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OF CHRIST March 26, 2023

Pope Vitalian (657-672). He continues, music in general was not used nor
Music In The The attitude of the churches towards accepted in worship for over 600 years
after the church was established in
Church the organ varies. It shared to some
extent the fate of images, except that
Acts 2 (and they were still in a point of
contention even at the council of
it never was an object of worship...The Trent in 1545-1563). By the 600s there
In the religious world today we have
Greek church disapproves the use of were already many other corruptions
grown up with denominations all which had changed the church. Such
organs. The Latin church [Roman
around us. As a result, this is all that we as, a pope was now the head of the
Catholic] introduced it pretty
know and assume it is the normal way church (606 AD) instead of the biblical
generally, but not without the protest pattern of elders overseeing the flock
of things. But as we read the Bible we
of eminent men, so that even in the (Acts 20:17; 1 Peter 5:1-3). A
find that Jesus only built on church, headquarters was set up in Rome
council of Trent [1545-1563] a motion
not many denominations. instead of in Heaven (Eph. 1:22-23).
was made, though not carried, to
The same can be said for Feast days were instituted to honor
prohibit the organ at least in the various saints including the "virgin
instrumental music. We have grown up
mass. The Lutheran church retained Mary." But it was not until this time
in a religious setting that accepts
[the instrument], the Calvinistic that instrumental music was
instruments of music in the worship of introduced into the churches. And
churches rejected it, especially in
Our Lord. But this has not always been even then it was not without
Switzerland and Scotland; but in
the case. opposition.
recent times the opposition has One interesting note is that the word
In History of the Christian Church by
largely ceased. a cappella today means to sing
Philip Schaff (a widely accepted history without instruments. The word's
From these statements and other
of the church), Mr. Schaff writes "The original meaning (its meaning in the
historical sources we can readily see
use of organs in churches is ascribed to years following the establishment of
that the organ, and instruments of the church) is "to sing like the
the law. The Roman Catholics
Music In The borrowed it from the Jews."

Church (Continued) John Wesley, the founder of the

Methodist Church said: "I have no
church." From this evidence and many
objection to the organ in our
others we can see that instruments of
Be devoted to one chapels...provided it is neither heard
music were not used in the early
another in love. worship of the church. And, even
nor seen." (If you look in your song
books you will find many of your songs
Honor one another during the reformation movement it
were written by Charles Wesley, John's
above yourselves. was a point that was brought up again.
brother. In many preaching trips John
Never be lacking in Even though the Lutheran church
would preach and Charles would lead
(also known as the Evangelical Church
zeal, but keep your the singing, but the instrument was not
in the islands) used and does use
spiritual fervor, to be heard).
instruments, Martin Luther said "The
serving the Lord. Be organ in the worship of God is an
joyful in hope, ensign of Baal."
patient in John Calvin, the founder of the

affliction, faithful Presbyterian Church, said of

instrumental music in worship "It is no
in prayer. Share
more sustainable than the burning of
with the Lord’s incense, the lighting of tapers
people who are in (candles), or revival of the shadows of
need. Practice Regardless of how parents choose or
hospitality. are compelled to educate their
children, it is vital that all parents
ROMANS 12:10-13 home Bible school their children. This
is especially important since the
pandemic has interfered with our
regularly scheduled children's Bible
The Bible teaches us that it is our job

Parents, Are you and responsibility as parents to train

our children in the ways of the Lord.
Home Bible Deuteronomy 6:5-7 teaches us:

Schooling Your You shall love the Lord your God with
all your heart, with all your soul, and
Children? with all your strength. And these
words which I command you today
Want to make a by Mark T. Tonkery shall be in your heart. You shall teach
prayer request, Due to the pandemic, most parents
them diligently to your children, and
comment, suggestion, with school-aged children have been
shall talk of them when you sit in your
or praise report? introduced to the world of
house, when you walk by the way,
Please scan the QR homeschooling, like it or not. Even
when you lie down, and when you rise
Code above or contact before the pandemic, many Christian
up. (NKJV)
us through the families chose to homeschool their The full article can be
information provided children and they feel their children
found on The Voice
International Volume 113,
at the back of this learn better in this type of an page 64 - 65. Please scan
bulletin. environment.
this QR Code to read it



Those who are currently on the sick list especially: Maria

Martin, Sitae Terry, Mary Allen Conrad, Joe Hill, Lourdes ANNOUNCEMENTS
Kalen, Alfred & Melba Byrd, Candy Tabora, Penny Harland,
Dana Tyler, James Mendiola, Alice Nearhery, Elaine Tudela,
Randy del Rosario, Grace Divinagracia, Michael Dy, Christina The Teenagers'
Sakaziro, and Michelle Vankirk.
Class will be taught
Those who are lost, suffering, destitute, widowed,
fatherless/motherless, and grieving the loss of their loved by Brother Kolton
ones. and Sister Sarvia
Those who are currently in the middle of conflict, wars, and every Sunday
natural disasters, especially in Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, and
Syria. morning at 9 AM
The safety of those who are traveling. and Wednesday
evening at 6 PM.
Those who are seeking jobs and relocations.
The comfort of Brother Willy Barbo and his family in the Sister Pam & Sister
Philippines for the untimely passing of his sister, Cita, who
passed away last March 23. Merle will be
The smooth processing and favorable decision on Sister teaching the
Sarvia's citizenship.
younger children
WORD SEARCH every Sunday
morning at 9 AM.

There will be a pot

luck lunch/
fellowship meal
today, March 26,
2023. No evening

Sister Alice and
Brother Willy Barbo
on your 30th
Anniversary last
March 22.

Acts Exodus Isaiah Judges Nahum Revelation

Amos Ezekiel James Kings Nehemiah Romans
Chronicles Ezra Jeremiah Lamentations Numbers Ruth
Corinthians Galatians Job Leviticus Obadiah Samuel
Genesis Song of Solomon
Daniel Joel Luke Peter Thessalonians
Deuteronomy Habakkuk John Malachi Philemon TImothy
Ecclesiastes Haggai Jonah Mark Philippians Titus
Ephesians Hebrews Joshua Matthew Proverbs Zechariah
Esther Hosea Jude Micah Psalm Zephaniah

Play or find the solution online:

P.O. Box 500549
Saipan, MP, 96950
Church Phone: (670) 235 - 2270

Minister: Manuel Cabaluna 285 - 6170

Preacher: Gary Byrd 789 - 2245
Missionaries: Dave Combs 789 - 0024
Kolton Sneed 284 - 6897

Sunday Morning Bible Class ................................................................. 9:00 A.M.

Sunday Morning Worship .................................................................... 10:00 A.M.

Sunday Evening Worship ...................................................................... 6:00 P.M.

Wednesday Bible Study ......................................................................... 6:00 P.M.

Assisting in
Sunday Morning: Sunday Evening:
Announcements: Boyet Announcements: Boyet
Singing: Ruel
Singing: Boyet
Opening Prayer: Kolton
Lord's Supper & Giving: Willy Opening Prayer: Dave

Assisting: Jun, Cris, Boyet Preaching: Kolton

Bible Reading: Ariel
Lord's Supper & Giving: Boyet
Preaching: Dave
Closing Prayer: Dave
Closing Prayer: Arnold

Please invite your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors!

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