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Political Law Review Quickie

The Supreme Court's exercise of its jurisdiction

Guidelines as the modality for evaluating cases over a quo warranto petition is not violative of
concerning the president's withdrawal from the doctrine of separation of powers.
international agreements:
● First, the president enjoys some leeway LEB
in withdrawing from agreements which Court's exclusive rule-making power covers the
he or she determines to be contrary to practice of law and not the study of law. The
the Constitution or statutes. definition of the practice of law, no matter how
● Second, the president cannot unilaterally broad, cannot be further enlarged as to cover the
withdraw from agreements which were study of law.
entered into pursuant to congressional
imprimatur. The Court does not impose upon law schools
● Third, the President cannot unilaterally what courses to teach, or the degree to grant,
withdraw from international agreements but prescribes only the core academic courses
where the Senate concurred and which it finds essential for an applicant to be
expressly declared that any withdrawal admitted to the bar. Law schools enjoy the
must also be made with its concurrence. autonomy to teach or not to teach these
Impeachment & Quo Warranto
Impeachment is a proceeding exercised by the Security of tenure of judges
legislative, as representatives of the sovereign, Not all administrative cases need to be heard by
to vindicate the breach of the trust reposed by the SC en banc. The text of Section 11 of Article
the people in the hands of the public officer by VIII clearly shows that there are actually two
determining the public officer's fitness to stay in situations envisaged therein.
the office. ● Discipline - division
Meanwhile, an action for quo warranto, involves ● Dismissal - en banc
a judicial determination of the eligibility or
validity of the election or appointment of a Decisions v. Minute Decisions
public official based on predetermined rules.

Aside from the difference in their origin and

nature, quo warranto and impeachment may
proceed independently of each other as these
remedies are distinct as to (1) jurisdiction, (2)
grounds, (3) applicable rules pertaining to With respect to the However, if other
initiation, filing and dismissal, and (4) same subject matter parties or another
limitations. and the same issues subject matter (even
concerning the same
with the same parties
parties, it constitutes
res judicata. and issues) is
Impeachment is not an exclusive remedy by involved, the minute
which an invalidly appointed or in validly elected resolution is not
impeachable official may be removed from binding precedent.
a. Holding any other office or employment
The constitutional It does not apply not
requirement under to minute resolutions. during their tenure;
the first paragraph of b. Engaging in the practice of any profession;
Section 14, Article VIII c. Engaging in the active management or control
of the Constitution of any business which in any way may be
that the facts and the affected by the functions of his office; and
law on which the d. Being financially interested, directly or
judgment is based
indirectly, in any contract with, or in any
must be expressed
clearly and distinctly franchise or privilege granted by the
applies only to Government, any of its subdivisions, agencies or
decisions. instrumentalities, including GOCCs or their
A decision is not Minute resolutions
signed only by the are not published in
clerk. Justices of the the Philippine
Supreme Court must
sign the decision. A
minute resolution is CSC
signed only by the The Civil Service shall be administered by the
clerk of court by Civil Service Commission composed of a
authority of the Chairman and two Commissioners who shall
justices. Decisions be natural-born citizens of the Philippines and,
are published in the at the time of their appointment, at least
Philippine Reports. thirty-five years of age, with proven capacity
for public administration, and must not have
The provision in the This is not applicable been candidates for any elective position in
Constitution (no to minute resolution. the elections immediately preceding their
doctrine or principle appointment.
of law laid down by
the court in a
There shall be a Commission on Elections
decision rendered en composed of a Chairman and six
banc or in division Commissioners who shall be natural-born
may be modified or citizens of the Philippines and, at the time of
reversed except by their appointment, at least thirty-five years of
the court sitting en age, holders of a college degree, and must not
banc) speaks of a have been candidates for any elective position
in the immediately preceding elections.
However, a majority thereof, including the
Chairman, shall be Members of the Philippine
Bar who have been engaged in the practice of
law for at least ten years.

CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSIONS There shall be a Commission on Audit
composed of a Chairman and two
To safeguard the independence of these Commissioners, who shall be natural-born
Commissions, the Constitution imposes certain citizens of the Philippines and, at the time of
their appointment, at least thirty-five years of
inhibitions and disqualifications upon the
age, certified public accountants with not less
Chairmen and members: than ten years of auditing experience, or
members of the Philippine Bar who have been
special purpose funds pursuant created in R.A.
engaged in the practice of law for at least ten
years, and must not have been candidates for No. 7171 and
any elective position in the elections
immediately preceding their appointment. At f. R.A. No. 7227; The entire 50% of the national
no time shall all Members of the Commission taxes collected under Section 106, Section 108
belong to the same profession. and Section 116 of the NIRC in excess of the
increase in collections for the immediately
The predominant reason for hiring a confidential preceding year; and
employee is the belief that he can share a close g. 5% of the franchise taxes in favor of the
intimate relationship with the occupant, national government paid by franchise holders in
Meanwhile, the importance of subordinates to accordance with Section 6 of R.A. No. 6631 and
the appointing authority now lies in the Section 8 of R.A. No. 6632.
contribution of their legal skills to facilitate the
work of the confidential employee. Ombudsman

LOCAL GOVERNMENTS President does not have administrative

disciplinary authority over the deputy
Computation of just share To summarize, the ombudsman
following national taxes should be included in
the base for computing just share: President does have administrative disciplinary
authority over the special prosecutor
a. The national internal revenue taxes
enumerated in Section 21 of the NIRC, as
amended, to be inclusive of the VATs, excise BILL OF RIGHTS
taxes, and DSTs collected by the BIR and the
BOC, and their deputized agents; PROCEDURAL DUE PROCESS: The method or
manner by which the law is enforced. The
b. Tariff and customs duties collected by the essence is the opportunity to be heard.
c. 50% of the VATs collected in the ARMM, and
30% of all other national taxes collected in the 1. The right to a Hearing, which includes the
ARMM; the remaining 50% of the VATs and 70% right to present one’s case and submit evidence
of the collections of the other national taxes in in support thereof. However, a “trial-type”
the ARMM shall be the exclusive share of the proceeding is not required. The essence is the
ARMM pursuant to Section 9 and Section 15 of opportunity to be heard.
R.A. No. 9054;
d. 60% of the national taxes collected from the 2. The tribunal or body or any of its judges must
exploitation and development of the national act on its or his own Independent consideration
wealth; the remaining 40% will exclusively of the law and facts of the controversy, and not
accrue to the host LGUs pursuant to Section 290 simply accept the views of a subordinate in
of the LGC; arriving at a decision.
e. 85% of the excise taxes collected from locally 3. The decision must be based on the evidence
manufactured Virginia and other tobacco Presented at the hearing or at least contained in
products; the remaining 15% shall accrue to the the record and disclosed to the parties affected.
4. The decision must have something to support
5. The tribunal must consider the Evidence the school authorities to hear and decide the
presented. case.
6. Evidence supporting the conclusion must be
Substantial. Void for Vagueness
7. The board or body should, in all controversial As a rule, a statute or act may be said to be
questions, render its decision in such a manner vague when it lacks comprehensible standards
that the parties to the proceeding can Know the that men "of common intelligence must
various issues involved and the reasons for the necessarily guess at its meaning and differ as to
decision rendered. its application."
Under the RP-HK Agreement, HKSAR, as the
requesting state must establish the following: SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS:
The law itself (which must be fair, reasonable
1. there must be an extradition treaty in force and just), not the procedures by which the law
between the HKSAR and the Philippines; would be enforced.

2. the criminal charges that are pending in the Police power To invoke the valid exercise of
HKSAR against the person to be extradited; police power, there must:

3. the crimes for which the person to be 1) appear that the interest of the public generally
extradited is charged are extraditable within the requires an interference with private rights; and
terms of the treaty; (lawful subject)
2. the means adopted must be a) reasonably
4. the individual before the court is the same necessary for the accomplishment of the
person charged in the HKSAR; purpose and b) not unduly oppressive upon
individuals. (lawful method) 4
5. the evidence submitted establishes probable
cause to believe that the person to be extradited Overbreadth: Under the overbreadth doctrine, a
committed the offenses charged; and proper governmental purpose, constitutionally
6. the offenses are criminal in both the HKSAR subject to state regulation, may not be achieved
and the Philippines (double criminality rule) 1 by means that unnecessarily sweep its subject
broadly, thereby invading the area of protected
disciplinary sanctions in academic institutions, freedoms.
the case of Guzman is more proper as
compared to the case of Ang Tibay: It is its reasonableness, not its effectiveness,
which bears upon its constitutionality.
1. the students must be informed in writing of
the nature and cause of any accusation against Validity of Ordinances: Substantive
them; requirements: CUPPUG
2. that they shall have the right to answer the
charges against them with the assistance of (1) must not contravene the Constitution or any
counsel, if desired; statute; 6
3. they shall be informed of the evidence against (2) must not be unfair or oppressive; 7
them; (3) must not be partial or discriminatory;
4. they shall have the right to adduce evidence in (4) must not prohibit but may regulate trade;
their own behalf; and (5) must be general and consistent with public
5. the evidence must be duly considered by the policy; and
investigating committee or official designated by (6) must not be unreasonable.
Procedural: notice and hearing imminence extremely high. The danger to be
guarded against is the substantive evil sought to
be prevented.
There is a dangerous tendency if the words
Using the rational basis examination, laws or uttered create a dangerous tendency which the
ordinances are upheld if they rationally further a state has a right to prevent. It is not necessary
legitimate governmental interest. that some definite or immediate acts of force,
violence, or unlawfulness be advocated. It is
Under intermediate review, governmental sufficient if the natural tendency and probable
interest is extensively examined and the effect of the utterance is to bring about the
availability of less restrictive measures is substantive evil which the legislative body seeks
considered. to prevent.

Applying strict scrutiny, the focus is on the

presence of compelling, rather than substantial, Liberty of abode and right to travel
governmental interest and on the absence of
less restrictive means for achieving that
interest. I Under the strict scrutiny test, a legislative
classification that interferes with the exercise of
a fundamental right or operates to the
For a valid classification, it must be reasonable, disadvantage of a suspect class is presumed
which means that: unconstitutional. Thus, the government has the
(1) The classification should be based on burden of proving that the classification
substantial distinctions which make for real
differences. 1. is necessary to achieve a compelling State
(2) Germane to the purpose of the law interest, and
(3) Not be limited to existing conditions only
(4) Must apply equally to each member of the 2. is the least restrictive means to protect such
class interest or the means chosen is narrowly tailored
to accomplish the interest. (freedom to
participate in any legitimate activity)
Reasonable expectation of privacy test This
test determines whether a person has a The Miller Test (OBSCENITY)
reasonable expectation of privacy and whether
the expectation has been violated. The 1. Whether the average person, applying
reasonableness of a person’s expectation of contemporary community standards would find
privacy depends on a two-part test: that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the
prurient interest;
(1) Whether, by his conduct, the individual has
exhibited an expectation of privacy; 2. Whether the work depicts or described, in a
(2) This expectation is one that society patently offensive way, sexual conduct
recognizes as reasonable. specifically defined by the applicable state law;

There is a clear and present danger when the 3. Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks
evil consequence of the comment or utterance serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific
is extremely serious and the degree of value.
order and judgment as shall secure to the
RIGHT TO RELIGION plaintiff the property essential to the exercise of
his rights under the law, and to the defendant
The Lemon Test (NON-ESTABLISHMENT) just compensation for the land so taken."

a. First, the statute must have a secular

legislative purpose; Inflation not considered; interest applied
b. Second, its principal or primary effect must
be one that neither advances nor inhibits Non-impairment of contracts
c. Third, the statute must not foster an excessive Test: whether legislative action is reasonably
government entanglement with religion. appropriate to the achievement of a legitimate

Expropriation There are five main factors that must be

considered in determining whether the use is
Requisites for taking are: reasonable:
1. The expropriator must enter a private a. whether an economic emergency exists,
property; b. whether the legislation serves a
2. The entry must be for more than a legitimate objective,
momentary period; c. whether the actions by the legislature
3. It must be under warrant or color of are justified by the emergency and only
authorities; appropriate to the emergency,
4. The property must be devoted for public d. whether relief from contractual
use or otherwise informally appropriated obligations is unreasonable, and
or injuriously affected; and e. whether the legislation is temporary.
5. The utilization of the property for public
use must be such a way as to oust the Right to be secure
owner and deprive him of beneficial
enjoyment of the property. Only when the State intrudes into a person's
expectation of privacy, which society regards as
It is the owner's loss, not the taker's gain, which reasonable, is the Fourth Amendment triggered.
is the measure of the value of the property Where a person does not have an expectation of
taken. privacy or one's expectation of privacy is not
reasonable to society, the alleged State intrusion
The "public use" requirement for a valid exercise is not a "search" within the protection of the
of the power of eminent domain is a flexible and Fourth Amendment.
evolving concept influenced by changing
conditions. To be a valid reasonable search
a. manner of the search: it must be the
The report of the commissioners is conclusive, least intrusive and must uphold the
under any circumstance. The court may accept dignity of the person
the commissioners' report unreservedly; it may
return the report for additional facts or it may b. neither can the search result from any
set the report aside and appoint new discriminatory motive
commissioners; or it may accept the report in
part and reject it in part, and "make such final c. Purpose is to ensure public safety
cause that the car has an item subject to
d. For evidence seized, the court must be seizure.
convinced that precautionary measures were in
place to ensure that no evidence was planted
Rights under Custodial Investigation

These rights begin to be available where the

Reasonable Search Warrantless Search
investigation is no longer a general inquiry into
arises from a reduced presumably an an unsolved crime but has began to focus on a
expectation of "unreasonable particular suspect,
privacy. search," but for
reasons of
practicality, a search
The right to counsel applies only to admissions
warrant can be
dispensed with. made in a criminal investigation but not to those
made in an administrative investigation.
Example: searches Examples: search
done at airports, incidental to a lawful An extrajudicial confession, to be admissible,
seaports, bus arrest, search of must satisfy the following requirements:
terminals, malls, and evidence in plain
similar public places. view, consented
(1) the confession must be voluntary;
search, and extensive
search of a private
moving vehicle. (2) it must be made with the assistance of a
competent and independent counsel, preferably
of the confessant’s choice;
The jurisprudential instances of reasonable
(3) it must be express; and
warrantless searches and seizures are:

(4) it must be in writing.

(1) warrantless search incidental to a lawful
This means that even those who voluntarily
surrendered before a police officer must be
(2) seizure of evidence in plain view;
apprised of their Miranda rights.
(3) search of a moving vehicle;
the fact that she was “invited” by the
investigating committee does not by itself
(4) consented warrantless search;
determine the nature of the investigation as
custodial. The nature of the proceeding must be
(5) customs search;
adjudged on a case to case basis.
(6) stop and frisk; and
Right to bail
(7) exigent and emergency circumstances
The purpose for bail is to guarantee the
appearance of the accused at the trial, or
whenever so required by the court. The amount
An extensive search of a vehicle is permissible
should be high enough to assure the presence of
only when the officers made it upon probable
the accused when required but no higher than is unqualifiedly admits in open court after his
reasonably calculated to fulfill this purpose. arraignment that he is the person named as the
defendant in the case on trial.
Enrile bail: Enrile’s social and political standing
and his having immediately surrendered to the Right to speedy disposition of cases
authorities upon his being charged in court
indicate that the risk of his flight or escape from the right may be invoked as early as the
this jurisdiction is highly unlikely. preliminary investigation or inquest. Every
The currently fragile state of Enrile's health accused has the rights to due process and to
presents another compelling justification for his speedy disposition of cases.
admission to bail. There is no question at all that
Enrile's advanced age and ill health required Delay, however, is not determined through mere
special medical attention. Bail for the provisional mathematical reckoning but through the
liberty of the accused, regardless of the crime examination of the facts and circumstances
charged, should be allowed independently of the surrounding each case.
merits of the charge, provided his continued
incarceration is clearly shown to be injurious to Right Against Self-Incrimination
his health or to endanger his life.
The constitutional guaranty, that no person shall
Rights of the Accused be compelled in any criminal case to be a
witness against himself, is limited to a
prohibition against compulsory testimonial
Under this provision, when a defendant appears self-incrimination.
without attorney, the court has four important
duties to comply with: The prohibition against compelling a man in a
criminal cause to be a witness against himself is
1. To inform the accused that he has the right to a prohibition against physical or moral
have his own counsel before arraigned; compulsion to extort communications from him,
and not an exclusion of his body as evidence,
2. After giving such information, to ask accused when it may be material.
whether he desires the aid of counsel;
The accused was not compelled to make any
3. If he so desires to procure the services of admission or answer any questions, and the
counsel, the court must grant him reasonable mere fact that an object found upon his body
time to do so; and was examined seems no more to infringe the
rule invoked than would the introduction of
4. If he so desires to have counsel but is unable stolen property taken from the person of a thief.
to employ one, the court must assign counsel de
officio to defend him. Forcing an accused to discharge morphine from
his mouth is not compelling him to be a witness
against himself.
Trial in absentia can also take place when the
accused voluntarily waives his right to be The constitutional guarantee against
present. The right may be waived provided that self-incrimination extends to administrative
after arraignment he may be compelled to proceedings which possess a criminal or penal
appear for the purpose of identification by the aspect.
witnesses of the prosecution, or provided he

SECTION 1. The following are citizens of the


(1) Those who are citizens of the Philippines at

the time of the adoption of this Constitution;

(2) Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens

of the Philippines;

(3) Those born before January 17, 1973, of

Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship
upon reaching the age of majority; and

(4) Those who are naturalized in accordance

with law.

SECTION 2. Natural-born citizens are those who

are citizens of the Philippines from birth without
having to perform any act to acquire or perfect
their Philippine citizenship. Those who elect
Philippine citizenship in accordance with
paragraph (3), Section 1 hereof shall be deemed
natural-born citizens.

SECTION 3. Philippine citizenship may be lost or

reacquired in the manner provided by law.

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