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Critical Incident: Lesson Planning

In this reflective entry, I will be focusing on my own Pre Lesson micro-teaching video. My lesson was
a non-textbook based lesson incorporating the people and culture theme focusing on listening skills.
The topic of the lesson was „The Heart of Kuala Lumpur‟ which focuses on the main Kuala Lumpur
tourist attraction; Dataran Merdeka. In this stage, I started by writing the sentence, “The cat is the
plant” and asked students what was wrong with the sentence. Then I proceeded to ask them to fix the
sentence using the pictures I pointed at. When students stated the words to fix the sentence, I listed
them down on the board. Once it reached about four words then I proceeded to introduce them to
what these words represented (Preposition of place). I taught them the preposition of places using
visual aids and the pictures previously. The pre lesson stage ended there.

Based on my observation and Dr Raja‟s comments, I will be self-reflecting a very crucial

critical incident which will be the lesson planning. I learned that I failed to connect my lesson to the
main focus skill (listening skill) as I was concentrating on the language awareness more than
enhancing their listening skills. This incident most probably happened as I did not remember that we
should implement our main focus skill starting in the pre lesson stage and was worried that this stage
would have taken longer than 10 minutes if I was to teach and include an activity.

From this incident, I have realized that lesson planning is very important and needs utmost
attention. I should pay attention to the main focus skill, learning standards as well as the content
standards that I have to achieve. As Dr Raja has mentioned in class previously, we should implement
the skill starting at the pre lesson stage. For instance, I should have done a first listening during the
pre-lesson stage where I can ask them to locate the prepositions of place mentioned in the listening
audio. My lesson concept has been edited to the proper lesson flow.

In the future, I will have to be very careful when it comes to planning my lessons. Take into
account the main skill, learning standards and content standards that have been set. A lesson plan is
the backbone of the whole lesson implementation.

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