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Activity 1.

1 Exploring the School Campus

Facilities Description Will it contribute to the
student’s learning and

Office of the Principal Receiving area (visitors’ Students are aware of the
gathering area), computer limits and boundaries they
corner, specific faculty have with the faculties and
table, office of the the school head. They
principal, comfort room,
observe silence as they pass
coffee and water station.
Daily Time Recorder is in through the office’s door.
front of the office building. They can enter once
permitted but are expected to
follow the etiquette upon
entering the office.
Library Found between a student Provides
classroom and faculty textbooks/reading tools
room, well-lit and necessary for the child’s
ventilated, has a restroom, knowledge development. It
study tables are present, enhances the learners’
unoccupied bookshelves, capabilities in learning a lot
modules, and learning more information. It can as
materials are piled up, the well be used as a study area
existence of indoor game for students in doing their
materials, different styles of academic papers. The library
the globe, needs repainting. provides necessary
information through printed
manuals and books, needed
by every learner especially
those who have or have
limited access to the internet.
Counseling Room Found backstage, a Students in need of
small space with a desk for guidance and counseling are
the counselor, chairs for the recognized here. The purpose
counselee, and some books is not just to correct the
stored beside the mistakes of the learner but to
counseling space. promote personal
development and self-
discipline, as one of the
school’s missions is to
produce thoroughly equipped
individuals in the field of
Canteen/ Cafeteria Chairs, tables, fan, food During our first week, the
court, cook. canteen was yet non-
operational not until the
following week that the
school decided to reopen it
since it is badly needed
especially for those who are
not used to packing their
snacks early in the morning.
Medical Clinic Health procedural visual Students are secured in
displays, weighing scale, times of emergencies.
medical practitioner, Medical tools and equipment
isolation area, oxygen tank, are readily available that
wheelchair, patient bed, keep the students protected
refrigerator, medical kits, and well-taken care of as
and isolation ward is whole beings.
available beside the

Science Laboratory Well-lit and well- Students are immersed in

ventilated room, laboratory the things they need to know
facility, microscope, human about the human body and
body model, cleaning structure. The ability of the
apparatus. students to observe, compare,
and reflect is being

Gymnasium The gathering area, The overall development

gymnasium with basketball of the students will be
court, and stage are well- enhanced as they will be
designed, loudspeakers are exposed to many types of
exercises to improve their
evident, can be used as an
fitness and endurance power.
open learning space, having The basic aim of the gym is
many chairs. to give the students a change
from their regular timetable
of studies and classes.
Outdoor Garden Underdeveloped zones By way of gardening
especially those in the activities, environmental
backyard areas. Parks such educators can establish a
as what has been shown on relationship of trust,
the left are quite improved emotional connection, and
probably because it is one mutual sharing with students,
of the major projects of the a powerful foundation for
parents as part of their later lessons that might push
YCAP. them out of their comfort
Home Economics Room Tools and materials Home economics teaches
related to Home students practical skills for
Economics. daily living. It gives students
a lot of time to do practical
work and prepares them for
their future endeavors.

Industrial Workshop Area Electrical tools and This area helps students
equipment, industrial tools gain practical experience,
and materials, well- exposing them to the
ventilated area. demands and challenges of
the workplace, by helping
them acquire self-reliance
skills and work ethics that
contribute to the local

PTA Office Kitchen area, storage for If students own almost

tools, flowers, sofa. every area around the
campus, parents are
privileged to have such a
small yet maximized area for
privacy. This puts a
borderline on the learners, as
they, too, have a customized
place for “personal space.”

Comfort Room for Boys The comfort is room found Students are taught proper
at the last corner of the grooming and gender
classrooms, which lacks a sensitivity. The initiative to
water source, not properly clean and maintain their
maintained. comfort rooms is developed
and exercised.

Comfort Room for Girls Water is available via the Students are taught proper
faucet; a trash can is grooming and gender
provided and is well-lit. sensitivity. The initiative to
clean and maintain their
comfort rooms is developed
and exercised.

Washing Area Part of the triage area; is Students need to know the
found at the school basics of handwashing. This
entrance. Hand soaps are is not just for compliance
displayed; there is enough with the IATF but to engage
supply of water via the them in cleanliness. As the
faucet. familiar line goes,
“Cleanliness is next to

Storage Area Found backstage, lumbers This area helps ease the
and gallons are contained in minds of the students when it
this place for future use, comes to organization and
beside this is a mini home management. A disorganized
economics room that seems learning area could fuel a
non-operational. stressful environment which
could lead to an unproductive

Tourist Spot Displays Promotional displays of Having these displays at the

known ancient monuments school campus raises the
or spots found around students’ awareness of the
Dupax Del Sur. beauty of the place they are
in and that, they should be
proud of their homeland.

School Directory Faculty profiles and their The school directory is

position in the school. informative in nature. It
gives direction to knowing
the “leaders” in the school.
More, it is a lot easier to
know who, where, and to
which the specific person
belongs to.


How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students
going to school? What are your conclusions?
 For me, it is not just the learning ability of the students that the school campus should
bear in mind rather, it is exercising one’s learning capacity by maximizing their potential
to think and act beyond what they just think they are. In the end, part of their lines would
be, “I can’t believe I made it! thanks to my alma mater for teaching me to fly!”

How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/ How does this
relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
 As I relate this to my knowledge of Child and Adolescent Development, individuals
come from diverse backgrounds and upbringings. Dealing with learners of a different
kind is a great challenge indeed. As a teacher, you are expected to guide and facilitate the
learners. Also, your presence in each of your learner’s hearts matters a lot to them.

1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why
 Dupax del Sur National High School is such a friendly and well-disciplined school
compared to the other school that I often hear unwanted issues from. You will never
really know until you experience it. This school is close to my heart since day one. If
given the opportunity to teach here, I would gladly accept it. The motto of the school is
the same as that of the Social Studies family, in which competition of any kind is
disregarded. In learning, nobody is left behind, and I believe that simple line could keep
me there.

2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

 One that recognizes the diversification of learners, one that promotes unity in learning,
where nobody is left unattended, and one that gives value to one’s development as a
whole (be it physical, mental, emotional, or much more spiritual).

3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

 A class that assures the learners that they are loved and cared for and that every opinion
of them matters. Inculcating on their young minds the unique features they have within is
one step closer to loving and appreciating oneself.

4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

 Before I dare to teach young minds the importance of valuing themselves, I need to first
start within, by loving all of me. This would be a jumpstart to accomplishing what’s
written above (no. 3).
5. Write your additional learnings and insights here?
 I learned the essentials in doing classroom management. I may not have learned it all but
it is my pleasure to say that I am getting there. Indeed, the gradual process is still a


The topic of the Board Display: M A T H

Location of the Board Display in School: A passing wall between the faculty office and the school canteen.

Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up you’re rating.

4-Outstanding 3-Very satisfactory 2-Satisfactory 1-Needs Improvement

Criteria NI S VS O Comments
1 2 3 4
Effective Communication 
It conveys the message quickly and
Attractiveness  Some sort of long-time display of
Colors and arrangement catch and hold exhibits since some of the colors
interest. have faded.
Balance 
Objects are arranged, so stability is
Unity 
Repeated shapes or colors or the use of
borders hold the display together.
Interactivity 
The style and approach entice learners to
be involved and engaged.
Legibility 
Letters and illustrations can be seen
from a good distance.
Correctness 
It is free from grammar errors
misspelled words and ambiguity.
Durability 
It is well-constructed, and items, are
securely attached.

Bulletin Board Evaluated by: Jorebell W. Quimino

Location: Dupax Del Sur National High School

Brief Description of the Bulletin Board: “A Look at Math” is the head statement of the board. Its primary
focus is on math equations: the influential individuals, quotes, documentation of accomplished activities, as
well as accomplishment reports of the school.

The board

Strengths Weaknesses
Description of the Bulletin Board  Durability is quite poor
layout  Font sizes used are because materials were
readable and clear. made up of printed papers.
It is displayed in a place where it is  It gives information  Some of the designs are
commonly seen as it is found on the to the readers. fading and need revision/
way to the canteen, just beside the remaking.
faculty room. It has been put in a
shady area, protected from rain or sun
exposure which contributes to a
longer time to serve its purpose.

Evaluation of educational content and  Statements given are  Statements of accounts

other aspects. concise and relevant. supposedly posted on a
 Quotes were separate bulletin were
integrated that make included in the same place,
the readers relate. which made it quite
Recommendations or Suggestions for improvement
Since the board was designed a year ago or two, I suggest remaking and redesigning it with an upgraded
design, making use of recent ideas and information from the internet. The change of environment is rampant
and all we could do is dance with time, carrying with us the traits of being innovative, resourceful, and
creative, as these are what this messy yet beautiful world is looking for.

Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name:




What do you think was the purpose of the board display?

o Informative

Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience? Why? Why not?
o Yes, of course, the design will be that of a 21 st-century-type to best suit the
preference of the viewers. If it captivates the interest of the learners, it would
serve them a bucket of learning takeaways in a period.

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why? Why
o The language used is clear and simple for every reader to understand, be it from
the lower level to the highest level. The language is both English and Filipino to
avoid language barriers for Filipino learners.

Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?

o Yes, it will be effective in the long run. Informative displays will create space in
the young minds and they will leave them traces of knowledge that will serve
their minds for lifelong learning.

What suggestions can you make?

o Keep on improving your board displays and be updated!

1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective
board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
o Organization and Planning Skills, Creativity, Open to New Ideas, Willingness to
Learn, and Doer.

2. Which of the skills you named in #1 do you already have? Recall your past experiences
in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
o The willingness to learn stood out. After planning it well, I am now ready to do
the product however, another idea came up, which is an addition to a more
pleasing output. It made me realize that as long as we keep on, we improve, and
as long as we persevere, we learn.

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how you
can improve on or acquire these skills?
o D O E R. Sometimes I am delighted with fresh ideas but when it’s time to act on
it, I easily get back and decide not to do anything. To get out of this bad habit, I
have to step up by becoming the “doer”- to insist on doing small things even
when I don’t feel like doing them. Only then will I realize I am getting closer to
my destination, and that makes a difference!

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