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Ciclo 2: Reto 6 – Cycle 2: Challenge 6

Name: Maciel Escobar Guerrero

Watch the video shown in class again and answer the following questions. Then, upload
your answers in a PDF format.

What is AI?
Artificial intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines
capable of performing tasks that typically require human

What are some • Have goals

characteristics of Artificial • Take actions or make decisions to try achieve their goals
Intelligence Systems? • Can learn to solve problems independently. They do not
need to be provided with a set of instructions in order to
solve a problem or perform a task.

What is Cognitive
Computing? Cognitive computing refers to artificial intelligence systems that
provide services or handle tasks that could previously only be
performed by the human mind.

What are some examples of

Cognitive Computing • Detecting anomalies
Systems? • Sentiment analysis and other natural language
• Speech recognition and speech generation
• Computer vision: Systems that can recognize objects in
images, video, or the world around them, and so on.

Describe the Thompson Is one of the simplest AI models to understand and implement.
sampling model. Give some Thompson sampling allows a system to learn what to do when faced
with a type of dilemma called the exploration-exploitation dilemma.
These types of systems can automatically learn to choose actions
that will maximize their expected reward.
Example: Upper-Confidence-Bound (UCB) algorithms.
Describe the Q-Learning
model. Give some examples. Q-learning systems involve an agent operating in an environment
that is characterized by states and possible actions.
Q-learning systems can automatically identify an optimal policy that
tells either humans or the system what action to take for any given
Example: policy-based RL method.

Describe the Deep Learning

model. Give some examples. Which involves artificial neural networks.
Like the human brain, these neural networks consist of collections of
interconnected nodes (or neurons).
Deep neural networks are the basis for many of today’s most
interesting AI and cognitive systems, including those that perform
speech recognition, machine translation, medical diagnosis, etc.
Examples: Virtual assistants, vision for driverless cars, money
laundering, face recognition and many more.

Describe the Deep

Convolutional Neural Convolutional networks learn by using a specialized type of
mathematical operation called convolution.
Networks model. Give some
Convolutional neural networks have proven themselves to be
examples. excellent tools for understanding visual information such as images
and videos.

How will AI and Cognitive • AI and cognitive computing are expected to contribute nearly
Computing change the $16 trillion to the global economy by 2030!
world? • In the energy sector, AI and cognitive computing will be used to
reduce global energy usage by optimizing energy consumption
and distribution.
• In the healthcare sector, AI and cognitive computing will be used
to design new drugs and vaccines, diagnose diseases, and deliver
highly personalized medical care.
• In the transportation and logistics sector, AI and cognitive
computing will be used to
• power self-driving vehicles, greatly reduce accidents and traffic
congestion, and enable major improvements to e-commerce

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