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First Term Examination – 2079

Grade- Three

Name: ……………………………………………… Grade: ………… Roll No: ……….

Group – A
1) Fill in the blanks using the given words. (10 X 1 = 10)

Kennel Grass Honey Omnivores Energy Domestic Owl

Winter Plants Nibble Rodents

a) The plants that grow in water are…………………………………

b) Growing animals are also called…………………………………….

c) A dog lives in a …………………………………

d) ....................... eat both plants and animals.

e) Some animals …………………. their food and then chew the food.

f) The rabbit eats ………………….

g) Bees collect food as …………………

h) ............................ animals are farmed in our farm.

i) Food provides ………………. to human beings.

j) An ……………………… is a nocturnal animal.

2) Write (T) for True and (F) for the false ones. (10 X 1 = 10)
a) Animals can feel.

b) Biennial plants live for one year.

c) Flowering plant bear flowers.

d) A toad goes in hibernation in summer.

e) Fist breathe through the gills.

f) Plants can prepare their own food.

g) Diurnal animals are active at day.

h) Den is a natural shelter.

i) Cats have proboscis to lick milk.

j) Cow is carnivore.

3) Name the following. (5 X 2 = 10)

a) Any two living things.

b) Any two diurnal animals.

c) Any two animals seen in rainy season.

d) Any two flowering plants.

e) Any two biennial plants.

4) Match the following. (5 X 1 = 5)

Carnivore · · grow into baby plant

Herbivore · · Coop
Seeds · · Buffalo
Snakes · · Crawl
Hen · · Tiger

5) Name the shelter of following. (5 X 1 = 5)

a) Parrot –

b) Horse –

c) Pig –

d) Fish –

e) Cow –

6) Tick the odd one. (5 X 1 = 5)

a) Cauliflower Cabbage Apple Spinach

b) Jute Cotton Coconut Wool

c) Neem Tulsi Rubber Poppy

d) Ox Elephant Camel Horse

e) Curd Oil Milk Ghee

Group - B
7) Answer the following questions. (10 X 2 = 20)

a) What is leather used for?



b) What kind of plants are called desert plants?


c) Where do we find hydrilla and lotus plants?


d) Why lizards are seen more in summer and rainy seasons?



e) How does a mosquito get its food?


f) Which animals are called carnivores?


g) Give any two examples of man-made shelter.


h) What does house protect us from?


i) How can you say that fish is a living being?


j) Define living things.


8) Give reasons. (4 X 2.5 = 10)

a) A car is a non-living thing. Why?



b) A goat is an herbivorous animal.



c) Owls are nocturnal animal.



d) Vulture is a scavenger.


9) Write two difference between. (2 X 2.5 = 5)

Living Things Non- Living Things

Terrestrial Plants Aquatic Plants

10) Complete the following words with the help of the clues. (5 X 1 = 5)

a) A young cat. i n

b) A fruit has inside it. e

c) Pores in leaves. o t

d) Snake lives e in.

e) Animals active in day. i r l

Sort out the following things in two groups as given below. (10 X 1 = 10)

perfume, vegetables, fish, egg, meat, wood, tea, coffee, sugar, oil, rope, wool, silk,
ginger, fruits, milk, ghee, leather

Obtained from plants Obtained from animals

Group - C
11) Draw a butterfly sitting on a flower. (5 X 1 = 5)

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