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A 175-kg utility pole is used to support at C the end of an electric

wire. The tension in the wire is 600 N, and the wire forms an angle
of 15° with the horizontal at C. Determine the largest and smallest
allowable tensions in the guy cable BD if the magnitude of the
couple at A may not exceed 500 N⋅m.

Free-Body Diagram:


Distance BD = (1.5)2 + (3.6)2 = 3.90 m

Note also that: W = mg = (175 kg)(9.81 m/s ) = 1716.75 N


With MA = 500 N ⋅ m clockwise: (i.e. corresponding to Tmax )

éæ 1.5 ö ù
SMA = 0: - 500 N ⋅ m – [(600 N) cos 15 ](4.5 m) + êçç ÷÷÷Tmax ú (3.6 m) = 0
êçè 3.90 ÷ø ú
ë û

Tmax = 2244.7 N or Tmax = 2240 N ◀

With MA = 500 N ⋅ m counter-clockwise: (i.e. corresponding to Tmin )

éæ 1.5 ö ù
SMA = 0: 500 N ⋅ m - [(600 N) cos 15 ](4.5 m) + êçç
o ÷÷T ú (3.6 m) = 0
êçè 3.90 ÷ø÷ min ú
ë û

Tmin = 1522.44 N or Tmin = 1522 N ◀

Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

For the beam and loading shown, determine the range of values of W
for which the magnitude of the couple at D does not exceed 40 lb⋅ft.


For Wmin , MD =-40 lb ⋅ ft

From F.B.D. of beam AD: SM D = 0: (40 lb)(8 ft) - Wmin (5 ft)

+ (40 lb)(4 ft) - 40 lb ⋅ ft = 0

Wmin = 88.0 lb

For Wmax, MD = 40 lb ⋅ ft

From F.B.D. of beam AD: SM D = 0: (40 lb)(8 ft) - Wmax (5 ft)

+ (40 lb)(4 ft) + 40 lb ⋅ ft = 0

Wmax =104.0 lb or 88.0 lb £ W £ 104.0 lb ◀

Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

Determine the reactions at A and E.

Since BE is a two-force member, the force B it exerts on member ABCD is directed along EB.

Since ABCD is a 3-force member, A must pass through H where B and the applied load intersect.
Free-Body Diagram of AB: (Three-Force member)

tan a = = 0.400
a = 21.8o

(200 lb)
Force triangle: A= B= 2 = 269 lb

A = 269 lb 21.8 ◀
E = B = 269 lb 21.8 ◀

Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior
written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

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