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writ 1133

human rights / humans write

spring 2023
• the prompt
Lynn Hunt argues that cultural artifacts not only represent the human
condition; rather, without our conscious awareness, they teach us new
ways to be human that compel us to remake the human world. In this
essay, you’ll apply Hunt’s concepts to a contemporary cultural artifact of
your choosing in order to develop an original interpretation: What new
way of being human does your artifact teach its users? Specifically how
does it teach them that lesson? And with what larger social implications?
• audience
Imagine that you’re submitting your essay to a journal of undergraduate
writing. The editors are a historian, a philosopher, and a literary critic.
They’re broadly familiar with the philosophy and history of human
rights; however, they haven’t read Hunt, so they’re not familiar with her
arguments. And though it’s possible that one of them is familiar with the
contemporary cultural artifact you’ve chosen, the group is older than
you, so most are unfamiliar with it.
• format
Format your essay in MLA style (including a Works Cited page). See the
“Formatting your work” page on Canvas.
• due dates
You’ll draft this essay in stages, in a single document named “Last name,
first name — WRIT 1133 — Essay 1.” First, you’ll draft a two-paragraph
introduction, comprised of your summary of Hunt’s argument and your
thesis paragraph (due by the start of class on Tuesday., 4/4); then you’ll
outline the body of your essay (Thurs., 4/6). You’ll flesh out that outline
by drafting the paragraphs that fill it by Tuesday, 4/11. We’ll discuss
how you want to conclude the essay in our 1-on-1 conference (Week 5).
And your final draft is due on Sat. June 10.

essay 1:
writing humanity

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