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First and foremost, praise and thanks to God for providing the power, knowledge,
talent, and blessing required for the successful completion of the business research.
We also want to express our sincere appreciation to Mr. Christopher Coros, our
Feasibility Study teacher, for his guidance, assistance, and supervision over the
course of our study project.
We are also appreciative of the assistance and encouragement we received from
our peers while doing our research. We also appreciate the support and motivation of
our classmates as well. We want to thank them for their assistance when we were
having a hard time conducting our research.
We would also want to convey our gratitude and admiration to the respondents,
whose willing assistance and unwavering support made it possible for the research
project to be conducted successfully. Additionally, we would like to thank them for
contributing their time, knowledge, and energy to our study.
Last but not least, we would want to express our gratitude to our parents for their
support, both financially and emotionally, during the course of this research.
Moreover, we would like to thank them for their patience and thoughtfulness while we
were busy conducting our research.



Nacolo is the name of the researchers' product. The proponents of this paper will

be able to enact their previous market research. They will test out how feasible their

product is to enter the market. This product is a watercolor-based paint made from

extracted pigments of flowers, plants, herbs, and fruits it was made to promote

eco-friendly and more natural coloring materials. It tends to lessen the usage of

chemicals and other substances that are harmful to the environment. It features a

nice, pigmented color that people who love painting can utilize, as it can be easily

used in painting since they don’t have to add anything to the product as it works

perfectly fine by itself. Buying and using this product will not only benefit the user, but

it can also benefit nature because it was made with pure natural materials instead of

chemicals that can harm the environment.

Nacolo is a newly discovered plant-based watercolor paint. Nacolo stands for

Nature and Color as its pigment is created from extracts of leaves, flowers, herbs,

and fruits. The Philippines is widely known to have numerous natural resources. One

of the biggest challenges facing the Filipino people is how to use these resources

efficiently. It would be a shame to let such precious riches from nature be wasted, so

the company came up with the idea of creating plant-based watercolors, and what

makes it unique as well as noteworthy is that it comes with specific plant properties

that allow it to have a wider range of hues than just the typical green from leaves and

red from roses. In order to ensure that each shade sets properly, these plant-based

watercolors are typically prepared in tiny batches. It offers a customized blend of

color pigments depending on the customer's requested plant type and has a personal

touch that purchasers won't find when buying from any other store. This product’s

packaging may not be made from paper since it’s in liquid form and prone to wet, but

the group of companies ensures to make it a reusable plastic to lessen the damage

to nature.

Nacolo can be used by people ages 3 and up. As well as with those who earn a

career by painting watercolors, students who utilize watercolors in assignments and

activities, relating to watercolor artists who use their medium to convey their passion,

and to those who want to experiment and try new activities, like painting, and

eventually make it a hobby. These factors have just served to highlight how adaptable

Nacolo is. It is also beneficial for those who need an alternative, simply can't afford to

buy common watercolor, seek recently discovered types of watercolors, or just prefer

nontoxic and organic ingredients. By having no fillers or preservatives, Nacolo

demonstrates how it values its users. It makes art accessible to people with severely

sensitive skin and to kids who are just starting to be introduced to art.

Prehistoric cave paintings display the efforts of primitive humans who used their

fingers, sticks, and whatever else was readily available to apply water-based colors.

Ash, soil, minerals, and water were sometimes used to create these paintings.

Everything has changed in recent years, and the majority of watercolors used before

contained preservatives specific to their type, including the Winsor and Newton

brand. Nacolo set out with the goal of producing the highest-caliber watercolors while

reviving the realistic style.

Since not all and every flower, herb, leaf, or fruit can produce a color, the company

first struggled to identify the optimum plant characteristics that can have that.

Nacolo's developer also faced difficulties locating a binder that was strong enough

since gum arabic is the only readily available common binder material and this

product was created from concepts rather than from paints that already existed. It

was decided that honey will be used exclusively to increase malleability and create

other effects. It came into existence following extensive research and numerous trials

and tribulations. When it was first released publicly, it aimed to be non-toxic and

versatile, delivering both rich, eye-catching expressiveness and gentle, comforting

forms of plant-based watercolor.

Business Logo


Our mission is to provide a watercolor that is accessible to everyone by being

nontoxic while maintaining its quality. We also desire to let nature retain its worth and

delicacy by only using fallen flowers, plants, unused herbs, and fruits.


To be the first and leading firm in terms of nature-based coloring materials and will

give its users the opportunity to explore and nurture their artistry.

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