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Name: Eon Physix Paual

Year & Section: BSED English 1-A

Course: GE 001 Understanding the Self

Individual Activity #5

My Psychological Self Using Carl Rogers’ Theory

Real Ideal Self

Physical 1. My skin is dull and 1. I want to have a clear
light tan complexion. glass skin that has a
2. I have a skinny body fair skin complexion
and its making me that will compliment
look that my head is my looks.
big. 2. I want to have a toned
body that will make
me look symmetric.
Emotional 1. I love to criticize 1. I want to learn how to
others and be take criticism from
complimented by others either bad or
others, and I don’t take good.
any lousy criticism 2. I want to be even-
about myself. tempered even when
2. I get ill-tempered under pressure.
quickly when under
Mental 1. I have a very high self- 1. I want to learn how to
esteem that others will be confident and, at
think I am arrogant. the same time, self-
2. I am an over-thinker, aware and humble.
and sometimes I make 2. I want to be free of
positive ones into thinking about all I do
negative ones. and focus positively.
Social 1. I am a very transparent 1. I want to control
person that I myself from sharing
sometimes over share what’s going on in my
what is happening in life with others so it
my life. will not be used
2. I am very social active against me.
to everyone I’ve met.
2. I want to learn how to
choose the right
people to interact with.
Spiritual 1. I have faith in the Lord 1. Following the
Jesus Christ and his teachings of my
atoning death and religion is something I
bodily resurrection on want to do.
the third day. 2. I desire to follow His
2. I consider God to be holiness laws.
the sole true Lord of
the universe.

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