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The coronavirus, commonly called COVID-19, appeared in early 2020,

to be precise, in February. In February, the first case of COVID-19 was found
in Indonesia, to be precise, in Depok. The coronavirus first appeared in
Wuhan, China at the end of 2019. Because of its rapid spread and because its
impact on health is too complex, COVID-19 has become a new obstacle in the
world of education, especially for teachers, school principals, students, and
parents of students.

Due to the high spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia, the government has

decided to implement distance learning for students. so that the learning
process is not left behind and students still have the right to gain knowledge.
Therefore, the government's next decision is that the learning process
continues but not face-to-face but online (Nurdin, 2021: 27).

In this case, the government must create or present an alternative to the

educational process for students and students who are not currently conducting
learning activities at school or face-to-face. Distance learning using various
media or applications such as Whatsapp groups, Google Classroom, Google
Meet, e-learning, and Zoom meetings are examples of government-provided
alternatives (Salsabila et al., 2020).

With these alternatives, it makes it easier for the teacher to convey the
material being explained. In general, the benefits of learning media are to
facilitate interaction between educators and students so that learning runs
effectively and efficiently. In Indonesia, distance or online learning begins on
March 16, 2020. Where all levels of education from kindergarten, elementary,
junior high, high school and college conduct or carry out learning at home.

Talking about distance learning, the importance of technology for

educators and students so that learning can run effectively The consequence of
physically closing educational institutions and replacing them with learning at
home as per government policy is a change in the teaching and learning
system. School administrators, students, parents, and, of course, educators
must move to digital or online systems.

This learning system has negative and positive sides at every point. For
the first point, learning becomes more flexible. Yes, learning is more flexible
because it is done at home. Those who usually have to get ready at home, take
a shower, wear a uniform, and take a long time to get to school, but with this
distance learning, educators and participants can only monitor via cellphones
or laptops.

Distance learning also makes students feel more free or relaxed and
they can do other activities while participating in distance learning. This is
also used by students who are more independent. This is because during
distance learning, educators only provide material briefly via files, thus
requiring students to be independent in seeking explanations of the
material provided by teachers or lecturers. Thus, online learning requires

Distance learning is considered more practical and relaxing. Practical

because it can provide tasks at any time and report tasks at any time, and more
flexible means that it can be done anytime and anywhere. Distance learning
allows students to have more flexible time for students who are outside the
home and can adjust their time to study. It saves time and can be done

All students can access it easily, meaning it can be done anywhere. The
delivery of information is faster and can reach many students. It is more
practical and makes it easier to retrieve knowledge values, especially when
using Google Forms. If you use Google Forms, the grades can be known
immediately, so that students are more interested in doing assignments. In
addition, students are also facilitated in doing it. Students just choose the
answer choice that is considered correct by clicking on the answer choice in
the question. Teachers and students gain new experience related to distance
learning (Anugrahana, 2020).

A lot of research is done during distance learning. Distance learning in

elementary schools can be carried out quite well if there is cooperation
between school principals, teachers, and parents in the implementation of
learning from home (Dewi, 2020). Other research findings on the
effectiveness of online learning in Islamic Religious Education courses in the
COVID-19 pandemic situation are in the good category (Alvianto, 2020).

Online media learning at SMPIT can run well, but teachers and students
still have difficulty interacting with and accessing learning sites on the internet
(Sofralda, Suci & Atika Latifa, 2019). Another finding states that the
implementation of distance learning is said to be less effective because it
causes a variety of problems experienced by teachers, students, and parents
(Asmuni, 2020). The implementation of distance learning allows students and
educators to carry out the learning process from the comfort of their respective
homes (Mauludy, 2020). Students can access study materials and send
assignments given by the teacher without having to meet physically at school

In the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, all students practice physical

distancing by carrying out the learning process at home. The learning process
with the distance learning method as a whole For students, distance learning is
a new experience. This condition causes students to adapt to the learning
method. In the implementation of online learning during the COVID-19
pandemic, there were several obstacles in its implementation.

First, the network is inadequate. This is because some students live in

rural areas where the internet network is less stable. Require all students to
have a gadget. What we all know is that the price of gadgets is not cheap.
Second, students do not understand the learning material. This is because
some teachers do not explain the material in depth so that students do not
understand the material presented by the teacher, besides that the teacher only
provides material in file format.
Third, students feel less enthusiastic about participating in distance
learning. This is due to unstable internet access, poorly understood material
during learning, and disturbances from the environment, so that students are
not interested in learning and are reduced to participating in distance learning.
Fourth, limited facilities in distance learning make it difficult for students.
This is because the cost of laptops is quite expensive, besides the limitations
of students using learning applications that have never been used at all

Fifth, internet quota is expensive. Some think that there are no problems
with internet quotas because the Ministry of Education and Culture
(Kemendikbud) has provided free internet quota assistance. However, the
results of the interviews showed that some students had not received it, so
students still bought quotas to support distance learning.

This pandemic has resulted in the learning process being very disrupted,
the learning process which is usually carried out face-to-face between teachers
and students in the classroom during a learning pandemic has turned into
distance learning. The distance learning process requires a learning media to
make learning effective.

The implementation of distance learning has a negative impact on

student learning outcomes. Some students state that during distance learning
the learning outcomes decrease. This is because the material delivered by the
teacher is understood very little compared to face-to-face learning. In addition,
students' interest in learning is reduced due to various obstacles they face,
such as unstable internet networks and disturbances from the environment, so
that students are too lazy to study because they feel disturbed.

Distance learning does not only have a negative impact on students but
also has a positive impact on students. For example, after the implementation
of distance learning, the learning process can still run even in a pandemic
situation. Although in practice there are many obstacles, at least students can
still feel the name of school.

Distance learning has both positive and negative impacts during the
learning process. This can be seen from the various obstacles and advantages
of distance learning. The negative impacts of distance learning are that the
network is adequate, students do not understand the learning material, students
feel less enthusiastic about participating in online learning, limited facilities in
distance learning make it difficult for students, and expensive internet quotas.

The positive impact of distance learning is that it enables learners to be

more practical and relaxed. The delivery of information is faster and can reach
many students; students are more interested in doing assignments; lecturers;
and students gain new experience related to distance learning.

Alvianto, A. (2020). Efektivitas Pembelajaran Daring Pada Mata Kuliah Pendidikan Agama
Islam Dalam Situasi Pandemi Covid-19. TA’DIBUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 3(2),

Anugrahana, A. (2020). Hambatan , Solusi dan Harapan : Pembelajaran Daring Selama

Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Oleh Guru Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan,
10(3), 282–289.

Asmuni, A. (2020). Problematika Pembelajaran Daring di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 dan

Solusi Pemecahannya. Jurnal Paedagogy, 7(4), 281.

Daheri, M., Juliana, J., Deriwanto, D., & Amda, A. D. (2020). Efektifitas WhatsApp
sebagai Media Belajar Daring. Jurnal Basicedu, 4(4), 775–783.

Dewi, W. A. F. (2020). Dampak COVID-19 Terhadap Implementasi Pembelajaran Daring

Di Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2(1), 55–61.

Fifit Humairoh, Achmad Supriyanto, B. (2016). Implementasi Supervisi Klinis Dalam

Meningkatkan. Teori, Penelitian, Dan Pengembangan, 1(12), 2277—2280.

Herliandry, Devi ., N. M. E. S. H. K. (2020). Pembelajaran Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19.

Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi, 22(1), 65–69. 21009/jtp.v22i1.15286.

Herlina, H., & Suherman, M. (2020). Potensi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga
Dan Kesehatan (Pjok) Di Tengah Pandemi Corona Virus Disease (Covid)-19 Di Sekolah
Dasar. Tadulako Journal Sport Sciences And Physical Education, 8(1), 1–7.

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