ACTIVITY 8.2: Threshold Assessment: Threshold 8 and CONSCIENCE

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ACTIVITY 8.2: Threshold Assessment: Threshold 8 and CONSCIENCE

1. Using the threshold card below, supply the appropriate answer by providing FIVE (5)
SENTENCES to explain or justify your answer.
2. Font: Calibri Font Size: 12 Paper Size: 8.5 x 11 (letter)
3. Submission: Text Entry OR Upload your work in MS Word format via Canvas
Threshold 8 and Name: Lorenzo S. Arceo
Year & Section:
1st year - ICT –
Schedule: T-TH
Give your
answers/reflection on
the following:
1.Provide a photo that
will best describe
Modern Revolution
and its contribution.

2.What are the two (2)My two Threshold 8 terms that best reflect the importance of Modern
Threshold 8 terms or Revolution is “Anthropocene” and “innovation.” We, humans seek for
concepts which you development or revolution of the world, we manipulate our
think best reflect thesurroundings to best suit our lives. We utilize the resources and
importance of the knowledge we have to further enhance every aspect of the society.
Modern Revolution? Trough innovation, we have built things that made our daily lives
easier. Modern revolution is one of the roots that made society flow
3. Through the In my perspective, conscience is the thought of a person to rectify
discussion of Module his/her inappropriate actions. In the evolving world, Earth might not
2 - modernization, keep up with humans since we are powerful and we can manipulate the
design & technology, world. Modern revolution is powerful enough to be a cause of other
etc. - how do you problems as stated on the module. As an Angelite, it is one of my
think are you able to values to be conscience and it means that I should be conscious of
develop the Angelite what is right and wrong and do what is right. Angelites should know
value of CONSCIENCE? how to properly utilize technology and resources of the Earth that it
will not cause a negative effect to the world.
My Commitment: My commitment is to be aware of how I should utilize technology since my
field of study is about computers and technologies.

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