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The Queen’s School

Topic: Morant Bay Rebellion
Name: Abrianna Harris 3k
Third Form
Instruction: Select the most suitable option for each question below.

1. When was the Morant Bay Rebellion?

A. October 13, 1876
B. October 11, 1865
C. February 17, 1834
D. August 6, 1962

2. Who led the Morant Bay Rebellion?

A. Paul Boogle
B. Samuel Sharpe
C. Toussaint L’Overture
D. Maurice Bishop

3. Select one of the following as a cause of the Morant Bay Rebellion?

A. The slaves wanted to be free
B. The peasants were tired of facing very poor economic and social conditions
C. The peasants wanted independence
D. They were restricted from leaving estates

4. Who refused to listen to the peasants after receiving the Queen’s advice?
A. Edward Underhill
B.John Eyre
C. George Gordon
D. Eric Gairy

5. Who was the Governor of Jamaica at the time of the Morant Bay Rebellion?
A. Governor John Edward Eyre
B. Governor Edward Underhill
C. Governor Mansfield
D. Governor Grant
6. Paul Bogle was a deacon at a church in
A. Spanish Town
B. Kingston
B. Stony Hill
D. Stony Gut

7. How was the rebellion suppressed?

A. The agitators were warned and told to return home.

B. All their demands for a better life was met.
C. Governor Eyre used brutal force on the participants and non-participants.
D. Paul Bogle encouraged them to stop fighting.

8. What parish Paul Bogle is from?

A. St. Thomas
B. St. Ann
C. St. Catherine
D. St. Mary

9. In what year did Jamaica give up the representative system and become a crown colony?
A. 1866
B 1870
C. 1875
D. 1879

10. Why did Bogle and his men walk from Stony Gut to Spanish Town?

A. To speak to the governor about their issues

B. To purchase land
C. To listen to the verdict of a court hearing
D. To seek employment

Write True or False on the lines provided at each corresponding statement.

11. In 1864 there was a flood that ruined many crops. True

12. A two-year drought preceding 1865 made economic conditions worse for much of the
population of former slaves and their descendants. True

13. Several bankruptcies were declared in the cellphone industry, causing loss of jobs and
widening the economic void. False

14. The tension between white farmers and ex-slaves increased. True
15. Low wages was one of the causes of the Morant Bay rebellion. True

16. Only Paul Bogle and George William Gordon were hanged after the Morant Bay
Rebellion. False

17. Many exslaves could not afford to buy land because of high taxes in Jamaica before the
Morant Bay Rebellion. True

18. The Morant Bay rebellion took place in Stony Gut, St. Mary. False

19. The Queen responded favourably to the peasants’ complains. True

20. George Gordon played an active part in the Morant Bay rebellion. True

Correctly identify the following causes of the Morant Bay rebellion by writing political or
economic factor on the lines provided. (10 marks)

21. In the 1840s, the average wage was two shillings and six pence per day. By the 1860s, this
had fallen to one shilling. Economic

22. Shortage of lands on which to farm. Economic

23. The refusal of the governor to listen to the peasants’ problem and to take action. Political

24. Drought conditions destroyed crops and animals and left many peasants destitute. Economic

25. Wages were also paid irregularly because planters were cash poor. Economic

26. The unsympathetic responses of Custos to the peasants plight. Political

27. Many peasants were excluded from actively participating in the government. Political

28. The passing of laws which returned former idle lands to the plantation owners. Economic

29. The American Civil War which contributed to the food shortages and forced the price of
gimported food and clothing. Economic*/

30. Low prices for sugar because of competition from European beet sugar and cane sugar from
the East Indies. Economic

Number correctly the following events of the Morant Bay Rebellion in the order they

1. The militia fired onthe crowd who responded with sticks and stones and forced the miltilia
into the court house which was then set on fire. 3rd
2. The police went to Stony Gut to arrest Paul Bogle and the demonstrators. 5th

3. Eighteen (18) vestry men and militiamen died in the blaze. Ten (10) more were killed in the
fighting including the custos or chief magistrate of the parish. 6th

4. On October 7, 1865 two men were tried and sentenced but persons protested against the
sentence . 4th

5. In 1865, Dr Edward Underhill, wrote a letter to the Colonial Office in order to describe
Jamaica’s poor state of affairs for the mass of people. 1st

6. In 1865 Bogle led a group of peasants from St. Thomas to Spanish Town hoping to meet with
the governor John Eyre to discuss their social issues. But the Governor refused to meet with
them. 2nd

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