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The number of refugees worldwide reached 27 5 million in 2016, with 40,3 million internally displaced people and 28
million asylum seekers. The major source of refugees in 2015 and 2016 was the developed world, with the US, Canada
and Northern Furope accepting the most.

Major international migrations

Over the past five centuries, there have been numerous large-scale human migrations. The majority of these
migrations were caused by furopean occurrences. The most important of these migrations are depicted in Figure
8.3:22, which also includes one from western Russia to the east.
Moreover, flights from Europe to North America are included.
South and Central America to Southern Europe
8 from the United Kingdom and Ireland to Australia, Africa, Canada, and New Zealand
- The slave trade in Africa to the Americas East Asia and the Caribbean,
- From South China.

The slave trade

Some of ¿the world's largest migrations have been forced
migrations. Ay for the most significant of then was the transatlantic slave trade. Tons of million: of
(mainly male) Africans are transported to the Americas against Their will and at a huge loss of life. The
actual number of people involved may never be known: estimates vary from 12 million to over 30 million.
Most were transported to the plantations of the Caribbean and South America, Where they worked as unpaid
slave labor. Today the descendants of these people make up the majority of the population of several Caribbean
countries.Despite the relatively large proportion of African American in the US population, the number of
slaves transported to the United States was quite small compared with the number taken to the Caribbean
and South America. The slave trade devastaled whole communities, children orphaned and community life
disrupter. Communities were raided and most of the younger Generations passed before the effects of the
slave trade were overcome and the long-term balance of populationstructures in Australiaa and the
Americas was restored.
Population movements
Migration is the act of moving from one place to another with the intention of staying at the destination
for a relatively long period of time. It can be either forced or voluntary, with voluntary migrations due to
economic and social well-being and/or freedom, while forced migrations are caused by circumstances such
as drought, wars, and natural disasters.. The globalization of migration has caused an increase in the
volume and type of migration, with labor, refugee, and permanent settlement being the most common.
There is an increasing proportion of women in all types of migration.

Nazi slave labor

During World War I, ten million Jew, gypsies, Poles, other
Eastern Europeans and people of other nationalities and
regions were forced work under isn’t in Natzi-comrolled indusuries ss slave laborers Mfary did
not surviving, and became victims of the Nazi Holocaust (son Figure 8.325)
The working condition: the slaves endured were repressive. There was no payment of any kind, they
were kept under constant surveillance, forced to perform physically demanding labor, and worked excessive
hours (often 10 to 12 hours per day) with minimal nutrition. There was a general lack of hygiene, post
medical care and disease was widespread. Clothing was inadequate and. They were also sub ect to torture
and physical abuse. When too weak to work they were put to death in the Nazd death camps. Some of Germany's
best known industrial conglomerates used slave labor supplied by the Nazi.

In 2016, the global number of refugees reached 27.5 million, with 40,3 million internally displaced people
and 28 million asylum seekers. The developed world was the primary source of refugees in 2015 and 2016, with
the United States, Canada, Northern Europe and Pakistan, and the European Union having the highest
number of refugees. The United States accepted 9284 refugees in 2016..

International movement
The movement of people between countries is a process that has been ongoing for centuries. There are now 244
million people living outside the country in which they were born, a 41 per cent increase. This movement has
affected regions and countries in different ways, such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and New
Zealand. In the last 30 years, these four countries have experienced a change in the source of their
immigrants, with many of them coming from Asia and South America.

Population movements: the middle east and north africa

Population movements to, from and within the Middle East and Northern Africa are reshaping the
populations of the region, with foreigners making up the majority of the labor force and majority of the
population in many Persian Gulf states, filling service and skilled jobs native-born workers are unable to

Population movements to dubai

In the emirate of Dubai (population 28 million) less than 15 percent of the population is made up of Unitar
Arab Emirnto (UAE) nationals The rest are expatriate, who together make up 96 per cent of the country's
workforce. Seventy percent of the population has an Asian background, mainly Indian (51 per cent),
Pakistani (16 per cent), Bangladeshi (9 per cent) and Filipino (3 percent), 40 percent of the jobs, Employment
opportunities in the UAE attract high, medium and low-skilled workers and, in
In contrast to other counthest the regens migrants citizens hold higher-level positions, such as managers.
Many of the medium and low-skilled workers are employed in the emirate's vast construction industry,
seen in Figure 8.39. Wore guest workers typically work as domestic stall in people's homes or serve sector
employment in the city's rapidly growing retailing and tourism sector Tourism is an increasingly
important sector ol the Dubai economy.

Population movements to saudi arabia

Saudi Arabia, the conservative, oil-rich state on the Arabian Peninsula, has a large foreign labor force.
Although migrants make up only 33% of the total population, they account for 56% of all employees.
Approximately 74% of foreign naborals are men, and the majority are semi-skilled. While the majority
(26.5%) work in the construction industry, many also work in retail and wholesale (22%) as well as
domestic work (15 percent)

Working conditions
These Middle Eastern immigrants send home billions of dollars in remittances to their families. However,
they frequently work long hours and have limited ability to challenge their employers, some of whom fail to
provide promised pay and benefits. Workers' working conditions in Dubai, for example, have been described as
"less than human" by Human Rights Walch (a human rights NGO).

Population movements from the middle east and the northern africa
In other parts of the Middle East and Northern Africa, people are fleeing to seek economic opportunities or
to avoid violence or political instability; in North Africa, a region of emigration, foreigners account for
less than 1% of the population. Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Turkey account for
one-third of France's 5.3 million foreigners, while Germany has one-third of its foreign-born population
from the Middle East.

Refugees or displaced people

The United Nations (UN) officially defines a refugee as a person who has been forced to flee their home because
of their race, religion, ethnicity, or political beliefs.Maw people disagree with this definition and that
millions of people who have ion, take into account those millions of people who have lost their livelihood
and been forced to flee their horse but fatal Within their origin due to drought, starvation, bod
degradation, natural disasters, poverty, and political conflict. To avoid the problems associated with the
outdated UN definition of a refugee, the term LatelY despite person (IDE) is used.
Another classification is "economic" refugees, which are people who leave their home in search of a better way
of life. One of the difficulties that governments face is distinguishing between economic refugees and
genuine refugees. Since the 1970s, the number of refugees has increased significantly.

Case study - refugee crisis: syria and south sudan

Syria's civil war and the flight of its population
The Syrian civil war began in March 2011, when and- government demonstrators took to the streets of
Syria's cities and towns as part of the so-called Arab Spring.
The largely peaceful protests quickly devolved into violence due to Kussan hacking president Kashar al Read's
gourman! forces owning a scent crackdown Sas LEBANI 400 kJm. Armed opposition groups began to fight
back. By July 2011, the Front Syrian Army and a large number of armed civilians had joined the opposition.
The politics of the country have been compiled by divisions between secular and religious fullers, as well as
between ethnic groups. The highly complex and contested civil war has no end in sight. Ilenic Tale, a
terrorist organization, used the unrest to expand its territory and establish what it called a caliphate.

South sudan refugee crisis

at the end of 2016. The South Sudan crisis caused the fastest growing refugee population (as shown in Figure
83.21). People have been displaced from their homes since the conflict began (see Figure 8.3.20). Nearly 4
million people have been displaced, with 2.1 million internally displaced, and more than 18 million fleeing
to neighboring countries.
The South Sudanese civil war began in late 2013 when the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-in Opposition
(SPLM-10) split from the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) due to political tensions exacerbated by
economic problems and drought. Massive displacement has resulted from the conflict. raging violence and
severe food shortages. Almost half of the population requires humanitarian assistance.

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