Assign8a Wrapping It Up

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University of Waterloo p.


PART A: Summarizing what you’ve learned

Answer each of the following by referring back to your work and the content
throughout the course. Your answers in this section can be short or even in bullet
points. This is designed to help you pull together your learning in a way that will
help you communicate about your skills more effectively, and will help you set goals
for skill development based on your own interests and skills.

1. My ideal job will allow me to use the following skills (one or more of your
dominant and/or support skills identified in Assignment 1): Research

2. My ideal job will provide opportunities for me to develop the following skills
(one or more of your high potential skills identified in Assignment 1): Listen
Speak/Interact Consult___

3. My ideal job must satisfy the following values (one or more of your deal
breaker values identified in Assignment 2): Autonomy/Independence_

4. I can learn whether or not a job will satisfy these values by (reflect on what
you learned in Assignment 2 when researching company values along with
the material in Unit 2 on “Ensuring your values are satisfied”): Looking at
their mission and mission statements, researching their work culture and
projects undertaken through social media. Look at the company carrers page
and about page. Look at socials

5. According to my TypeFocus results (and my subsequent self-reflection), I am

primarily interested in the following areas (from Unit 3.2): Investigative and
University of Waterloo p. 2

6. These interests have led me to consider the following careers/occupations

(from Unit 3.2): Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Programmers
Bright Outlook , Surveyors

7. My personality type suggests I should look for the following in my future jobs
and work environments (from Unit 5): research, analysis

8. The themes and threads I discovered when identifying pride experiences and
examining my past include (from Unit 5, section “Other factors to consider in
your self-assessment”): I usually take on leadership roles if no alear
authority is present, I like helping people, I enjoy service

9. Key situational factors that could influence my career planning include (also
from Unit 5, section “Other factors to consider in your self-assessment”):
Culture , Family and significant others

10. Having emotional intelligence is critical for succeeding on the job. The
following are just three of the behaviors, attitudes, or strategies that will be
particularly important for me to prioritize (from Assignment 6):

a. Impulse Control
b. Interpersonal Relationship
c. Happiness

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