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Essay 1

Dear Sara,

How are you? It was nice to get your letter last week and even nicer to hear that you’re coming to
Turkey for a three – week holiday.

I thought ı would drop you a line about where ı live. We have a four bedroom flat in the city. I know
you share a room with your sister, so ı thought you would prefer a more peaceful and quiet room
and I arranged a room where you can stay alone. But of course you can also stay with me or my
sister if you prefer. She also loves to listen to music and sing like you. You don't have to worry about
the food because my mom is a very good cook, and I'm sure she'll make meals that fit your eating
habits. And if you have a problem about anything, you can talk to my mother freely. And about my
father, he loves weekend nature walks just like you. I hope we'll all go to the forest together when
you come.

You’ll be glad to know we will go yo my school when you come. I am super excited to introduce you
to my friends and English teachers. I old my friends about you, and they are dying to meet you!

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

Best wishes,

Essay 2

Dear Maria,

How is it going? I’m sorry ı haven’t written for ages, but ı’ve been very busy studying and haven’t
had the time.

Anyway, ı thought ı’d drop you a line to let you know something about how ı spend my free time.
First of all, ı can say that ı don’t have so much free time after school. But I still try not to isolate
myself from social life outside of school. That's why I'm doing my best. I go to archery course after
school, it makes me feel more energetic. When I come home, I do my homework and watch some
episodes of my favorite TV shows (usually the ones you recommend). And at the end of the day, I
try to read before I go to bed, even though I can't do it every day. But some days I don't do anything
because I'm so tired that it really makes me feel bad so I usually try to attend all the social activities
of the school.

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

Best wishes,

Essay 3

Dear Maria,

How are you? It was lovely to get your letter yesterday and ı was so pleased to hear that you’ll be
coming to stay with us. It is really a great feeling to know that at last you’re going to meet the cousin
you’ve never seen. Don’t you think so? Anyway, ı thought you might like to know some more about
us, apart from the some of my instagram posts you’ve seen.

We have a four bedroom flat in the city. I know you share a room with your sister, so ı thought you
would prefer a more peaceful and quiet room and I arranged a room where you can stay alone. But
of course you can also stay with me or my sister if you prefer. She also loves to listen to music and
sing like you. You don't have to worry about the food because my mom is a very good cook, and I'm
sure she'll make meals that fit your eating habits. And if you have a problem about anything, you can
talk to my mother freely. And about my father, he loves weekend nature walks just like you. I hope
we'll all go to the forest together when you come.

I hope this gives you an idea about us and you’re excited about coming.


Essay 4

Dear Emma,

I was pleased to get your letter yesterday but ı was sorry to hear that you’re worried about your
weight. Don’t worry. As you know ı was in the same boat last year so ı know how you feel.

First of all, I want you to know that everything I'm about to tell you right now I've done before and it
worked for me. In order to stay fit in a healthy way, we need to regulate our eating habits. And we
must be interested in a sport on a regular basis. I was going swimming last year and it both made me
relax and feel good, and kept me fit. You, too, can go to a sport that is close to your home and that
you love. As for your eating habits, I know you like to eat sweets more than anything, but
unfortunately, you should eat equal and balanced amounts from all food groups. But you shouldn't
skip any meal. Because if you skip, you may have a serious illness instead of staying fit this time.

I hope my advice works for you as it worked for me. Don't forget to let me know about the effects of
the program and how it's going for you!

With Love,

Essay 5

Dear Mike,

How are you? First of all, I want you to know how excited I am for you. But I guess it makes you feel
a little lonely and unhappy. That's why I want to tell you about all the beauties that you can't realize
right now and to cheer you up.

I think the first thing you should do in such a situation is to meet new friends as soon as possible and
look for good ways to do so. For example, you can join a club of your school right away and you can
easily meet people with the same interests. Or a nice party or a field trip would work too. I know
how social you are, so making friends will not be difficult for you. But if you miss me, you can
definitely call me or come and see me. Be sure to share with us the events you attended and the
new things you learned. As all your friends, we love you and miss you so much already.


Essay 6

Dear Sam,

It was lovely to hear from you. I’m so pleased you managed to get an interview on the local
television channel. This is a very important and good opportunity for you. If you managed to get a
seat there, it’d be even nicer! Anyway, ı thought ı’d drop you a line to calm you down.

First of all, I know what a confident and sincere person you are. So if you follow the right steps I am
sure you will do a great job. You speak English very well, but you still have to be careful with the
words you choose while speaking. You should not be stressed while speaking, this can cause your
sentences to get confused and forget what you are going to say. But you also shouldn't be too
relaxed, it might sound wrong. These are tips that will make your interview go well and make you
more confident. By the way, don't forget to take a warm shower and sleep well the day before the

Do write soon and let me know how the interview went. I’m sure it will go perfectly. I’ll be thinking
of you.

Good Luck,

Essay 7

Dear Sadie

I was so pleased to get your letter last week, but I was sorry to hear that you are worried about your
lessons. Don’t worry. As you know, ı was in the same boat last term so ı understand how you feel.

I think first of all, you have to find the place to study. You can study in your own room at home, in
your school's library or if there is a library close to your home. It will be good for you to choose a
peaceful and quiet place. Before do a test, studying the subject of the test you will do first will both
reduce your mistakes and make you feel better. There must be a timekeeper on the table. You need
to speed up for the exams. Also, have a calendar on your desk, study a different topic every day. You
should know how much time you have left for the exams and you should study accordingly. Solve
questions and check for mistakes. If you don't understand your mistakes, ask your friends or

I hope this gives you some ideas about how to organise and plan your time. Keep in touch and ı look
forward to seeing you soon.


Essay 8

I can’t wait to tell you what happened yesterday. I was walking down the street yesterday, I saw a
crowd in front of a building and wondered why this crowd was there. Later, when I approached the
crowd and asked what was going on, I learned that a very famous actress had come to our city.

Later, when I saw the actress, I realized that she was the lead role of a series I had watched for a
long time. I was very surprised and excited. And I tried to get autographs like everyone else. After
getting the autograph, I waited there for a while and learned from the paparazzi's questions that the
actoress will stay in this city for 1 more week and meet with her fans on some days. I can't wait to
find out the date and place of the meeting and ask to her my questions. I really can't believe the
things that happen to me sometimes. I wish you were there too. If such incredible things happen to
you, please do not forget to write to me.

Must dash to prepare my questions for the big day!

Essay 9

You’ll never believe what I’ve just done!

I was listening to my favorite song when my friends invited me to go ice skating. And frankly, I didn't
want to go because I was afraid of falling, but later, when they insisted, I got ready and went to ice
skating together. I had a hard time balancing on the ice at first and fell hard on the ice several times.
But then, with the help of my friends, I got used to it. Even though my first experience in ice skating
was a bit loud and painful, I really enjoyed it and thanked my friends for it. Since I want to make new
moves on the ice in the coming days, I created a new reservation with my friends and we will go
again next week.

It was so exciting but ı’m glad ı did.

Essay 10

I can’t wait to tell you my news! I was sitting at the computer this morning waiting for the results of
the university exam to be announced. I waited for about half an hour as it is not clear when it will be
announced. My parents didn't know about it because I wanted to know the result first. When the
result screen opened, I was so excited, my heart felt like it would explode. But then I calmed down
and entered my information and checked which university I had entered. Then I suddenly realized
that I had won the university I wanted, and for a while I was stunned with joy.

In the end, I told his parents and they were very happy and we celebrated it with a nice meal. I am
very excited for my university life, I hope I will make good friends and be successful in my studies.

I want to be a really good doctor one day. Today was truly the happiest day of my life.
Essay 11

Dear Emma,

How are you? I hope you’re feeling better now. I thought you might like to know how our cousine
Sara’s birthday party went.

Everyone was dressed for the Party. Aunt Luna came dressed as usual in a fancy sparkly pink
sequined crazy dress (She was really shining), Uncle Mike with a red tie and I dressed in a nice long
purple and dress. And Sara, as always, was very beautiful and wore a white dress.

When the music started, everyone left the delicious food on the table and went to dance. Aunt
Maria made very delicious meals. I didn't stand up because I didn't like dancing. Later, when Sara
insisted, I danced a little. Sara's father had organized a very nice party for Sara's birthday in a
beautiful house. There was even a DJ for the dance. Even i think after this birthday ı started to like

And after all the dancing and dinner, everyone gave a traditional speech, as you know it's Sara's 16th
birthday. I had prepared for this speech many days before. I chose all my words carefully and at the
end of my speech I wished Sara's life to be always good. While I was giving my speech, everyone
started laughing because some babies were crying, but it was very funny.

Finally, everyone gave their gifts to Sara. Despite all, it was really fun. I hope your birthday will be as
goood as this one. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Lots of Love

Essay 12

Dear Clara,

I don’t know where to start. This year’s Sports ay was rhe best one in the school’s history. I’m really
sorry you missed it – well, ı guess ı just have to blame it on your little sister, why did she have to
choose this day to be sick?

You shold heve seen the parents – they were all dressed in these cool sports kits, with the odd
parent here and there wearing jeans or regular clothes. Some pupils were showing off their tanned
arms and legs but thet were a Lughing stock. When it came to actually taking part of something –
honestly they were hopeless at sport. All the Year 10 and above pupils were the most reluctant ones
– you know how embarrassed they get when they are supposed to compete in front of their friends
and teachers.

The Refreshment tent was packed as usual, with kids running in and out and the helpers were
tearing their hair out. The smells drifting out of the tent were dangerously appealing – maing me
forget my diet. Our very samrt friend Nina managed to escape to the tent and help with serving out

Although a lot of things happened that weren’t exactly perfect, ı think it was great. I really had fun. I
hope your sister will fell well by next year’s Sports Day.


Essay 13

Dear Maria,

How are you? I hope you are feeling better now. I thought you might like to know how this year’s
carnival in Mexico went.

There was’t a cloud in the sky, which was quite surprising as it was overcast the day before. Every
year hundreds of local people and tourists come to the place where it’s held – this year there were
laughing loudly as they rode the merry-go-round. Some other tourists bought ballons for their
children, ans one child’s baloon managed to escape his clutch and flew away. The other children
thought it was a game and they all released their ballons into the sky.

The streamers and bunting weere all around the stalls and tents. Dangerously tempting smells were
drifting out from the food corner. A marching band in front of the floats in the procession which was
made up of volunteer students from all the school bands.

Everone stood to see who was chosen to be Spring Quenn – all the little girls were very pretty, and
the judge took quite a time to select the little quenn for this year and her two assistants. This year it
was a petite blonde called Laura.

I hope this gives you an idea about spring carnival goes in Mexico.

Are there any special carnivals in your town?


Essay 14

How are you? I hope you’re doing fine. I thought ‘d drop you a line about our trip to Trabzon
last saturday. I went by plane and stayed in a very nice hotel. We also had breakfast, dinner and pool
at our hotel.

Until the noon we have visited the most famous places and mosques. For lunch we ate
something special in Bursa. For desert we of course eat baklava which I annot describe cause it is

I had lots of fun, I reallly want to go there again with my friends or family. Have you visit any
place on your spring break? Write me and let me know.


Essay 15

Dear Sara,

How are you? I hope you are feeling better now, I thought you might like to know how my
first luxury holiday abroad is going.

If you have asked me, It is very nice and fun to go abroad with friends, but I would be
happier if my family was with me.

The weather in Paris couldn't have been better. It was the most pleasant weather I have
ever seen. I wish you'd been there and took some photos for me. The first day was full of travelling
and getting to know the hotel. The atmosphere is excellent, there is nothing unpleasant or

Today is the last and the fifth day. Also, yesterday an extraordinary thing happened. I had
just got ready for breakfast when suddenly someone came. It was the waiter and was saying that I
ordered a breakfast. I was sure that I didn't but he had to check. Unfortunately, it took a while and I
was late for the city trip. So, I had to spend the whole day in the hotel.

All in all, it was perfect. I hope your trip will be as good as this one or better.


Essay 16

For many years , man has been looking for the best ways to exploit nature and benefit from its
resources . However , in most cases these exploitations have resulted in harming the environment
and many species .

To begin with , animal species living in Antarctica tend to be more rare due to the scarcity of this
special habitat . Many people believe that it would be senseless to destroy their only habitable home
. This will lead to their extinction and consequently a huge disturbance in nature would arise .

Another reason to prevent oil companies from invading Antarctica is that it is almost impossible to
obtain the oil without adversely affecting the environment . Furthermore , the amount of oil
produced would not be worth the effort .

To sum up , in my opinion oil companies should be prohibited from drilling for oil in Antarctica
because this would completely destroy wildlife there . Surely we have a responsibility to protect it ?
Essay 17

Nowadays , due to the media and awareness campaigns , the vast majority of people realise the
importance of exercise , and the benefits it can have on health. In an effort to promote this idea, a
large number of schools want to make participation in team sports compulsory.

One of the main arguments against anything compulsory is that when a student is forced into
something , he will not be an enthusiastic participant , and this may weaken the performance of his
team. Consequently , he could become unpopular , isolated socially , or even become a victim of
bullying .

On the other hand, many people would argue that sport makes us fit and gives us energy . In order
to have a healthy mind in a healthy body, sport should be a compulsory subject on every school
timetable . Furthermore, it is a fact that team sport encourages co - operation and promotes social

To sum up, in my opinion it would be a good idea if team sports were made compulsory in schools
to establish healthy habits early in life, and to prevent students from becoming unfit due to laziness.
Essay 18

Nowadays due to the mass media and global communication we are more than ever aware of the
the increase . This hopeless situation has been problem of worldwide food shortage which is on
caused environmentalists inform us , by destruction of the natural environment and pollution which
have led to less farming land . Furthermore overpopulation in many countries has meant substantial
reduction in food per person .

It would seem to me that total commitment is required t to eradicate this problem for good . If we
bury our heads in the sand , the lives of many innocent people will be at risk . How many people
must die of starvation before we take action?

Surely it would be a good idea if countries with a surplus of food were encouraged to distribute it to
those with none . It is high time we shared our technology with developing countries to help them
make better use of their land . Furthermore , we have no alternative but to inform others of the
dangers of pollution and reduce it .

In my opinion , the difficulties are not insurmountable provided that we act together .
Essay 19

Imagine how it would feel if you could change school rules to ones you like ! It would be great , but
we all know that it is not likely to happen . School rules could be changed and improved , though , to
suit students a little , without being overdone .

Take the old grey and white school uniform , common in a lot of schools , but a bit dull , I must say .
Students get bored wearing the same clothes who wouldn't ? It for three quarters of the year would
be nice if students were allowed to come in whatever they wish as long as it is decent .

Hairstyles , too ! We are not allowed to have our hair cut in any way we like . I think that should be
changed . How can a haircut affect our schoolwork ?

How about a second recess instead of just one for the whole day ? Students are humans , too ! They
need to have a break every now and then , and not just sit on chairs learning their heads off !

Anyway , these rules should be considered . Even though changing school rules is very limited , some
changes might add more life and excitement to school .
Essay 20

Dear Sir,

I was very interested to read your advertisement for a play - worker on the notice - board in the
public library yesterday .

I am seventeen year old and am currently studying for my IGCSEs which will end on the 17th June . I
am under a lot of pressure right now and feel I need a break after the exams . I am good at handling
children and although I am not particularly keen on sports , my friends tell me I am good at
organising games and children's activities .

I used to go baby - sitting twice a week for our neighbour's children and usually prepared snacks for
them . I took a course in cookery last year at the Food and Health Centre .

I should be grateful if you would send me an application form and any other relevant details .

I look forward to hearing from you .

Yours faithfully ,

Elif Özer
Essay 21

I am writing to inform you that during my stay in your hotel last week I unfortunately misplaced an
important personal item .

I was staying in Room 1042 , having a great time , and I decided to buy something for my
grandmother . I looked in all the shops trying to find something for her . The selection was
marvellous , and I wanted something memorable . In the end I found a unique photo album , the
shape of dolphins , she happens to adore them . Another customer wanted to buy it and since it was
the last one , I convinced him to leave it for me .

On walking back to my room I stopped at the Oasis Pool to meet a friend of mine . Then I went to
pack and completely forgot about the present I had bought . It was not until I unpacked my bag at
home this morning that I realised I must have left it at the pool .

Although it is inexpensive , it is of special value to me and would make an old lady happy . It may be
in the lost property office one of your staff may have found it .

If so , I should be grateful if you would forward it to the above address .

Thank you for your co - operation in this matter .

I look forward to hearing from you .

Yours faithfully ,

Elif Özer


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