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Dataset Year Source ReferencesNews Doma ApplicationType of di Language Size Physical n

Yelp datase 0 Request byBarbado etTechnologyFake detecFake revie English 18,912 reviText

PHEME dat 0 https://fi Zubiaga et Society, polRumour detRumours English an 330 rumourText
CREDBANK 0 https://gi Mitra and Society Veracity claRumours English 60 million Text
BuzzFace 0 https://gi Santia and Politics, so Veracity claFake news English
a 2,263 FaceText
FacebookH 0 https://git Tacchini etScience Fake detecHoaxes English 15,500 posText
LIAR 0 https://www Wang, 2018Politics Fake detecFake news English
a 12,836 humText
Fact checki 0 https://si Vlachos and Politics, so Fact check Fake news English
a 0 Text
FEVER 0 http://feveThorne et aSociety Fact check Fake news English
a 185,445 cl Text
EMERGENT 0 https://git Ferreira anSociety, te Rumour detRumours English 300 claims,Text
FakeNewsN 0 https://g Shu et al., Society, polFake detecFake news English
a 422 news (Text, imag

Benjamin P 0 https://gi Horne and Politics Fake detecFake news English

a 225 storiesText
Burfoot Sa 0 https://gi Burfoot anPolitics, e Fake detecSatire English 4,000 real Text
samples and 233 satire news samples
BuzzFeed N 0 https://gi Horne and Politics Fake detecFake news English
a 2,283 newsText
MisInfoTex 0 https://gi Torabi andSociety Fact check Fake news English
a 1,692 newsText

Ott et al.? 0 http://wwwOtt et al., Tourism Fake detecFake revie English 800 reviewsText
FNC-1 data 0 https://gi Riedel et aPolitics, s Fake detecFake news English
a 49,972 artiText
Spanish fa 0 https://gi 0 Science, SpFake detecFake news Spanish
a 971 news (4Text
Fake_or_r 0 https://wwDutta et al Politics, so Fake detecFake news English
a 6,337 articText

TSHP-17 0 https://ho 0 Politics Fact check Fake news English

a 33,063 newsText
QProp 0 http://pro 0 Politics Fact check Fake news English
a 51,294 artiText
propagandistic and 45,557 trustworthy
NELA-GT-2 2019 [1]https:/ 0 Politics Fake detecFake news English
a 713000 artiText
TW_info 2019 http://ww Jang et al. Politics Fake detecFake news English
a 3472 (1387Text
FCV-2018 2019 https://mklPapadopoulSociety Fake detecFake news English, Ru380 videosVideos, tex
Verificatio 2019 github.comBoididou etSociety Veracity claHoaxes English, Sp15629 postText, image
CNN / Dail 2019 https://gi Jwa et al., Politics, s Fake detecFake news English
a 287000 artiText
Zheng et al 2017 https://gi Zheng at alSociety Clickbait d Clickbait Chinese 14922 headText
Tam et al.? 2019 http://tiny Tam et al., Politics, t Rumour detRumours English 1022 rumou Text
Rating scalMedia platSpontaneitAvailabilityExtraction time
2 values (f Mainstrea Yes Yes No

3 values (trSocial mediYes Yes No

5 values (CSocial mediYes Yes Yes (October 2014 - February 2015)
4 values ( Social medYes Yes Yes (September 2016)
2 values (hSocial medYes Yes Yes (July 2016 - December 2016)
6 values (pMainstream Yes Yes Yes (2007-2016)
5 values (t Mainstrea Yes Yes No
3 values ( Mainstrea No Yes No
3 values (trMainstreamYes Yes No
2 values (f MainstreamYes Yes No

3 values (reMainstrea Yes Yes Yes (2014-2015)

2 values (nMainstrea Yes Yes No
nd 233 satire news samples
4 values ( Social medYes Yes Yes (2016-2017)
4 values foMainstrea Yes Yes No
false, and [fully] false)
2 values (t Social mediNo Yes No
4 values ( Mainstrea Yes Yes No
2 values (t Mainstrea Yes Yes Yes (January 2018 - July 2018)

2 values (t Mainstrea Yes Yes No

6 values foMainstrea Yes Yes No

2 values ( Mainstrea Yes Yes No
distic and 45,557 trustworthy)
2 values (trMainstrea Yes Yes Yes(February 2018 - November 2018)
2 values (fasocial mediYes Yes Yes (January 2015 - April 2019
2 values social medYes Yes Yes (April 2017 - July 2017
2 values social mediYes Yes Yes (2012-2015)
4 values Mainstrea Yes Yes Yes (April 2007 - April 2015
2 values Mainstream Yes Yes No
2 values social mediYes Yes Yes (May 2017 - November 2017)

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