.
And why do you think so?

I tear it with my two hands, it will never be

tearing into pieces until someone or
somebody will do.
Beeklin: it became ashes ma’am.
How about this lighted matches, what changes
did you noticed? Maria: the color became black.
Yes, how about the color? Daryl: became rougher.
Very good! And last?
(clap) 1 2 3
You are all correct!
Give yourselves a clap.

What we did undergo changes, and may be

classified into physical and chemical changes.
Ex. Ex.
 Log changed  Rust iron
into wood chips  Burned object
 A fruit slice  Spoiled food
into pieces.
 Ice or ice vapor

When you say physical change, the internal

makeup of the object (molecules) stays the
same, even after the change. Just like the
paper I tear into pieces. Only the size and
shape changed but not its internal
Physical change is also called reversible change
where the result element can be opposite
into the object before. Changed can be
Take a look at change.
Solid ma’am!

What state of matter the ice is?

Yes, ma’am!
Very good!
We all know that when we put the ice in
hotter place it melts. But the composition of
the ice is the same as the water, only that is Alvin: Ma’am we can put it on the colder place such
changes it form, understand? as refrigerator.

Do you think we can bring back the water into

its earlier form? How?

Okay, absolutely!
And when you say chemical change, the
internal makeup (molecules) of the object (calling a student)
changes. Unlike a physical change, chemical
change cannot be reversed. Changes that
cannot be reversed are called non-reversible Hansel: it became ashes when lighted, the color is
change. We cannot bring it back to its original different to the original and its texture is rougher.
Every day we experience chemical changes in
many things around us.

How about you?

What you have noticed to the burned
Okay, you may be seated.
Think of a dry wood in the fireplace. When we
light the wood up, it burns gently and after a
while it turns into ashes. As it burns it
produces heat, light, and smoke which yes ma’am!
escapes through the air. The heat, light, fire
and smoke are all good characteristic of
chemical reaction, which result in completely
new matter-----ashes.
Note that the ashes from the burning wood
have an entirely new molecular composition.
It can never be turned back into wood again.

Physical change
And on the other hand the chemical change.
chemical change

Now, who can give me other examples in physical change?

Alvin: blended fruits ma’am!
Very good! Another?
Gina: crumpling paper
Hoe about chemical change?
Simon: spoiled milk ma’am
Excellent! Last one?
Andrea: digesting food
Wow! Very good.
I have here an activity that you will be answering together
with your groups.
You will go in front one by one and give examples on the
following changes we tackled. Alternately give example on the
physical and chemical change. All: yes ma’am!

Physical change Chemical change


Okay, time is up. I will check every group’s answer and

tomorrow will be receiving a points. (students may ask or not)

Any question?

If there is no question please get you notebook and

answer this seatwork.

Directions: analyse the following changes in matter. If the change in matter is

physical change put PC and if it is chemical change put CC. write your answer in the
space provide before the number.
___1. Perfume evaporating on your skin ____6. Burning sugar
___2. Butter melting ____7. Mixing sugar in water
___3. Rotting mango ____8. Digesting food
___4. Autumn leaves changing color _____9. Tearing a paper
___5. A hot glass cracking when place in cold water ____10. Cutting of wood
Exchange paper with your seatmate and
we will check it. (exchanging notebook)
(giving the answer)
Okay pass your paper.
(posting the closure)

Please complete the sentence

I learned that……………………..


Give 5 beneficial and 5 harmful effects of changes in matter.

Prepared by:
Teacher Applicant

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