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Date: Name): __________________

Structure and Properties
of Matter

1. An excited neon atom emits blue light with a wavelength of 496.5 nm. What is
the energy difference (in kilojoules) between orbitals that give rise to this
emission? [2]

2. Complete the table below by providing a set of quantum numbers for the four
valence electrons of scandium. [4]

Principle Orbital shape Magnetic

Spin quantum
e- quantum quantum quantum
number number number

1 3 2 -2 +1/2

2 4 0 0 -1/2

3 4 0 0 +1/2

4 3 1 1 -1/2

~ 1 of 5 ~ SCH4U5
Date: Name: _________________

3. Draw an orbital diagram showing valence electrons, and write the condensed
ground-state electron configuration for each: [4]
a. Nb

These two questions are answered in the last page.

b. W

4. Below is a graph showing the successive ionization energies of a period 2 element.

Identify the element. Explain and justify your identification. /3

The element is Aluminum because if we take a look at the

successive ionization energies of Aluminum, then we can see that
first three ionization energies increase gradually by a small difference
and then the transition from the 3rd to 4th ionization energy is a
massive value compared to the first three, which is proved by the
graph. We can also say it is aluminum because aluminum has 3
valence electrons and the energy to remove them are much less
than the energy to remove the more stable electrons which is proved
by the first 3 ionization energies being smaller than the rest.

~ 2 of 5 ~ SCH4U
Date: Name: _________________

5. Write Lewis structures for each of the following: [2]

a) PCl3 b) NCl3

6. Write Lewis structures for the following molecules or ions, which

have central atoms that do not obey the octet rule: [2]

a) XeF4 b) ClF4-

~ 3 of 5 ~ SCH4U
Date: Name: _________________

7. Write Lewis structures for the following. Show ALL resonance

structures where applicable. [4]
a. NO2-

b. HNO3

8. Based on formal charge considerations, which of the following would

likely be the correct arrangement of atoms in nitrosyl chloride: ClNO or ClON?

In the ClNO arrangement, the nitrogen atom has 5 valence electrons and is surrounded by 4 electrons (3 from
the oxygen and 1 from the chlorine). Therefore, nitrogen has a formal charge of zero. The chlorine atom has 7
valence electrons and is surrounded by 6 electrons (1 from nitrogen and 5 from the oxygen). Therefore, chlorine
has a formal charge of +1. The oxygen atom has 6 valence electrons and is surrounded by 2 electrons (1 from
nitrogen and 1 from the chlorine). Therefore, oxygen has a formal charge of -1.

In the ClON arrangement, the nitrogen atom has 5 valence electrons and is surrounded by 2 electrons (1 from
the oxygen and 1 from the chlorine). Therefore, nitrogen has a formal charge of +1. The chlorine atom has 7
valence electrons and is surrounded by 4 electrons (3 from the oxygen and 1 from nitrogen). Therefore, chlorine
has a formal charge of -1. The oxygen atom has 6 valence electrons and is surrounded by 6 electrons (2 from
nitrogen and 4 from the chlorine). Therefore, oxygen has a formal charge of zero.

Hence based on the formal charge considerations, the ClNO arrangement is more likely to be correct since it
has a lower absolute value of formal charges.

~ 4 of 5 ~ SCH4U
Date: Name: _________________

9. Pick any two molecules from questions 6-8 and show: /8

a. Molecular geometry
b. Electron domain geometry
c. Bond angles
d. Bond dipoles and dipole moment


a) Molecular geometry: square planar (AX4E2)

b) Electron domain geometry: octahedral (sp3d2)

c) Bond angles: 90 degrees

d) Bond dipoles and dipole moment: The dipoles

across the Xe-F bond cancel each other out,
resulting in a zero net dipole.


a) Molecular geometry: square planar (AX4E2)

b) Electron domain geometry: octahedral (sp3d2)

c) Bond angles: 90 degrees

d) Bond dipoles and dipole moment: The dipoles

across the Cl-F bond cancel each other out,
resulting in a zero net dipole.

~ 5 of 5 ~ SCH4U


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