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Title in Bahasa (Title Written With Capitalize Each Word, Times New

Roman, 14 pt, Center, Bold, Max 20 words)

Space 1 (If The Title Is More Than One Line)

A1 name*, B2 name, (written in upright letters, times new roman, 12 pt, maximum 6
authors, the distance between author's name and affiliation space 1)
Affiliation (Department - Faculty - University) (written in italic, times new roman, font 12,)

Abstract written in Bahasa (Max 250 words, written with sentence case, justify, italic, times new roman, 10
Background: Contains the background of the research/library review/case report.
Methods: Contains the method used, time, and place of research.
Result: Contains the main results.
Conclusion: The conclusion of the article is written in a clear and concise manner.
Keywords: Elderly, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Physical Activity, Quality of Life (10 pt, keywords up to 5 words
arranged alphabetically, prefixed with capital letters and separated by commas (,))

Title in English (Title Written With Capitalize Each Word, Times New
Roman, 14 pt, Center, Bold, Max 20 Words)
Space 1 (If The Title Is More Than One Line)

Abstract written in English (Max 250 words, written with sentence case, justify, italic, times new roman, 10
Background: Contains the background of the research/library review/case report.
Methods: Contains the method used, time, and place of research.
Result: Contains the main results.
Conclusion: The conclusion of the article is written in a clear and concise manner.
Keywords: Elderly, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Physical Activity, Quality of Life (10 pt, keywords up to 5 words
arranged alphabetically, prefixed with capital letters and separated by commas (,))

Correspondence Address: (Address of the author who can be contacted via correspondence)
E-mail: (Active email address)
Mobile Number: (The author's mobile number is still active)

1 Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat Volume xx Edisi x,

11 pt ) Variable XXXX XXX
The main format for this periodical
article is written in MS Word, page size A4,
space 1, sentence case, justify, regular letters, B
times new roman, and 11 pt. The left, right,
top, and bottom margins are 2,5 cm. The Table 1. The title of the table is written
beginning of the paragraph is indented by 1.00 times new roman, 11 pt, bold)
cm (format on tab).
The introduction contains background, Note: The type of the table is an open table,
goals, and urgency. In addition, the specifics written in times new roman, 10 pt.
of the research are also explained. Citation
from a reference or bibliography is made with DISCUSSION (UPPERCASE, JUSTIFY,
a vancouver superscript mark (. 1), with 1 BOLD, TIMES NEW ROMAN, 11 pt )
indicating the number in which the citation This section contains a discussion of
appears in the article. Foreign language terms research results for certain sub-topics,
and mathematical symbols are written in statistically significant/not, phenomena found,
italics. similarities/differences with other existing
research results, possible causes for conditions
METHOD (UPPERCASE, JUSTIFY, in research results based on existing theories
BOLD, TIMES NEW ROMAN, 11 pt) and other studies.
This section contains the research This section is also written in space 1,
design, research method, research population, sentence case, justify, regular letters, times
inclusion and exclusion criteria, working/data new roman, and 11 pt.
collection, data processing, and other matters
deemed necessary. Title Contents (Titlecase, Justify, Bold,
This section is also written in space 1, Times New Roman, 11 pt)
sentence case, justify, regular letters, times The titles and subtitles that appear in this
new roman, and 11 pt. chapter are written as in the example below.
TIMES NEW ROMAN, 11 pt) Nutritional Status with Quality of Life
A combination of narrative and tables or
figures maximum 6. Not all tables and figures (Single space)
in the thesis must be included, choose the most
Physical Activity with Quality of Life
important ones. Numbering tables and figures Content.
based on the order in which they appear in this
This section is also written in space 1,
sentence case, justify, regular letters, times
11 pt)
new roman, and 11 pt.
Conclusions are briefly explained and
cover the aspects studied, make suggestions if

11 pt)
Use of quotations and bibliography
Figure 1. The title of the picture is written
using vancouver superscript Style and
times new roman, 11 pt, bold.
reference management is a must using the
Mendeley application. Primary sources
Note: Images and photos must be clear and
(scientific journals) of at least 10 and
have a proportional image or photo
maximum use of information sources

Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat Volume xx Edisi x, 202x 2

published in the last 10 years from the current
time. Please write a reference for each figure /
photo / table without exception.

3 Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat Volume xx Edisi x,


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