Contoh KPTM Bangi Fun Run Report 2022 - BS6.72

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Encik Mohd Zahaminul Hakim Bin Mohd Amin



1.0 Introduction 1

2.0 Background of the Event 2

3.0 Objectives/Purpose of the Event 3

4.0 Achievement 4

5.0 Summary of Event Implementation 18

i. Methods Of Implementation
ii. What Is The Activity
iii. Who’s Involve
iv. When And How The Implementation
v. How You Do Marketing or Promote
6.0 Areas of Improvement 25

7.0 Listing of Participants and Attendance 27

8.0 Conclusion 28

9.0 Appendix 29
i. Design for logo/banner/backdrop
ii. Tentative leaflets
iii. Invitation cards
iv. Event script
v. Participant Evaluation Form
vi. Budget
vii. Photo Session
viii. Minutes of meeting
ix. Transactions
x. Others

In the Southeast Asia, Malaysia has the highest rate of obesity among adults. According to
the National Health and Morbidity Survey for 2019, 50.1 percent of our adult population is
overweight or obese. Obesity raises the risk of noncommunicable diseases such as type 2
diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and malignancies of the breast, large intestine, pancreas,
and kidney. Obesity raises the risk of type 2 diabetes seven times more in males and twelve
times more in women when compared to those who have a normal bodyweight. Also,
according to studies around the world, diabetes is more common in those under the age of
40. The increased incidence of obesity is one of the key factors. Diabetes that develops at a
young age is linked to a more aggressive illness and a greater risk of complications.

Furthermore, the present epidemic Coronavirus 19 may lead to a rise in obesity rates.
This is due to the fact that people are scared to go out from their housing areas and risk
themselves from getting infected by the virus. But this mentality may bring up many types of
other diseases that is related to inactivity. When people take the option of just staying at home
and risk being inactive, they risk themselves plenty diseases such as Heart diseases, High
blood pressure, Stroke, Metabolic syndrome and many more. A study conducted by Professor
Pietrobelli in Italy found that, 41 obese children and adolescents in Italy was reported to have
less time exercising and higher intake of unhealthy junk foods, compared to data obtained
before the Coronavirus 19 outbreak.

Therefore, the students of Kolej Poly-Tech Mara Bangi from BS6.72 created an event
named KPTM Bangi Fun Run. The event requires the participants to run of 2 kilometres at any
pace they prefer. The aim of our event is solely focused on insuring people participate and
join our event to fight inactivity amongst themselves. Our event also focuses on providing
awareness on certain diseases that can be caused due to obesity. We have provided many
goods and prizes so the public will be even more motivated to join and participate. We also
believe that the KPTM Bangi Fun Run event has many benefits towards the participants
especially on their physical health, mental health, soul, and personal development.


The KPTM Bangi Fun Run will be organized by Sports Management students from class
BS6.72 (BS101). This program was created to raise awareness about living a healthy lifestyle,
bring people together, and inspire them to make changes in their fitness and well-being. The
purpose of this event is to encourage attendees to live a healthy lifestyle. This is due to the
fact that running can improve circulation and increase a person's heart rate. Aerobic capacity
increases the participant's ability to stay in shape and makes daily duties easier. Thus, our
event promotes participants to reduce the risks of Cardiovascular disorders such as angina,
heart attacks, and high blood pressure.


Students are expected to accomplish the following goals before the end of the event:

1) To insure everyone who participates lives a healthy lifestyle.

2) To ensure everyone who participates is not prone to diseases caused by inactivity.
3) To ensure people have a healthy activity during the corona virus outbreak.
4) To ensure the participants can increase cardiovascular fitness

Furthermore, the main goal for this event is to meet the assessment criteria for the Event
Management topic (PMG3144) provided in Kolej Poly Tech Mara (KPTM) Bangi's programme
Diploma in Sports Management (BS101). Thus, the objective indirectly teaching students from
BS6.72 on how to plan an event in a creative and critical manner.



My contribution as a Program Director was, I was in charge of directing all parts of an

organizational endeavor, including selecting working committees, managing the budget,
and informing potential participants about the programme. Their responsibilities include
defining the program's scope, setting deadlines and assigning work to team members.
Some of the duties that has been carried out by me was to give everyone in the class a
position that I believe they can manage. Next, I had taught and trained them on how to
carry out their responsibilities. Thus, I had also motivated them so they can do their task
Moving on, as program director, I had initiate and defined targets for this programme
based on the strategic goals of the event. Such as, what is the target of this event and
how many people will join. Lastly, I had developed and approved operations and budgets
that have been given.
Besides, I had ensured that all team members are working according to schedule and
that the project will be completed on time. Next, as the program director, I also had
developed and maintain effective communication within the organization. Thus, I also had
led our group discussions every week to ensure everything runs smoothly and my
classmates can ask questions if they do not understand any tasks that have been given
to them. Moving on, I have also called and guided some of the participants who had
problems and misunderstanding with the rules, submission and how the event will play
out. Next, I have also guided every committee in their tasks. So far, I have guided the
emcee on making their scripts for the talk and announcement that will be carried out soon
for the event. Next, I have guided and selected people who will contribute in our
announcement such as giving informational talks and reciting the Doa.
Moving on, before the event, I also guided the technical team and multimedia team to
send out and keep updating the participants of our event. This is to remind the participants
so they would not miss our event. Other than that, after the event finished, I guided the
event treasurer, Aqil Irfan to message all the 3 winners from the KPTM Bangi Fun run to
give them their prize money. I also guided him to screenshot all receipts as proof and so
we can attach it on our report later on.


As an assistant program director, mostly my job is to help Yusuf Abbas with his task.
Even though my job is mainly assistant, there is also a few things I do to help and
ensure this even will be a success. Next, we started discussing what kind of event that
is going to be held that will give an impact to the participants and the others. Each
group member’s has given their opinion. At first, we all agreed on to do a Fun Run
event. Our programme director, Muhammad Yusuf Abbas was strongly agreed after I
gave my opinion about it and same goes with others. All committee members agreed
that this KPTM Bangi Fun Run is a great event that can be held and also will give the
participants the impact that we are looking for. Next, after getting the approval from our
advisor, sir Mohd Zahaminul Hakim, we proceed with the event and start to do meeting
and rehearsal before the actual day of the event.
On the days that our meeting was conducted, me as an assistant of programme
director, has intended to give the meaning of our mission and vision. As discussed, our
mission for this event is to raises the benefit of Fun Run and for our vision is to
increasing social activities contributes to filling our free time through rewarding work
with many benefits to the individual or society.
Next, me and Yusuf has discussed on how the event will be implemented. I
have encouraged the multimedia team to create and always updating infographics so
that this event would not back down. With the responsibility that I hold, I have made
sure that all committee members completed their tasks on schedule and that the
project is completed on time. Furthermore, I am also motivating and assisting them in
improving their performance. Lastly, on the day before the closing ceremony took
place, I have helped our programme director organized a rehearsal in order for this
event to run smoothly and so we can prevent anything bad from happening before the
event happens. We had done 4 rehearsals all together.


Me as a secretary, I give a lot of insight to my group members to create an interesting

event. Although tired of being a secretary I am still proud because my team members
gave me a lot of encouragement to think of an interesting event to show to everyone.
Next, we started to discuss what kind of event that is going to be held. After the
discussing session, we decided to launch a Fun Run virtual event.
Second, we were given the next task of making a proposal. I also have helped
our Program Director, Yusuf Abbas in making proposal. In addition, I am also
responsible for always taking minutes of meeting during meeting of committee for
make the proposal. After the proposal was ready, we were asked by Sir Hakim to
present our proposal during her class. Alhamdulillah, our proposal was accepted by
Sir Hakim. In addition, I had the opportunity to promote our event on social media, I
always reminded graphic and designer members and publicity members to make
interesting posters and banners for this event. After several times I promoted this event
on social media, some people asked me if they wanted to enter the event. At the same
time, I continued to explain about the event and gave the participants a registration
letter to our event. Once enough participants, we continue to create a group in the
telegram to please the participants and us to communicate about the result. In the
group telegram, I informed the participants that the result must be sent before the
deadline, which is before 2nd February 2022 untill 15th February 2022 in the platform
we already give to the participants which is the google form, not to forget, I also
informed the participants that this event will take place on 20th February 2022, which
is on Sunday.
Furthemore, at the same time we were also asked by Sir Hakim to present the
progress we have made week to week to see our event running or not. After that, sir
gave another idea to make our event more interesting on the day of the event. Before
the last day of our event. We were asked by Sir Hakim to make a rehearsal for her to
assess us.
Lastly, on February 20, 2022 which is an important date for us and the day on
which we choose to pick the winners. That evening I informed our telegram group that
the event would take place from 8.00pm -10.00 pm. I ask for participants to be able to
follow the program and be able to enter early into google meet. While waiting for the
participants to enter google meet, I asked the team multimedia to play a song to enliven
this event. At 8:30 after many people entered google meet, we continued to start the
event. Not to forget, I also had the opportunity to guide the prayer reading for the event
virtual fun run KPTM Bangi.


My contribution in KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022 event was I was in charge of managing
and control the funds the association raises. Although all the members have equal
responsibility for the control and management of funds, holding a treasurer position
plays an important part in helping the committee carry out these duties properly. Some
of the duties that must be carried out by me were to maintain a record of all income
and expenditure. This can be done in a simple accounts book or using a computer-
based package. It is my responsible for handling the money raised at events, making
approved payments and making arrangements for counting of money at events. Other
than that, I had provided account for cash floats during the event. Also, I was involved
in pursuing charitable status and Gift Aid. During the whole event I need to maintain
accurate and detailed financial records. I need to be fully prepared for the event going
smoothly. Finally, on the day of closing ceremony, I had contacted all the winner to
give them the prizes and message them to get their account number. All transactions
and consolation gifts were settled by me. All of the postage process being going
smoothly because all the winners being cooperate with me.


As a Head of Protocol Bureau, I need to create a registration platform through the

Google Form for the participants to fill up if they are interested in participating in our
Fun Run. On December 16th of 2022, my team and I created a Whatsapp Group to
discuss the details we need from the participants. Some other things that we discussed
via Whatsapp Group and Google Meet, we also discussed the Frequently asked
Questions (FAQ), Terms and Conditions and Waives of Claims to acknowledge the
participants about our event before it’s start.
This event is about a virtual marathon run in a set distance, our team and the
rest of the group had to create a virtual fun run event so the participants can run
anywhere anytime as they want. However, the results of their runs will be submitted
on our next form that we created which is Run Submission where the name, email,
telephone number, and also the screenshots of their results will be submitted. My team
and I had divided the tasks for each group member so they could do their own jobs. In
the first place, it has been a week since our team opened the form for the run
submission. There are certain participants who still did not hand in their runs. As an
admin and leader for the run submission, I do some reminders to the Whatsapp Group.
After all the submissions are submitted, my team and I finalize on deciding the winners
for at least the top 3 based on their time and who does their runs the fastest. Once the
winners were finalized, my team and I submitted the winner's name and record to the
Multimedia team for them to do an announcement through the banners and the emcee
as well. So they can make a script to announce the participants during the event.
Starting on the 29th January 2022, the first run submission was received by the
participants and continuously received others results as well until 12pm on 15th
February 2022. There were 22 submissions after all. My team and I featured with the
Program Director, Mohammad Yusuf Abbas did some filtering and chose the best three
for the winners.
Lastly, during the event I was assigned to give a speech on the physical
benefits of running. As an exit and to enclose our event, my team and I create a
Feedback via Google Form to get feedback from the participants and the audiences.


In this event, I have two positions which is assistant protocol teams for registration and
documentation. As an assistant protocol teams, I have collaborated with Aya Suffea
the most. Even through my job is mainly as an assistant, there is also a few things I
did to help and ensure this event will be success. For my position, I have created Terms
and Conditions for KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022. Each participant must ensure his and
her health condition, is fit before participating in this virtual running event. Each
participant shall be responsible for his or her own health and condition. Our team shall
not be responsible for personal injury or death during or after this virtual event. All
personal data collected will be use administrative and event merchandise distribution
purpose only. Participants must provide genuine information our team. Any willful
dishonesty may render a participant’s entry invalid. We create a WhatsApp’s group for
all the KPTM Bangi Fun Run participants. We have decided to save all the participants’
telephone numbers so that we can provide info in WhatsApp’s group. This is because,
they can know about the news we want to convey about our event.
Next, As the documentation for KPTM BANGI FUN RUN Event, I have
committee in my task to make sure all the things have done for the event. I am also
promoted our event to my friends, in my personal social media which is Instagram for
they too joined our event. Moving on, I have also assigned to rehearsal with team
conducted by our Programmed Director. These rehearsals were to ensure the progress
in this event and all of the information is going smoothly. The key to managing
engagement successfully and confidently is by rehearsing it.
Lastly, this event successfully because we are in one. We put together in a
team. This has event staff and volunteer teams in place to help things run as smoothly
as possible. we will want something similar for our event. For starters, we will need a
tech support team on hand. These individuals can help presenters navigate event
technology and mitigate any trouble faced by event attendees. Be sure to include
contact information for tech support in our registration package and any pre-event
communication. Put a person (or two) in charge of making sure each presenter is ready
and able to go at the scheduled time. A virtual event needs to be on time. At a physical
event, some interactions can take place if there is a slight delay. With a virtual event,
people are more apt to just log off and never return. Keep things going as planned. We
will want to have people moderating chat rooms, as well. This will keep abusive
behavior to a minimum but also enable the virtual audience to ask questions of the
keynote speaker or presenter.


I am the master of IT and also known as a Technical Event of an event, my role is to

control PowerPoint slide, music and montage video for the event. I volunteered to be
the KPTM Bangi Fun Run in IT position because I wanted to. Preparation for this role
was quite excited for me because I never had this role in my life. A bad experience in
IT can ruin an event while an excellent one creates a seamless and engaging
experience in which audience never get bored of the event slide. I worked with Husna,
the Head of multimedia to create the slide. I am grateful that the slide that she created
were the best slide in our events. I also asked sir Hakim and Yusuf, our programme
director to review her slide.
First of all, I accept this role because I want trying to get the experience as an
IT. Although, the event is conducted online. Sometimes I do not know how to present
a slide. No matter what the event is, one of the items on this duty is present the best
slide. If it is a virtual run event, I must make sure the slide follows the schedule of the
event. When it comes to the national song, I need to make sure the sound is loud and
clearly and also for the KPTM song. We have 15 people in our group who have their
own respective duties and we are all involved in this event.
Moreover, I also had made sure everyone getting excitement before event start.
I have made the audience excited while waiting the event to start by putting some
music such as The Champion and Aspire. The more energy you have, the more vibe
the audience will be. And if I open some boring music, there is a good chance your
audience will also be bored and not interested being at the event. Next, I also had set
a best background sound to make it more fun. It is thus important to find a good music
for the event more red-blooded. A good music will be able to push their nerve into
something that can make them feel the goosebumps.
Lastly, before we run the real event, we make last rehearsal with my
classmates at 4:00PM before we start the real event on the same day at 8:00pm until
10:00pm. During the rehearsal, we fix our slide because we had some flaws in the
slide. Yusuf as programme director gave some advice about the slide. For example, I
had to fix the music of national song and KPTM song. So, the solution of that problem
is put my microphone on the speakers and make it turn the sound back into the
microphone. So that is how I fix the problem. We start our event at 8:00p.m, but we
enter the online meet at 7.45pm because I had to play some music before the event
start and while waiting for the participants join the meet and we follow the schedule
that have been plan and until we finish. It is hard but still I learn new things and I having
so much fun with all my partner.


I am the master of ceremonies and also known as an emcee of the event, my role is
crucial to the success of the program and to act as a host of the event. I volunteered
to be the KPTM FUNRUN emcee and prepared the script for the first time. Preparation
for this role was quite nervous coming for me. A bad emcee can ruin an event while
an excellent one creates a seamless and engaging experience in which speakers feel
comfortable and the audience feels included from start to finish. We have two emcees
to manage this event which is me and Syafi. I worked with him alot to create scripts. I
am grateful that the scripts we created were successful to finish our events. We also
asked sir Hakim and Yusuf, our programme director to review our scripts.
Firstly, I accepted this role because I want to get the experience as emcee.
Although, the event is conducted online. Sometimes I do not know how to speak in
boldly and confidently in public. No matter what the event is, one of the items on the
emcee duties list is to introduce people. Next, I should facilitate questions and answer
from the audience. I will gather the questions and comments from the session live chat,
the event’s social media channels, and private messages especially for winners. We
give our winners time to say a few words before we continue the event.
Moreover, I had made sure that the audience get excited. I will make the
audience excited while photo session and do some funny things and make my own
sound from the mouth. Also, must set the tone for the event there are times to be
serious, and times to have fun. It is thus important to find a good balance to set the
tone for the event. A good emcee will be able to read the crowd and set the correct
tone for the entire event.
Lastly, before we run the real event, I have joined our last rehearsal with my
classmates at 4:00PM before we start the real event on the same day at 8:00pm until
10:00pm. During the rehearsal, we fixed and improved our script. Yusuf as programme
director gave the words that we should and what we should not. Other than that, we
added the scripts. For example, we added a QR code script to the runners who join
our meet to scan and fill their feedback. The script was “before all of you leave, we
need your cooperation to scan the QR code that has been given in the slide to fill the
survey from our event. If any of you face difficulties during scanning the QR code, you
also can just copy and paste the link besides it. Your feedback is highly appreciated”.
We started the event at 8:00pm, but we enter the meet at 7:45pm to avoid any delays.
Besides, after we join the meet, we play some song while waiting for other participants
to join our event. Lastly, while we played the song and waited for everyone to join, I as
an emcee rehearsed the script myself to avoid mistakes and so on.


As an emcee, our job is to host any shows or events and make it happen as we can.
In this role, I carry out my duty introducing our event crew and other keys member to
the audience along with their position in this event. To host this event like a
professional, I need to think a way to interact with the audience. Along with the script
that I made together with my partner, we also have been discussing about the tone
and mood that need to fit and suit with the event. As a sport event, energetic and hype
the audience might be the most suitable for this event. Thus, as an emcee, I need to
think a way about how to handle the event and remain calm to bring the focus back to
the purpose of the event if we are facing any difficulties such as participants distraction
or lost connection during hosting the event since we have been doing this online.
Other than that, I also helped others committee brainstorming the idea on how
to make this event happening and enjoyable. As an emcee, our program director
assigned me and my partner to be under a new committee which is multimedia
committee. I have been sharing the event account and the competition on social media
to raise an engagement. On the other hand, I have recreated and added some
additional information to be add in our script. To create the best atmosphere for the
event, me and my partner needs to rethink and combine the best idea of us to attract
the audience attention and avoid them from being bored during our event.
To make our event going as smooth as fur, I have been practicing a lot read
the script and checking my pronunciation to make voice clear, loud and energetic to
the audience.
Lastly, before the event start, there is scene when my partner having a difficulty
that she cannot make it to host with me for the event. My partner, Nadia has been
replaced with Norahafizah to be my partner for the event and we have been rehearsing
about 3 hours earlier for the one last time before the event start. In the rehearsal, I
have made some rearrangement with the script since Norahafizah has been taken the
role. When the event is about to start, I make myself comfortable and make sure my
surrounding is clear. I also pray that this event will be run smoothly and successfully
reach to the end without any distraction. During the event, every committee help us a
lot with supporting and hyping the audience to make it fun, enjoyable and energetic. I
am very satisfied with what every committee members and I have been worked for this
event and all participants give us a good response and attention. Our event ended well
and we are really happy because everything goes and stick to what we have been
planned. Without us noticing, this event raises an awareness to the outsider to do
exercise and joining the event in many way since we still living with covid-19 pandemic.


As a head of poster and video in multimedia, my job is must develop and produce
multimedia piece for use on social media, design information content for visual and
audio communication, publication and display using print, film, electronic, digital and
other form of visual and audio media to spread information on our event to the
Moving on, to edit the poster and video, I have discussed and meet with the
head of multimedia, Siti Nurhusna to create our poster design and establish the desired
feel and look for the video to be created. Also, I have edited a video include pee-
selected music, sound clips and other important aspects of the project. Overall, there
are 3 videos and 2 posters which is invitation card and certificate that I have done. I
created our poster and video using the VN and Canva Application. I will ensure that all
editing in this event is qualified with all the information required in the poster and video.
However, as a Head of Graphic Designer I also have created and gave speech in this
event. The tittle of the speech is “Physical Benefit of Running Marathon”.
Finally, I have also assigned to two rehearsals with conducted by organizer
team, in the final rehearsal one of our emcee team was suspected Covid-19. Due to
that, Our Programme Director has selected me to become the emcee. In the rehearsal,
I have made some rearrangement with the script with my emcee partner, Syafi and he
taught me a lot. Alhamdulillah, in the real event all the instruction and information are
going smoothly.


My role as the Head of Multimedia was to promote publicity and provide infographic to
the audience from the beginning until the end of our event. I am highly responsible to
make sure that our event was successfully promoted. As a Multimedia and Graphic
designer, I have developed and produce multimedia pieces for use on social media,
design information content for visual and audio communications, publication and digital
and other forms of visual and audio media to spread information on our event to the
My first task in this event was creating an Instagram and Tiktok account. From
the beginning of this event, I have collaborated a lot with Norahafizah, the multimedia
and graphic designer in creating an infographic material. Since norahafizah was busy
on creating a video and logo of KPTM Bangi Fun Run, I have helped her in creating a
poster, banner, background and slides for the upcoming presentation and ceremony.
After getting the approval from our advisor, I have posted and updating social media
with all the graphic materials of KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022 includes the poster,
banner, background, videos and the tentative of the event. The goal is to keep our
social platforms such as Instagram and Tiktok constantly updated and to make it easier
for participants to obtain information of our event. To market our event, I have
encouraged each of group members to post on their personal social media such as
Instagram story, Facebook page, Tiktok page and many more to increase the numbers
of participants and viewers for our event.
Furthermore, me as the Head of multimedia, I am responsible to keep track of
my team's progress in carrying out their responsibilities. I have provided them
instructions and tasks and managing social media accounts if I overlooked.
Moving on, I have also provided an invitation card that is recommended by Sir
Hakim for this event. In this progress, I have discussed and provide instructions with
Multimedia and graphic designer team on creating an invitation card. We created the
invitation card using the Canva application and making sure that all of the information
in our invitation card is correct. Furthermore, before the event, me and technical team
had sent out invitation card and information of our event to all participants and team
organizers so they would not miss our event ceremony.
Next, on the day of the event, I have volunteered to give a speech during the
ceremony. The speech provides some information about “mental benefits of running”
to all the attendees who have joined our event. The goal of doing this is to enliven the
event. Lastly, after the event took place, I have posted and updated the winners on our
social platforms.


As a multimedia assistant, I am responsible for working closely with multimedia team

on tasks such as obtaining edited video and poster to post it on social media and
developing and maintaining strong relationships with social media.
Next, as an assistant of Multimedia, I had also developed a media placement,
monitor the progression of media and campaigns, learned on how to use social media
tools, and perform other duties as assigned. A media assistant, I also had developed
strategies to increase the number of audiences reach and engagement across all
media channels and will create daily content that fits with our event purposes.
Furthermore, as media assistant, I also have tracked, analyzed and report on user
activity and data, moderating, and interpreting.
During the event, I have made sure that our social media were active with post
and stories especially on our Instagram, so that our participant knows that we are still
active with our event. Lastly, on the day of closing ceremony of the event, my duty was
to simply check on our participant attendance on google meet. Without interruption, I
have recorded all the attendance of the audience and updated it to our secretary.


As the Protocol Breau position in this Fun Run Event, I assisted our team leader
in this protocol breau teams which is Aya Suffea and created the registration form for
the participants to fill in their details. I reminded her about information and things that
must have on the registration form. We divided our task fairly to other members to do
their task. I am the person responsible to identify security risks and create safety plans
to avoid and prevent some things unexpected happening during the events. For the
terms & conditions for this event, for example, what attire that allow the wear while
running and what things that can or cannot do. We are also in charge to arrange the
meeting to exchange the policies of the Fun Run event and discuss the flow of the
In addition, on 10 January 2022, we created a WhatsApp group and invited 30 people
who are participate in this event. The objective of this is to share information related to
the event such as registration link to fill in their detail, submission link for them
submitted the results of their running and sending it to us. The group WhatsApp that
we created, we keep updated to them about the latest updates of the event so they
can refer from it. We also share with them our official social media such as Instagram
and Tiktok that we post about our videos and posters of Fun Run event on social media
to promote to others to join it.
Furthermore, on 7 February 2022, we were given a new position and task in our event.
The new position that was given to me is head of Registration, Certificate & Souvenirs.
As the head of Registration, Certificate & Souvenirs, I am responsible for sending all
the E-certificate to the participants in this event in a total of 30 people. After all the E-
certificates were ready and fully prepared, she sent all the certificates to me as the
person in charge of sending them to the participants.
Last but not least, on 18 February 2022, I have joined the whole team to do the
last rehearsal to make sure the event ran smoothly as we planned and to prevent
something unexpected happened during the event. After the event ended, I sent the
E-Certificate to all participants via the WhatsApp group that we created on 10 January
to appreciate their achievement and cooperation in joining our Fun Run Event Kptm
Bangi 2022.


I currently hold the role of Publicity and Sponsorship. Publicity and Sponsorship.
Firstly, I assisted in the dissemination of the KPTM Bangi fun run poster and
information about the event through media coverage and other kinds of
communication. This is to encourage more people to attend the event. In addition, I
also organized a fundraiser among event committee members to purchase free
consolation prizes to offer to participants as a thank you for participating in our fun run
event. In addition, I organized a fundraising with committee members so that we could
award cash awards to the top three finishers in this fun race. Furthermore, I have also
had researched for sponsorship for our group so that we can acquire specific attire for
each member of our event committee so that everyone looks the same on the day of
the event.
The event took place on February 20, 2022 and it went off without a hitch till
the finish. As I hold a Publicity and Sponsorship position, I have marketed to ensure
the event going to be successful. Finally, I have also cooperated and attended together
with all the committee members in every rehearsal made by members of our
organization. This is to ensure that our event runs smoothly.


5.1 Methods of Implementation

For this virtual event, we chose to disseminate them online because it is the easiest way
to promote this event. On the 5th of January, the multimedia committee has created an
Instagram page, before the event begins. KPTM Bangi Fun Run is the name of the
Instagram page. This Instagram page will solely be used to spread information to the event
participants about the event. Event participants can visit our Instagram page to find out
information on how to join, what applications they need to download, the tentative of our
event, the prize pool and many more. Besides Instagram app, we also created a TikTok
account because this app has many users and is very popular nowadays.

We as the committees have created a Whatsapp group and Telegram group to spread
information on our event so they will be no misunderstanding. In these groups, we provided
google forms and informational posters. We also informed that the participant must begin
their run from the 2nd of February to the 15th of February. The participants are required to
run at least 2 KM to compete and join our event. Next, the participants must take a
screenshot of their run through applications such as, Google Fit, Strava, Polar, and Apple
Health that can track their run-in kilometers. Moving on, the participants must submit the
screenshot proof of running in our Google Form provided before the deadline.

On the 18th of February to 19th February, the working committees will post out all the
consolation gifts to all the participants as promised. The consolation gifts include an E-
certificate, a gym towel, and a sports water bottle. We have prepared consolation gifts to
say thank you to all the participants that has joined our event and so the participants will
be more engaged in other sports events like ours.

On the closing day of the event, we would like to invite all our participants again to join
our appreciation ceremony by sending them an invitation card. Our multimedia committee
has also posted them on our social media’s so all the participants are acknowledged and
will attend the closing ceremony. We started the appreciation ceremony with singing the
National Anthem and KPTM Gemilang song. Next, we invited our honoured Advisor, Sir
Mohd Zahaminul Hakim Bin Mohd Amin who gave a very inspirational speech.
Furthermore, our Programme Director, Mohammad Yusuf Abbas was invited to give his
speech on obesity awarenesss and an introduction for our event. Next, we had some
informational talks on benefits of running on our mental and physical health by Siti

Nurhusna Binti Hamdan, the Head of Multimedia and Aya Suffea Ithri Binti Muhammad
Nasarudin, the Head of Protocol and rules & regulations. Moving on, we announced all the
winners. Participants will then be given an evaluation form for this event, they are required
to fill in the google form based on their experience while undergoing the KPTM Bangi Fun
Run event.

4.0 What Is the Activity

5.2.1 KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022

The KPTM Bangi Fun Run is a 2-kilometre run test. The 2-kilometre run test is one
of numerous endurance and aerobic walking or running tests available. This run
test is mostly very popular and is often used of by the Indian cricket team and the
Australian football team to test their athlete’s performance and endurance. The
equipment’s needed to undergo the 2-kilometre run test are running applications
such as Strava, Nike Run or Apple health and a 2 km flat running course. The
participant may screenshot their results as proof to ease the work of committees
to select the winner of our event.

5.2.2 Mental Benefit of Running

On the day of closing ceremony, our Head of Multimedia of KPTM Bangi Fun Run,
Siti Nurhusna Binti Hamdan has volunteered to share some knowledge on the
benefits of running of our mental health. From her speech, she shared that running
a marathon will help us reap the mental health benefits such as stress
reduction, research suggests that running in times of stress helps you better
handle life's challenges by increasing our mental resilience. Next, from her speech,
she also shared that we could gain a new outlook from running. “The person who
starts a marathon is not the same person who finishes a marathon.” We are sure
to be a different person at the finish line because we will forever know that we have
the mental and physical strength to persevere, even during times when we think
we cannot and would not succeed. Next, on the next benefit that Husna has
shared, she also mentioned that we can improved motivation from running. We
cannot get away with not training when it comes to a marathon, so having one on
our calendar will keep us motivated to stick to our training schedule. On days when
our motivation is lacking, we will think about how we will feel if we are undertrained,
cannot finish, or have to cancel and find the strength train anyway. Husna also

mentioned that from her research, she said that running may help alleviate
symptoms of mood and anxiety disorders. Regular exercise, such as running, was
found to be moderately more effective than no therapy for reducing depressive

5.2.3 Physical Benefit of Running

On the day of the closing ceremony, we had our second knowledge sharing
session by Aya Suffea Ithri Binti Muhammad Nasarudin, our Head of Protocol and
rules & regulations of KPTM Bangi Fun Run. She offered to speak on the physical
health advantages of running. She mentioned that training for a marathon has
many physical health benefits for the body. For example, running improved our
overall health. Running regularly strengthens our heart by increasing our aerobic
capacity and helping keep our blood pressure and high cholesterol at healthy
levels. It also improves our immune system and increases muscle strength. In
addition, she also said that longer runs push your body to strengthen fast-twitch
fibers in the muscles to combat fatigue and build strength and power. Furthermore,
from her speech, she also mentioned that from running, we can also achieve a
better sleep. Marathon training can be really exhausting. Our body will crave sleep
since it repairs itself while we are resting. We will find ourselves getting to bed
earlier and sleeping more soundly. Besides sleep, we also can achieve a better

5.3 Who is involved?

5.3.1 Participants
This event is targeted to all the students from semester 1 to semester 7 of KPTM
Bangi and to the public or anyone who wants to join our KPTM Bangi Fun Run in
order to improve their fitness no matter the age or gender. Thus, everyone is
welcomed to join us. The event was opened only for the first 30 people who
participates, so it will be a first come first serve basis.
From the event that we conducted, we found that many participants that joined
the KPTM Bangi Fun Run are from the KPTM Bangi Students. Majority of them
are range of 19-23 years old and 60% of them are from the range of men, while
40% of them are from the range of women.

5.3.2 Organizers

Advisor Sir Mohd Zahaminul Hakim Bin Mohd Amin

Chairman Of the Class Mohammad Yusuf Abbas
Asst. Chairman of The Class Noriqmal Bin Nor Azmi
Secretary Muhammad Irfan Bin Zaidee
Event Treasurer Muhammad Aqil Irfan Mohd Fairus
TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Aya Suffea Ithri Binti Muhammaad Nasarudin
Secretariat and Protocol
(Group 1)
DOCUMENTATION Nik Asma Fa’iqa Binti Salam
(Group 2)
LOGISTICS AND IT Tuan Luqman Al Hakim Bin Tuan Azman
(Group 3)
SAFETY AND HEALTH Muhammad Shahrizul Aiman Bin Massharizat
(Group 4)
PUBLICITY AND Muhammad Farhan Hakimee Bin Rosmezan
(Group 5)
PUBLICITY AND Muhammad Danial Mirza Bin Muhammad
(Group 6)
REGISTRATION, Nurul Anesha Binti Norizan
(Group 7)
EMCEE Muhammad Syafi Aiman Bin Arisarono
(Group 8) Siti Normala Nadia Binti Mohd Shariff

MULTIMEDIA AND GRAPHIC Siti Nurhusna Binti Hamdan

DESIGNER Norahafizah Binti Hashim
(Group 9)

5.4 When and How the Implementation

• Participation is open to all participants.
• Participants are required to fill in the google forms
th th
5 January- 18 January provided
(Wednesday) • Participant can get better insights on event
through our Instagram.
• Participants are required to begin their run and
submit the information as requested on the
nd th
2 February-15 February Google Form provided.
(Wednesday) • The participants must submit the required
information before the deadline on 15th February.
• Head of Multimedia provided a tentative for all
16th February -17th participants involved and post it online

• Talk session and appreciation ceremony will be

20th February conducted via Google Meet at 8 PM.

The whole event was planned on the second and third week of our syllabus for the
subject Event Management. We began opening a registration after receiving consent
from our advisor. Participants are required to fill in the google form we have provided
on 5th January until 18th of January. Participant can get a better insight on our event
through our Instagram and Tiktok posted by the Multimedia team. All confirmed
participants will be invited in our Telegram and Whatsapp group.
Moving on, all participants were required to begin their run and submit the
information as requested on the Google Form provided on 2nd February until 15th
February. All participants were required to submit their screenshot as proof before the
deadline which ended on Wednesday 15th February 2022.
Furthermore, on February 17, 2022, the Multimedia team released and posted
the tentative of the KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022 closing ceremony on our social media
platforms and distributed it to all participants including to all committee members

involved. The purpose of the distribution of the tentative was to ensure every
participant and committee members were informed and updated on how the event is
going to play out.
On the day of the ceremony, the event was successfully held via Google Meet
on 20th February 2022 at 8pm to10pm with 46 audiences involved. All committee
members joined the Google Meet at 7.45pm to be prepared and to avoid any
inconvenience from occurring. The event began at 8pm. The ceremony started with
greetings from our emcee and organizers then we sang the National Anthem and
KPTM Gemilang song together with the audience. Next, we invited our honoured
Advisor, Sir Mohd Zahaminul Hakim Bin Mohd Amin who gave a very inspirational
speech. Furthermore, our Programme Director, Mohammad Yusuf Abbas was invited
to give his speech on obesity awarenesss and an introduction for our event. Next, we
had some knowledge sharing on benefits of running on our mental and physical health
by Siti Nurhusna Binti Hamdan, the head of multimedia and Aya Suffea. Moving on,
we shared a video montage to the audience that was created by the Multimedia team
to enliven the ceremony. The videos showed all the contribution made by the
committee and participants throughout our event. Next, we moved on to the part of the
event that everyone has been waiting for which is the prize giving ceremony. The
emcee announced all the winners and the rest of the committee cheered and
congratulated them. The person who won the first prize was Aqif Qayyum, with a time
of 6 minutes and 20 seconds. While the person who won the second prize was Luqman
Daniel, with duration of 6 minutes 45 seconds and the third prize Shaheer Haiqal with
duration of 8 minutes 45 seconds. After prize ceremony, we also had a photo session
with the audience where we asked them to turn on their cameras and smile for the
photo. This was the purpose for our report and our memories. Furthermore, we moved
on to the agenda on our tentative which was the QR sessions. We requested that all
participant to scan the code and give their feedback on our event so we can make
future improvements in the next event.

5.5 How you do promotion/marketing

We have advertised KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022 in a variety of ways as it is a virtual
event. In order to promote our event, the Multimedia team has created an Instagram
and Tiktok account to promote and to spread information of this event. Our Head
of Multimedia was in charge of creating an infographic material such as poster,
banner, logo, videos and uploading it on our social media platforms including
Instagram and Tiktok and tagged the official main account of MPP KPTM Bangi, as
well as promoting our event on the Official KPTM Bangi conference telegram group.
This is one of the reasons why majority of our participants are students from KPTM
In the videos that we prepared, we also added music and visual aids so the
participant or anyone watching will be more entertained and enlighten to join. Some
of the videos that was made by our team were how to join, how the event will carry
out and results of our participant. Our Multimedia Team has also included a logo
and links to our social media platforms in the poster so that the audience can
access them and obtain information. Next, we also include a hashtag
“#kptmbangifunrun2022” in each of our online postings and in every graphic
material. This is to make it easier for attendees to be notified and find information
about our event. Furthermore, we also have created a KPTM Bangi Fun Run T-
shirt. By doing this, we have a higher potential for the audience to become
interested in our event. Besides, it also reinforces of good image of our event.


6.1 Participants

There are 35 responses from the audience that filled up our exit survey of the events.
Based on the survey, we stated 6 questions. Among of the question are:

1. How did you know about this event?

Answer: (Posters/social media/friends)
2. What is your level of satisfaction for this event? (Scale 1-5)
3. How organized was the event? (Scale 1-5)
4. Would you say the event was attractive? (Scale 1-5)
5. How likely are you to tell your friend about this event? (Scale 1-5)

6. Overall, how would you rate this event? (Scale 1-5)

For the first question we stated, 48.6% of the audience answered “Friends” implying
that majority of them found out this event through their friend’s member. Therefore,
this event has demonstrated that our marketing has been successful with the
cooperation of the team. Furthermore, for question number 2 until 6, most people
answered a scale 5 out of 1. This indicates that they were satisfied with the event. It
also proven that the audience enjoyed to attending our event.

6.2 Organizers
Despite the fact that the event was a success, we still aspire to improve it in the
future, and our expectations were still high. However, considering that this is our
first event, we believe that our next event will be more exciting and everything will
go more smoothly as planned. Next, since we are in the pandemic covid-19, we
are expecting to gain more experience in organizing a physical event and seeing
all of the audiences and participants in person so that we can learn and explore
From the previous event, there are several areas where we can improve. Face
expression is one of them. Facial expressions are the most crucial factor in making
an event more vibrant. For example, when communicating with all the participants,
especially when the ceremony is taking place, we should have always smile more
and maintain a positive facial expression. Furthermore, maintain positive
relationships with all committee members and the audiences, particularly with the
speaker. The role of the speaker is very important to run the event smoothly and
to avoid misunderstandings between all committee members and the audience.
The speaker must always ask if there is any question from the audience that they
do not understand and always being friendly with them. This also can enliven the
event itself.
Next, let participants feel part of your event. As human beings, we want to know
that our words or opinions are important and asking for feedback is the best way
to tell our participants that they do. We should always try to see it from the
perspective of your participants. If possible, we would like to ask more feedback
before, during and after the event. This will allow us to identify errors and changes
that can be corrected and improve our event in the future.


LUQMAN DANIEL 0146316474


In conclusion, the KPTM Bangi Fun Run event has raised awareness about living a
healthy lifestyle, bring people together, and inspire them to make changes in their fitness
and well-being. Thus, our event promotes participants to reduce the risks of dangerous
diseases by engaging in activities such as our event. Due to the Corona virus-19, many
people are less active than before, this is because people are scared to go out from their
housing areas and get infected. Our event also can be done by following the Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP) made by the World Health Organizational (WHO) and from
this event, we can decrease the percentage of being inactive.

The KPTM Bangi Fun Run event has really inspired the students of BS6.72 this is
because we had the chance to gain more knowledge and experience in making events.
As a team, we got to plan the event concept, come up with creative ideas and solutions
for the event, discuss the allocation of dedicated budget, plan the event management
process, monitor the execution of the event and evaluating the event performance based
on the predefined goals. With the help of our advisor, sir Mohd Zahaminul Hakim Bin Mohd
Amin and the contribution of all committee members, we got to make a successful event.


i. Design for logo/poster/banner/ backdrop

Logo of KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022

Poster of KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022

Banner of KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022

Backdrop of KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022

ii. Program book or tentative leaflets

Programme Tentative of KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022

iii. Invitation cards

Invitation Card of KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022

iv. Event script


SYAFI/NADIA “Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah hi wabarakatuh. And a very

good evening I wish to all of you ladies and gentlemen! I hope
everyone in the audience is doing good and is in the best of health.
I would like to give a big thank you to everyone who came out to
support tonight's event which is the KPTM Bangi Fun Run. This
ceremony will not be able to run smoothly without the help of all of

First of all, we would like to remind all the participant and members
to turn off your microphone as our ceremony will begin shortly.
Also, please make sure that your surrounding is clear from any
disturbing sound when the ceremony begins. Your cooperation is
much appreciated. Thank you so much”

So, before we start, allow me to lighten up the mood of our event

with a poem on living a healthy lifestyle.

Moving on, let us begin this ceremony with the blessing of the Doa
from our team member, MR Mohammad Irfan Bin Zaidee to
complete this ceremony.












Thank you so much MR Mohammad Irfan Bin Zaidee on the
recitation of the Doa.

“With our pleasure, I would like to introduce to all of you our

Program Advisor which has been help us a lot to make this event
run smoothly and successful, MR Zahaminul Hakim, and also not
to forget our chairman for this program, MR Mohamad Yusuf
Abbas which has led this program and make it run smoothly and
successful.” Not to forget as well every committee member in the
audience. Especially the participants, because without your
contribution and efforts, we could not have made this event

SYAFI/NADIA “To all of our beloved participant, welcome to our KPTM Bangi
virtual fun run ceremony and a very good evening to all. Today, we
mark this special date as an event to help us all lead a healthier
lifestyle than before.”

SYAFI/NADIA Moving on with the event, I would like to invite the person who has
guided, shared and bestowed wisdom on every single committee
here today in preparing this event. Without his help and guidance,
we would not be able to be where we are today. Let’s all give a
warm welcome to our programme advisor, Sir Zahaminul Hakim.

SYAFI/NADIA Thank you, Sir Hakim, on that wonderful speech. I hope everyone
in the audience will take note on what has been said by Sir Hakim

Now, we would like to call upon MR Mohammad Yusuf Abbas,

the Chairman of The KPTM Bangi Virtual Fun Run event to give a
speech about our program and as well as some information in
combatting obesity in Malaysia.
Please give a warm welcome Mr Mohammad Yusuf Abbas

YUSUF Thankyou to the emcee team for allowing give my speech,
thankyou as well to all the participants who have joined our event
and contributed, not to forget, thank you to our advisor Sir
Zahaminul Hakim who has consistently given out guidance and
knowledge to the students of BS6.72 in order to make this event
So, to begin with, whether you know or not. In the Southeast Asia,
Malaysia has the highest rate of obesity among adults. According
to the National Health and Morbidity Survey for 2019, 50.1 percent
of our adult population is overweight or obese. Obesity raises the
risk of noncommunicable diseases such as type 2 diabetes,
cardiovascular disease, and malignancies of the breast, large
intestine, pancreas, and kidney. Obesity raises the risk of type 2
diabetes seven times more in males and twelve times more in
women when compared to those who have a normal bodyweight.
Also, according to studies around the world, diabetes is more
common in those under the age of 40. The increased incidence of

obesity is one of the key factors. Diabetes that develops at a young
age is linked to a more aggressive illness and a greater risk of
Furthermore, the present epidemic Coronavirus 19 may lead to a
rise in obesity rates. This is due to the fact that people are scared
to go out from their housing areas and risk themselves from getting
infected by the virus. But this mentality may bring up many types
of other diseases that is related to inactivity. When people take the
option of just staying at home and risk being inactive, they risk
themselves plenty diseases such as Heart diseases, High blood
pressure, Stroke, Metabolic syndrome and many more. A study
conducted by Professor Pietrobelli in Italy found that, 41 obese
children and adolescents in Italy was reported to have less time
exercising and higher intake of unhealthy junk foods, compared to
data obtained before the Coronavirus 19 outbreak.

Therefore, the students of Kolej Poly-Tech Mara Bangi from

BS6.72 created an event named KPTM Bangi Fun Run. The event
requires the participants to run of 2 kilometres at any pace they
prefer. The aim of our event is solely focused on insuring people
participate and join our event to fight inactivity amongst
themselves. Our event also focuses on providing awareness on
certain diseases that can be caused due to obesity. We have
provided many goods and prizes so the public will be even more
motivated to join and participate. We also believe that the KPTM
Bangi Fun Run event has many benefits towards the participants
especially on their physical health, mental health, soul, and
personal development. And I will leave the benefits to be explained
more thoroughly by my fellow colleagues. That is all from me, final
words are stay healthy and be safe. Assalamualaikum wbt. Back
to you Emcee.
SYAFI/NADIA “Thank you, MR Mohammad Yusuf Abbas, for your very
informative and insightful speech earlier. I hope everyone in the
audience can will take note on the speech conducted by mr yusuf

“Next, I would like to invite Miss Siti Nurhusna Binti Hamdan, the
head of multimedia and graphic designer for a speech of the
benefit of mental health u will get from doing this sport activity.
Please give a warm Welcome to Mss Siti Nurhusna!”


HUSNA Thank you to the emcee team for allowing me to give my speech,
thankyou as well to all the participants who have joined our event
and has given full cooperation. Without you, there would be no
event to attend.

Long runs play a big role in helping you hone your mental
toughness and develop a coping system to deal with running day-
after-day, mile-after-mile, in tough conditions. Running a marathon
will also help you reap the following benefits.

• Stress reduction: Research suggests that running in

times of stress helps you better handle life's challenges by
increasing your mental resilience.
• A new outlook: This well-known maxim says it all: “The
person who starts a marathon is not the same person who
finishes a marathon.” You are sure to be a different person
at the finish line because you’ll forever know that you have
the mental and physical strength to persevere, even during
times when you think you can’t and won’t succeed.
• Inspiration: Whether it’s the double-amputee wheelchair
racer, the 73-year-old grandmother running her 35th
marathon, or your own kids holding “We love you!” signs,
you'll find some inspiration around every turn.
• Improved motivation: You can’t get away with not training
when it comes to a marathon, so having one on your
calendar will keep you motivated to stick to your training
schedule. On days when your motivation is lacking, you'll
think about how you'll feel if you're undertrained, can’t
finish, or have to cancel and find the strength train anyway.

Research shows that running may help alleviate symptoms of

mood and anxiety disorders. Regular exercise, such as running,
was found to be moderately more effective than no therapy for
reducing depressive symptoms.

SYAFI/NADIA Thank you very much ms siti nurusna binti hamdan for a great
Next, I would like to invite Miss Nora Hafizah who is the as a head
of multimedia for the KPTM Bangi Fun Run event to give a speech.

please welcome Miss Nora Hafizah!

NORAHAFIZAH “Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to give a speech
for KPTM Bangi fun run event. First of all, i would like to thank all
of the participants and committee’s for joining and making this
event possible.

I will be explaining on the physical benefits of running a marathon.

Training for a marathon has many physical health benefits for the
body. For example,

• Improved overall health. Running regularly strengthens

your heart by increasing your aerobic capacity and
helping keep your blood pressure and high cholesterol at
healthy levels. It also improves your immune system and
increases muscle strength. In addition, longer runs push
your body to strengthen fast-twitch fibers in the muscles to
combat fatigue and build strength and power.
• Better sleep: Marathon training can be exhausting. Your
body will crave sleep, since it repairs itself while you’re
resting. You’ll find yourself getting to bed earlier and
sleeping more soundly.
• Better fitness: Marathon training challenges even the
fittest athletes. If you’re not in good shape (or the best
shape of your life) by the time you reach the starting line,
your training may have been lacking.
• Toned legs: Weight loss is often a goal of marathoners-in-
training but, as many discover, it doesn’t always happen.
Although you may not lose a lot of weight, logging all
those miles will absolutely increase your lean muscle
mass and tone your legs.
• Guilt-free massages: Marathoners-in-training tend to get
tight muscles, and regular massages can help you feel
comfortable and stay injury-free. Treat yourself to a
massage or two during your training to help relieve some
of that tightness.
• Room for extra calories: During your very long runs, you’ll
be burning thousands of calories, so it’s OK to be a little
indulgent after. You will be hungry, after all. You can run
hard and celebrate hard.

SYAFI/NADIA “Thank you very much miss Norahafizah for a warm and
informational speech!”


SYAFI/NADIA “Now we have come to the main part of the evening which is the
prize giving ceremony. But before we start, we just want to clarify
that there are no winners or losers in this event, in our eyes, every
single one of you guys are winners.

The prize winnings are based on who finished their 2km run in the
shortest time possible. So ladies and gentlemen, please stay with
us for the KPTM Bangi fun run for prize giving ceremony that is
going to take place in a few minutes.
Now is the time to appreciate to all participants who had work very
hard in this competition and we sincerely thank you for your
cooperation being here today.

1st, 2nd and 3rd finishers overall. When i call your name please
open your mic and say something like thankyou or so on. I will start
with announcing the 3rd place winner. 3rd place winner will receive
rm 20. The winner is....
Next, for the 2nd place winner, they will receive rm 30 and the
winner is....
And lastly which everyone has been waiting, the champion will
receive rm 50. Now I would like to announce the winner of our
virtual run is….”

SYAFI/NADIA “As a saying goes, “to every beginning, there is an ending.”
And now, the moa ceremony has come to its’ end.
Once again, thank you everyone for gracing our KPTM Bangi
virtual fun run ceremony with your presence and we really
Your participation in this event really means a lot and congrats to
all of you. We really hope that this kind of event will brings you a
joy and a healthy lifestyle as we are still live with the new norm.
Remember to always follow the sop that has been set by the
government to fight against covid-19 together.

This is the end of the kptm bangi fun run virtual ceremony. Thank
you. Wassalam.”

v. Participant Evaluation Form (Exit Survey)

vi. Budget

For KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022 event, participants were not required to pay any fees to
join the event. Due to that, all students from BS6.72 used the team member contribution
where each committee member has gathered funds to provide rewards for each
participant and some money prize pool for the lucky winners.

This funding was accomplished through the contributions of 16 students. Each

member contributed RM22, bringing the total raised to RM352, which was sufficient to
purchase consolation gifts, prize pool and the shipping cost.

No Details Quantity Price/Unit Total

1 Team members contribution 16 students RM 22 RM 352
2 Prize Pool
• Winner - RM 50 RM 50
• 1st Runner Up - RM 30 RM 30
• 2nd Runner Up - RM 20 RM 20
3 Consolation Gift
• Towel 30 RM 2 RM 60
• Bottle 30 RM2 RM 60
• E-Certificate 30 - -
4 Postage 30 RM 4.40 RM 132

vii. Photo session

Photo session at KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022 closing ceremony

viii. Meeting Session

Date: 10th December 2022

Time: 9PM
Venue: Google Meet

Date: 23rd December 2022

Time: 9PM
Venue: Google Meet

Date: 10th January 2022
Venue: Google Meet

Date: 30th January

Time: 9PM
Venue: Google Meet

ix. Transaction

Winner: Aqif Qayyum

Prize: RM50 & consolation gifts and E-certificated

Transaction and conversation between the winner of KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022

1st Runner Up: Luqman Daniel
Prize: RM30 & consolation gifts & E-certificated

Transaction and conversation between the 1 st runner up of KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022

2nd Runner Up: Shaheer Haiqal
Prize: RM20 & consolation gifts & E-certificated

Transaction and conversation between the 2nd runner up of KPTM Bangi Fun Run

x. Others

i. KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022’s T-Shirt

We also had the opportunity to gift a shirt to our advisor, Sir Mohd Zahaminul
Hakim bin Mohd Amin in our physical class.

Progress of making T-Shirt

The opportunity to gift a shirt to our advisor, Sir Mohd Zahaminul Hakim Bin Mohd Amin in
our physical class.

ii. Consolation Gifts & E-certificated

Consolation gifts for every participant

E-certificate of KPTM Bangi Fun Run 2022

iii. Rehearsal Session

Date: 10th February 2022

Time: 3PM
Venue: Google meet

Rehearsal with our advisor and committee members


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