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Wir gehen Oberflächen auf den Grund ElektroPhysik

Applications laboratory Sample provided by: 18.02.2022

K. Kill Yuen Chang Int´l Tech Co. Ltd. Ausland/22/312.docx

Measuring task: Display pane

Gauge employed: QuintSonic T

Measuring principle: Ultrasound
Parameter settings: Measuring system general: Range: 750ns
Number of layers: 2
Optimization: off
Multiple echo suppression: off
Coupling layer thickness: thin
Interference suppression: variable Clipping

Pos. clipping limit: 3,0%

Neg. clipping limit: -3,0%

Domains: 346,4 ns | -2,1 | not inverted

----------- | 3,9 | not inverted

Analysis: absolute extremes

min. step height: 0,5%

Echo selection/echo evaluation: method: first echos

Filtered ranges: none
Expected ranges: none

Coupling agent: gel H2O Dishwashing liquid glycerine

Results: See print-out


Layer composition: The superior layer is always referred to as first layer.

Temperature: All readings were taken in an ambient temperature of 21°C  2°C.

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Wir gehen Oberflächen auf den Grund ElektroPhysik
Applications laboratory Sample provided by: 18.02.2022

K. Kill Yuen Chang Int´l Tech Co. Ltd. Ausland/22/312.docx



Result / cross cut:

(Microscopic measurement
following DIN EN ISO 1463) :

Total thickness Layer 1

MW = 495 µm MW = 79 µm

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Wir gehen Oberflächen auf den Grund ElektroPhysik
Applications laboratory Sample provided by: 18.02.2022

K. Kill Yuen Chang Int´l Tech Co. Ltd. Ausland/22/312.docx

Readings of QuintSonic 7:



Number of Readings: 10
Average= 506,3 µm
Std. dev.= 0,26 µm
Minimum= 506 µm
Maximum= 507 µm
Var.-Coef.= 0,1 %


Number of Readings: 10
Average= 438,9 µm
Std. dev.= 0,57 µm
Minimum= 438 µm
Maximum= 440 µm
Var.-Coef.= 0,1 %


Number of Readings: 10
Average= 67,40 µm
Std. dev.= 0,46 µm
Minimum= 66,5 µm
Maximum= 68,0 µm
Var.-Coef.= 0,7 %

Single Readings:

Total: Layer1: Layer2:

1 506 µm 1 438 µm 1 68,0 µm

2 507 µm 2 439 µm 2 67,5 µm
3 506 µm 3 438 µm 3 68,0 µm
4 507 µm 4 439 µm 4 67,5 µm
5 506 µm 5 439 µm 5 67,0 µm
6 507 µm 6 439 µm 6 67,5 µm
7 506 µm 7 439 µm 7 67,0 µm
8 507 µm 8 440 µm 8 66,5 µm
9 507 µm 9 439 µm 9 67,5 µm
10 507 µm 10 439 µm 10 67,5 µm

The real sound velocity is calculated using the rule of three.

vLayer = (Crosscut Thickness [µm] / Measuring Value [µm])* 2375m/s = Sound velocity of the Material [m/s]
(416 µm / 438,9 µm) * 2375 m/s = 2251 m/s
(79 µm / 67,4 µm) * 2375 m/s = 2783 m/s

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Wir gehen Oberflächen auf den Grund ElektroPhysik
Applications laboratory Sample provided by: 18.02.2022

K. Kill Yuen Chang Int´l Tech Co. Ltd. Ausland/22/312.docx

Measuring task: Display pane

Gauge employed: QuintSonic T

Measuring principle: Ultrasound
Parameter settings: Measuring system general: Range: 750ns
Number of layers: 3
Optimization: off
Multiple echo suppression: off
Coupling layer thickness: thin
Interference suppression: global Clipping

Pos. clipping limit: 5,5%

Neg. clipping limit: -3,0%

Analysis: absolute extremes

min. step height: 0,5%

Echo selection/echo evaluation: method: first echos

Filtered ranges: none
Expected ranges: none

Coupling agent: gel H2O Dishwashing liquid glycerine

Results: See print-out


Layer composition: The superior layer is always referred to as first layer.

Temperature: All readings were taken in an ambient temperature of 21°C  2°C.

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Wir gehen Oberflächen auf den Grund ElektroPhysik
Applications laboratory Sample provided by: 18.02.2022

K. Kill Yuen Chang Int´l Tech Co. Ltd. Ausland/22/312.docx



Result / cross cut:

(Microscopic measurement
following DIN EN ISO 1463) :

Total thickness Layer 1

MW = 496 µm MW = 81 µm

5 von 7
Wir gehen Oberflächen auf den Grund ElektroPhysik
Applications laboratory Sample provided by: 18.02.2022

K. Kill Yuen Chang Int´l Tech Co. Ltd. Ausland/22/312.docx

Readings of QuintSonic 7:


Number of Readings: 10
Average= 515,0 µm
Std. dev.= 0,61 µm
Minimum= 514 µm
Maximum= 516 µm
Var.-Coef.= 0,1 %


Number of Readings: 10
Average= 11,47 µm
Std. dev.= 0,66 µm
Minimum= 10,8 µm
Maximum= 12,8 µm
Var.-Coef.= 5,8 %


Number of Readings: 10
Average= 436,7 µm
Std. dev.= 0,50 µm
Minimum= 436 µm
Maximum= 437 µm
Var.-Coef.= 0,1 %


Number of Readings: 10
Average= 66,83 µm
Std. dev.= 0,43 µm
Minimum= 66,0 µm
Maximum= 67,5 µm
Var.-Coef.= 0,6 %

Single Readings:

Layer 1: Layer 2: Layer 3:

1 11,3 µm 1 436 µm 1 67,0 µm

2 11,3 µm 2 436 µm 2 67,0 µm
3 10,8 µm 3 437 µm 3 67,0 µm
4 10,8 µm 4 437 µm 4 66,5 µm
5 12,8 µm 5 437 µm 5 66,0 µm
6 11,3 µm 6 437 µm 6 67,0 µm
7 12,3 µm 7 437 µm 7 66,5 µm
8 11,3 µm 8 437 µm 8 67,0 µm
9 11,3 µm 9 436 µm 9 67,5 µm
10 11,3 µm 10 437 µm 10 67,5 µm

The real sound velocity is calculated using the rule of three.

vLayer = (Crosscut Thickness [µm] / Measuring Value [µm])* 2375m/s = Sound velocity of the Material [m/s]
(11 µm / 11,47 µm) * 2375 m/s = 2277 m/s
(404 µm / 436,7 µm) * 2375 m/s = 2200 m/s
(81 µm / 66,83 µm) * 2375 m/s = 2878m/s

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Wir gehen Oberflächen auf den Grund ElektroPhysik
Applications laboratory Sample provided by: 18.02.2022

K. Kill Yuen Chang Int´l Tech Co. Ltd. Ausland/22/312.docx

Item Sample 1 (marked) Sample 2 Sample 3

Ink Area Ink 10,4 µm 12,7 µm 10,4 µm

PC 404,0 µm 404,9 µm 408,5 µm

PMMA 81,2 µm 81,2 µm 81,2 µm

PC+PMMA Area PC 415,2 µm 417,6 µm 421,8 µm

PMMA 79,7 µm 78,5 µm 73,3 µm

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