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All most all the aspects we deal in 6-10 can be classified in to following five themes

Diversity (types of motions, types of chemicals, types of plants etc..)

Interaction (force, environment – life form interaction,
System (digestive system etc)
Cycle (water cycle, decomposition -bio degradation, etc)
Theoretical models (particulate nature of mater etc)

Specific topics we find in our syllabus are:-

Theme Topics Learning outcomes

Diversity Diversity of Matter by their Physical Properties Knowledge outcomes:-
Diversity of Matter by its Chemical Composition Understand how the diversity in the natural and human-made
Diversity of Matter Using Separation Techniques world helps to maintain a balance in the ecosystem and provide us with
Diversity of Living Things – plants , animals (kingdom); useful resources
types of plants etc When we talk about diversity, it means some form of classification
Why do we need to classify?
What all parameters we can use to make the classification
Same set can be classified into various pigeon hole depending upon the
parameter we use
Application/ Social connect outcomes:-
Students should be able to predict, (say whether an object will sink or
float by comparing its density with that of its surrounding
medium; what type plant is most likely to survive in dry conditions etc )
Students should be able to evaluate the uses of different materials based
on their properties (which metal you will use for electrical wiring?; why
it is desirable to use biodegradable over non-biodegradable)
Interactions Interactions through the application of forces Interactions occur through the transfer of energy and/or matter, as well
Energy and Work Done as the application of forces.
Transfer of Sound Energy through Vibrations Change occurs due to some interaction – cloths fade due to sunlight
Effects of Heat & its Transmission decomposing -chemical change etc. Interactions can lead to changes or
Chemical Changes stability in the system.
Interactions within Ecosystems
Interactions occur in a quantitative relation (application of a certain force
results certain change; application of certain heat implies certain change
in the state of matter etc)
Using this quantitative and definite relationship we can infer and predict
the results (infer that loudness of sounds can be changed by changing the
size of vibrations; thermal expansion results in a change in volume of the
substance and therefore the density of the substance will change- why
hot air is thin!)
The interaction of human with nature gives us scientific understanding
of the world around us and at the same time this understanding enable us
to change the world we live in (eg., vaccine to control viral diseases)
Systems Food, digestion, balanced diet A system consist of various parts, and different parts perform a function
Blood circulation to make the whole system work.
Sexual Reproductive System How a change in a part of the system could affect the function of other
Electrical Systems- circuits parts or the outcome of the whole system (if bees become rare,
pollination would suffer etc)
investigate the effect of varying some parameter on the function of the
system (eg what will happen if you vary the resistance in an electrical
circuit, what will happen if some link in the food chain become extinct)

Cycle Oxygen- carbon dioxide cycle Understand that when the cycle is complete we have sustainable
Biodegradation arrangements
Water cycle carrying capacity; ability to self repair within limits of a cycle
introduce the idea of ‘exploitation’ of nature, unsustainably, global
the basic idea of these is o create an environmental sensibility

Theoretical Model of Cells – the Basic Units of Life The theoretical models are good, but approximate representation of the
model The Particulate Nature of Matter real world.
Atoms and Molecules as particles Models provide us a way to predict about things – learn to deduce
Ray Model of Light – geometrical optics logical implications using a model- why melting point would change if
the pressure is increased; Why a solid would expand when you heat it;
where will an image be formed if you do this and that; infer whether an
organism is an animal or a plant, based on its cellular composition etc)

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