LP Assignment 1 Final

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Group members: Do Thi Kim Dung

Nguyen Thi Hang
Nguyen Quang Huy
Le Phuong Linh
Mai Phuong Thao
Instructor: Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Phuong
Class: 19E4

Cover page and lesson page ................................................................................................................................................................................2

1. Evaluation and adaptation .............................................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Reading ............................................................................................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Speaking ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................8
2 Designing supplementary materials…………………………………………………………………………………………………..……13
2.1. Handout for students……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13
2.2. Images to put in slides in the lead-in activity of speaking part……………………………………………………………………….……14

Cover page: Tiếng Anh 9 Lesson page: Unit 5: Wonders of Viet Nam

1. Evaluation and adaptation:
1.1. Reading:

Factor Evaluation Adaptation

Textbook objectives specified at the beginning - The objective corresponds closely to
of Unit 5, English 9: “Reading for specific the required descriptors for grade 9 in
information about a man-made wonder of Viet the Dispatch 5333 (MOET, 2014):
Nam” + Topic: man-made wonder in
Vietnam is related to the theme
+ Skill: reading for specific
information is one of the two skills
this grade focuses on.
- However, in Teacher’s lesson plan,
the learning objective should be more

“Scan for specific information in a
passage (140 words, A2 level) about a
man - made wonders.”

Reading text:
Perfume Pagoda is a religious site as well as - The text has a suitable topic but - Shorten the text:
being a great sight-seeing spot in Viet Nam. It inappropriate length. Perfume Pagoda is a religious site as well as
is situated in Huong Son Commune, My Duc + Topic: Perfume pagoda is a man- being a great sight-seeing spot in Vietnam. It is
District, Ha Noi. It is a vast complex of made wonder in Vietnam. situated in Huong Son Commune, My Duc
Buddhist temples and shrines, including Den + Length: The text contains 191 District, Ha Noi. It is a vast complex of Buddhist
Trinh (Presentation Shrine) and Thien Tru words, compared with the instructed temples and shrines, including Den Trinh
(Heaven Kitchen) Pagoda, in the limestone word limit in the Dispatch 5333 (Presentation Shrine) and Thien Tru (Heaven
Huong Tich mountains. The centre of this which is 120-150. Kitchen) Pagoda, in the limestone Huong Tich
complex is the Perfume Temple, also called + Vocabulary level: 15% are at B1 mountains. The centre of this complex is the
Chua Trong (Inner Temple), located in Huong level, 8% at B2 but the majority of B1 Perfume Temple, also called Chua Trong (Inner
Tich Cavern. It is thought that the first temple and B2 words are already learned in Temple), located in Huong Tich Cavern. It is
was built on the current site of Thien Tru in the the previous lessons or introduced in thought that the first temple was built on the
15th century during the reign of Le Thanh activity 1. current site of Thien Tru in the 15th century
Tong. Over the years some of its structures during the reign of Le Thanh Tong. Over the

which were in ruins have been restored or years some of its structures which were in ruins
replaced. have been restored or replaced.
Nowadays during its festival (from the middle of
Many Vietnamese works of literature, both old January to the middle of March on the lunar
and modern, have made Perfume Pagoda their calendar), Perfume Pagoda attracts large
focus. It has also provided backdrops for many numbers of pilgrims from all over Viet Nam.
famous paintings. Its beauty has been used as a
theme of many famous songs and a topic of
lyric poetry. Nowadays during its festival (from
the middle of January to the middle of March
on the lunar calendar), Perfume Pagoda attracts
large numbers of pilgrims from all over Viet

Tasks/ Activities:
Activity 1: - Both activities can help achieve the * Pre-reading:
aim of the lesson which is reading for Activity 1: Read an article about the Perfume
specific information. However, the Pagoda. Look at the words in the box, find them
activities are inadequate and only

Activity 2: include controlled practice sessions in the text and then match the words with their
that focus on accuracy. definitions:
+ Activity 1: ask Ss to locate and Words:
define several words in the text. It 1. spot
allows Ss to internalize the new 2. vast
language. 3. shrine
+ Activity 2: ask Ss to answer the 4. reign
questions based on the passage. 5. pilgrims
Students are expected to give the Definitions:
correct answers taken from the text 1. the period of time when a king or a queen rules
a country
- Question number 4 in activity 2 may 2. very large
be confusing (there is no specific 3. a place
indicator in the text for the answer of 4. a place where people come to worship
this question), thus causing difficulty 5. a person who travels to a special place for
in finding the answer and possibly religious reasons
lost of interest.
- The activities are not challenging
and varied in format:

+ Activity 1: Locate and give the * While-reading:
meaning of the words. - Delete question 4 in activity 2 because the
+ Activity 2: All 5 questions are information for this question has been cut and the
comprehension questions that require question itself is vague.
short answers. - Vary the types: Add a task of True/False:
+ Instruction: Read the text again and decide
- Instruction: In activity 1, it is not whether the following statements are true or
really clear about how students define false.
the meaning of the words given. 1. Thien Phu pagoda is in the limestone Huong
Whether it is just guessing based on Tich mountains.
the context or using a dictionary. 2. People started to build the complex in the 15th
- The text is not authentic material 3. The damage of the pagoda cannot be restored.
because it is not extracted from real 4. During the festival, Perfume Pagoda attracts
life material. large numbers of people all over the world.

1.2. Speaking:

Factor Evaluation Adaptation

Textbook objectives specified at the beginning - The objective corresponds closely to - Rewrite the objective: After the lesson, students
of Unit 5, English 9: “Talking about man- the required descriptors for grade 9 in will be able to:
made wonders of Viet Nam and how to protect the dispact 5333 (MOET, 2014) but is Talk about problems happening to man-made
and preserve them” not parallel with the organization of the wonders of Viet Nam and corresponding solutions.
+ Topic: Man-made wonder in
Vietnam and the protection of man-
made wonders can be part of the big
theme of Tourism.
- The speaking activities only cover the
topic of man-made wonder
preservation. There are no tasks
instructing students to introduce or talk
about man-made wonders.

- However, in Teacher’s lesson plan,
the learning objective should be more
+ “Report the problem happening to
the man-made wonder in one sentence
using impersonal passive”
+ “Give corresponding solutions in one
sentence using the structure with

Tasks/ Activities:
- The speaking tasks are not based on - Add a lead-in activity in the beginning of speaking
real-life situations. part: Teacher show a slide with pictures of damages
- The speaking topic may be unfamiliar done to the man-made wonders in Vietnam and
to the majority of students, so it is invite some students to talk about what they see in
difficult to carry out free activities in the picture (in either Vietnamese or English) to
class without students’ preparation. activate their knowledge about the speaking topic.

Activity 3: - In activity 3, the requirement of - Change activity 3 into matching activity:
ordering level of seriousness is + Instruction: Work in groups. Match causes in
irrelevant to the focus of this speaking column A with the suitable solutions in column B.
section, which is about protecting and A B
preserving the man-made wonders. In
addition, several causes are hard to There is a lot of Educate travelers and tell

suggest solutions. rubbish in sight-seeing them how to be more

spots. responsible and
respectful of the place.

Local governments Contact the newspaper to

don’t have long-term get people and the
measures to protect government’s attention
man-made wonders to the problem.
from severe weather

There is not enough Sell souvenirs to raise

money to restore the money.

Visitors draw and Place security fences to
scratch on the artifacts. protect the area.

There are not enough Organize groups of

people to look after the volunteers from nearby
wonder. universities.

Activity 4: - Activity 4 is based on Activity 3. - Adapt activity 4: (Less controlled)

Students are required to use Work in pairs. Role play (Interviewer -
impersonal passive structure and Interviewee).
suggest + V-ing structure which are The interviewers choose randomly one cause in
taught in the unit. However, it is activity 3, and the interviewees use the structure
challenging to immediately come up with suggest they have already learnt in the
with and talk about the solutions to previous lessons to give solution(s).
protect and preserve the wonders after
being given solely a list of causes of
the stated damages. There is not
enough scaffolding activity when
moving from task 3 to 4.

- The instruction in Activity 4 requires
students to suggest solutions for each
problem mentioned in activity 3.
However, the example just suggests
general solutions without mentioning
the problem they should target.

2. Designing supplementary materials:
2.1. Handouts for students:
Link doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ucat9s3HBKwcKLCRMC_p5peTPUNjDk69oZ-xiii7FnY/edit?usp=sharing

2.2. Images to put in slides in the lead-in activity of speaking part:
Link doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zd-uA1sGTKmgg3HoBcxRKooF8T-shaVpR14BynyPcmE/edit?usp=sharing

1. Đời sống & Pháp luật. (2015, February 25). Bức xúc du khách "vẽ bậy" lên tranh Phật ở chùa Bái Đính.
2. Hoàng Anh. (2017, February 7). Rác thải vẫn rải khắp chùa Hương. Giao Thông. https://www.baogiaothong.vn/rac-thai-van-rai-khap-
3. Ministry of Education and Training. (MOET). (2016). Tiếng Anh 9 (Tập 1). Nhà xuất bản giáo dục Việt Nam.
4. Ministry of Education and Training. (MOET). (2014). V/v triển khai kiểm tra đánh giá theo định hướng phát triển đánh giá năng lực
môn tiếng Anh cấp trung học từ năm học 2014-2015 (Số: 5333/BGDĐT-GDTrH).
5. Thụy Oanh. (2018, June 7). Nỗi buồn di tích xuống cấp. Thời báo Ngân hàng. https://thoibaonganhang.vn/noi-buon-di-tich-xuong-cap-


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