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1) If there are 20 girls in a class of 30 students, find out
the percentage of boys in the class?

2) If a baseball team has lost 50 matches out of the 120 matches played in total, find out
their winning percentage.

3) A basket contains 40 mangoes out of which 8 are rotten. Find the percentage of the
mangoes that are in good condition.

4) If Jane has $70 and she spent $30 on stationery items, $20 on buying chocolates and the
rest in donation for flood victims. Find the percentage of money given by Jane for

5) In a fruit basket if there are 2 dozen bananas out of which 5 are rotten, find the
percentage of bananas which are in good condition?

6) 20% of a number is 65. What is the number?

7) Jacob answered 80% of the questions in a test correctly. He answered 32 of the

questions correctly. Work out the total number of questions in the test.

8) In a sale, normal prices are reduced by 15%. The sale price of a radio is
$102. Work out the normal price of the radio.

9) In a class there are 9 students absent with the flu.

This is 20% of the class missing out on school.
a) How many students are in the class when all of them are present?
b) How many are in class today?

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