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EXCAVATION AND EARTHWORK (Cont'd) Classification of Bxcavates td 6 O.%s right and power materials On encountering rock except those materials classified under item (b) in this, Clause, the Contractor shall at once notify the S.0. the existence of such rateriais, The 8.0. shall reserve the right to decide whether or not such materia is rock and his decision so made, fsily and reesonably, shall be considered at final, [Blasting end Explosives ‘The Contractor shall provide proper buildings or magazines with separate compartment for detonators, in suitable positions for the storage of explosives. He shall also be responsible for the prevention any unauthorized issue or improper use of any explosives, and shall employ only experienced and responsible men to handle explosives for the purpose of the Works. The Contractor shell comply with the relevant security regulations end shall be responsible for dealing withthe storage, handling, transport and use of explosives, Explosives shall be used in the quantities and manner recommended by the manufacturers and blasting shall be restricted to such periods as the 8.0. may prescribe. ‘The written permission of the $.0. shall be obtained for each location or series DE locations where the Contractor wishes to use more than 5 Kg of explosives in one blast. Such authorization shall notin any way relieve the Contractor of his liabilities, ‘When blasting is carried out, the Contactor shall ensure by adherence to proper safety distance and by the use of heavy blasting mats where necessary to prevent the dispersal ‘of material that no damage is caused to persons or property on or off site. Special care shall be taken in wet ground to ensure that individual explosions are reduced to such size to preclude damage to any building or structure. Plaster shooting will not be permitted ‘within 400 M of any building or structure. EXCAVATION AND EARTHWORK (Cont'd) ‘Keeping the Site Dry ‘The Contactor shall keep the floor of the excavation dry at all times throughout the whole period of the Contract ‘The Contactor shell take note of all source water accumulation and ensure thet the excavation is kept dry at all times. Where pumping is deemed necessary, the Contractor shall ensure that the pumping works shall not disturb the material in end around the excavations, Any damage caused arising out of the collapse of exeavations shall be the . sole responsibility of the Contractor. All water accumulated in any pert ofthe excavation shall be efficiently led away from the site ‘The Contractor shall dispose off all water collected in such snanner as shall be bound by the regulations and ByeLaws imposed by the Local Authorities. f Excavat ‘The Contractor shall report to the 8.0. and Authorities when excavetions are ready to receive concrete, services, etc, and no concrete, services, ete, shall be laid until after the excavations have been inspected and approved by the S.0. a Sides of Excavation ‘The Contractor shall ensure that at all times the sides of all excavations are maintained in + 4 safe and stable condition, end shall be responsible for the adequate provision of all timbering, strutting, shoring, ec., required for this purpose. r 28, $I The Contractor shall seek instruction and approve! of the $.0. before felling or removing, trees, hedges, shrubs, et., from the Site, ‘Trees, hedges, shrubs, te,, which are required to be preserved shall be protested from damage to their roots, trunk, leaves etc, and shall be watered, manured and maintained throughout the works. AREB EXCAVATION AND EARTHWORK (Cont'd) Trees, hedges, shrubs, ete, shall be felled lopped or removed in a menner which will nt endanger life and property and shall be stacked on Site or disposed off as directed. Roots of trees, et., which are to be felled or removed shel! bo grubbed up and disposed off as directed. Where disposel by burning is permitted, the Contractor shall ensure thet the ‘burning is conducted in a safe location, under propor supervision and in a controlled manner. Vegetable Soil ated vegetable soil which is described as to be preserved shall be stacked on the in heaps, well watered and maintained, within the Site as Directed by the S.0. Disposal of Surplus Excavates ‘The Conttactor shall be solely responsible for the removal and disposal of the excavated spoil unless, the S.O. issues any instruction to salvage, safe-keep or deliver any part of the material for re-use in the Works or for any other purposes which ke may decide in his absolute discretion. ‘The Contractor shall remove with all possible speed and excavated spoil (save as hereith above provided) from the Site to the Contractor's own disposal area without accumulating it on the Site and Keep the Site elear and free from inconveniences for tha smooth operation of the Works, ‘The Contractor may remove excavated soil and spoils from the Site in any manner he chooses provided that his traffic creates no nuisance by spillage along publle streets or voads and he shall be responsible for maintaining all routes along which the soil is being conveyed in accordance with the requirements of the Local Author Any excavation found to be below the required level as shown on the drawing or instructed by the $.0 shall be filled up with concrete (1:4:8) or approved material at the Contractor 's own expense, AIRE/S

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