Act 1 in BSNED 11

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Name: Panulde, Raeshell C.


1. As a special education teacher, how is your knowledge about humanity and

social science can help you handle your learners?
As a special education teacher, my knowledge about humanity and social science can
help me handle learners in a way that I can apply it in my day-to-day life how I am going to
understand and cater the learning needs of my students. Humanity and social sciences play
an important role to all the learners, teachers, parents and the community because it serves
as a bridge how we respect, accept and collaborate with each other. As an educator, it is our
role to inculcate the child’s learning process how we handle them with love, care, and being
fair and just to them, we must feel to our students that they are feel safe and welcomed in our
learning environment. As we all know about the common quote “It takes a whole village to
raise a child” from African Proverb in which as teachers, we must become a good role model
to our learners not just that but also to inform the parents and the community that we must
educate children with good manners and right conduct that they can also manage to develop
their social and life skills.

2. How does being humane can help build a better society?

Being humane can help build a better society by collaborating and helping one another.
The key to create an harmonious relationship is by being humane to everyone in which we
must respect, accept, acknowledge diversity and adapt inclusivity in our society. Humanity is
the main foundation in which our role as humans here on earth is to fulfill our purpose not just
to collaborate with other people but rather to deepen ourself how we are going to build a
legacy that would influence the next generation. Being humane with words is not enough to
build a better society but rather it requires action how we see things differently in which it
requires commitment and acceptance to the community. As one of the netizens here in the
Philippines, I’ve observed that there are only few people who perform their duty as being
humane to the society especially amid this crisis of pandemic, I realized that we must awaken
love, help one another and educate children not just that but also let’s start in ourself how we
are going to good, kind and selfless in our community.
3. Create an art work (drawing perhaps or representation) that would depict a
human society?
Attached herewith Sir is my drawing:
Attached herewith is also a computerized representation:

4. Give your insight about the lesson tonight?

The discussion last night was so much interesting in which Sir James tackled

about the “Importance of Teaching Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences in Primary

Education”. I’ve come to realized that Humanity is something that we perform our roles

and duties as a person in which it teaches us how to live purposely by respecting,

helping and being selfless with others. I also learned that humanity and social sciences

are important in the primary education because it teaches learners how to become a

better version of themselves in which it accommodates students learning needs by

developing their social, emotional and life skills. It also prepares them how to be

equipped in real life situation how they are going to perform their role as a person. As

future educator in special needs, I learned that we must start in ourself by being

humane to the learners, parents and the community, as we all know that handling

learners with special needs is not easy, it takes too to tango to have more patience

and kindness in ourself but let’s take this as a challenge and a motivation to fulfill our

calling. To sum it up, the discussion of Sir James was so much helpful and it enlightens

us how to become a better person and a more refine special needs educator. Thank

you Sir James!

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