Practices Topic 5

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1. What is the current federal minimum wage (in the United States)?

2. The federal minimum

wage of $7.25 an hour is
earned by only 6,000
3. Walmart workers.
4. The federal minimum
wage of $7.25 an hour is
earned by only 6,000
5. Walmart workers.
The federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour is earned by only 6,000 Walmart workers.

2. About how much per hour will the raise be for the average Walmart

40% of workers will have a raise of one dollar per hour.

3. What are the main reasons why people believe Walmart is raising wages
for its employees?

6. Walmart is having
complications to have
workers, also a high turnover
7. employees and finally the
raises that the company has
had to give
Walmart have complications to have workers, also a high turnover of employees and
finally the raises that the company has had to give.

4. How might the Walmart raise affect retail employees who work for different

It could be good for everyone because other companies can follow their example by
increasing salaries, and it can bring better opportunities.

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