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Guidance and Control of Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles

Shashi Ranjan Kumar

Assistant Professor
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai- 400076˜shashi
Quadrotor: Euler angles based Approach, Horizontal Position Channel

• Horizontal position control:

lim ∥eph (t)∥ = 0, eph (t) = ph (t) − phd (t)


• How to design controller now?

ëph + Kphd ėph + Kphp eph = 0 =⇒ p̈h = p̈hd − Kphd ėph − Kphp eph

• As p̈h = −gAψ Θh , we have

−gAψ Θhd = p̈hd − Kphd ėph − Kphp eph

=⇒ Θhd = −g −1 A−1

ψ p̈hd − Kphd ėph − Kphp eph

• If Θh = Θhd then limt→∞ ∥eph (t)∥ = 0

• For a set-point control problem, p̈hd = ṗhd = 0 then

Θhd = −g −1 A−1
ψ −Kphd ṗh − Kphp (ph − phd )

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Quadrotor: Euler angles based Approach, Altitude Channel

• Altitude Channel: Control objective:

lim |epz (t)| = 0, epz (t) = pz − pzd


• Control design?

ëpz + Kpzd ėpz + Kpzp epz = 0 =⇒ p̈z = p̈zd − Kpzd ėpz − Kpzp epz

• How to proceed now?

g− = p̈zd − Kpzd ėpz − Kpzp epz
=⇒ fd = mg − m p̈zd − Kpzd ėpz − Kpzp epz

• If f = fd then limt→∞ ∥epz (t)∥ = 0

• For a set-point control problem, p̈zd = ṗzd = 0 then
fd = mg − m −Kpzd ṗz − Kpzp (pz − pzd )

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Quadrotor: Euler angles based Approach, Horizontal Position Channel, PID

• To satisfy limt→∞ ∥eph (t)∥ = 0 using ṗh = vh , desired value of vh

vhd = Kph (phd − ph )

• With assumption of ṗhd = 0 and evh = vh − vhd then

lim ∥evh (t)∥ = 0 =⇒ lim ∥eph (t)∥ = 0

t→∞ t→∞

• As v̇h = −gAψ Θh , we choose PID controller as

−gAψ Θhd = −Kvhp evh − Kvhi evh − Kvhd ėvh

• With assumption of v̇hd = 0,

lim |Θh (t) − Θhd (t)| = 0 =⇒ lim |evh (t)| = 0

t→∞ t→∞

• Desired attitude angle

Θhd = g −1 A−1
ψ Kvhp evh + Kvhi evh + Kvhd ėvh

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Quadrotor: Euler angles based Approach, Horizontal Position Channel, PID

• What do we expect from attitude controller?

• Attitude angle controller objective: To ensure that

lim ∥Θh (t) − Θhd (t)∥ = 0


• As a result,
lim ∥eph ∥ = 0

• For a set point control problem,

p̈hd = ṗhd = 0

• Kvhd ėvh can be omitted to avoid noise by differential mechanism.

• Why only P-controller for position but PID for velocity?
• First one is based on kinematic model (uncertainty free) but second one is
using dynamic model, subject to uncertainties.
• PID can compensate in better manner for uncertainties in systems.

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Quadrotor: Euler angles based Approach, Altitude Channel, PID

• To satisfy limt→∞ |epz (t)| = 0 using ṗz = vz , desired value of vz

vzd = Kpz (pzd − pz )

• With assumption of ṗz = 0 and evz = vz − vzd then

lim |evz (t)| = 0 =⇒ lim |epz (t)| = 0
t→∞ t→∞

• As v̇h = g − , we choose PID controller given by
g− = −Kvzp evz − Kvzi evz − Kvzd ėvz
• With v̇zd = 0, limt→∞ |f (t) − fd (t)| = 0 =⇒ limt→∞ |evz (t)| = 0
• Desired thrust
fd = m g + Kvzp evz + Kvzi evz + Kvzd ėvz

• For set-point problem, ṗzd = p̈zd = 0 and the derivative term Kvzd ėvz can
be omitted to reduce the noise in input.
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Quadrotor: Euler angles based Approach, Horizontal Position Channel

• How to deal with large errors in position or altitude of vehicle?

• Will small assumptions used earlier in dynamics still hold?
• Desired command may be unacceptable, and may even lead to crash of
• How to address these issues?
• Desired command in such case, for dynamic inversion based design

Θhd = satgd −g −1 A−1

ψ −Kphd ṗh − Kphp (ph − phd ) , a0 , a0 ∈ R+

u ∥u∥∞ ≤ a
satgd (u, a) ≜ u
a ∥u∥∞ > a
• For PID-based autopilot, evh = satgd (vh − vhd , a1 ) , a1 ∈ R+

Θhd = satgd g −1 A−1

ψ −Kvhp evh − Kvhi evh − Kvhd ėvh , a2 , a2 ∈ R+

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Quadrotor: Euler angles based Approach, Horizontal Position Channel

• How is this saturation function different from conventional one?

 
sat(u1 , a)
uk |u|k ≤ a
sat(u, a) ≜  ...  , sat(uk , a) ≜
a sign(uk ) |uk | > a
sat(un , a)

• What would happen to the directions of output vector w.r.t. input?

• Direction-guaranteed saturation function (satgd ) guarantees that the

absolute value of each element of final vector ≤ input vector.
• Also, the direction is guaranteed to be the same as that of input.

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Quadrotor: Euler angles based Approach, Altitude Channel

• To avoid saturation on throttle input,

fd = satgd m g + m Kpzd ṗz + Kpzp (pz − pzd ) , a3 , a3 ∈ R+

• In case of PID-based design, evz = satgd (vz − vzd , a4 ), a4 ∈ R+

=⇒ fd = satgd m g + Kvzp evz + Kvzi evz + Kvzd ėvz , a5 , a5 ∈ R+

• For scalar case, direction-guaranteed saturation function is the same as the

traditional saturation function.
• What if constraint is fd ∈ [fmin , fmax ]?
fmin + fmax
fd = + satgd m g + Kvzp evz + Kvzi evz + Kvzd ėvz
fmin + fmax fmax − fmin
− ,
2 2

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Quadrotor: Rotation Matrix based Approach

• How to perform design based on rotation matrix?

• Recall Ṙ = R[ω]×
• Desired rotation matrix Rd obtained through position control.
• Model for quadrotor

e e e f e
ṗ = v, v̇ = ge3 − Rb e3 , Ṙ = R[ v ω]×
• Assume that R = [r1 r2 r3 ] and Rd = [r1,d r2,d r3,d ]
ge3 − r3,d = ad , r3,d = Rd e3
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Quadrotor: Rotation Matrix based Approach

• Desired acceleration can be obtained, as in the previous case

satgd −Kvhp evh − Kvhi evh − Kvhd ėvh , a6
ad = R  
satgd −Kvzp evz − Kvzi evz − Kvzd ėvz , a7

• Can we obtain third column of the rotation matrix?

fd m(ge3 − ad )
ge3 − r3,d = ad =⇒ r3,d =
m fd

• As r3,d r3,d = 1, due to orthogonality R, corrected version is

ge3 − ad
r3,d =
∥ge3 − ad ∥

• We need to determine other columns to get complete rotation matrix.

• Do we need all three columns of R?
• Determining one more column is enough due to orthogonality conditions.

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Quadrotor: Rotation Matrix based Approach, Small Angle Case

• First column of the rotation matrix

 
cos θ cos ψ
r1 =  cos θ sin ψ 
− sin θ

• With small angle assumptions,

 
cos ψ
r̄1,d =  sin ψ 

• As second column is orthogonal to both first and third columns,

r3,d × r̄1,d
r2,d = ⊥ r3,d
∥r3,d × r̄1,d ∥
• If we define r1,d = r2,d × r3,d then rotation matrix

Rd = [r2,d × r3,d r2,d r3,d ], R⊤

d Rd = I3

• What if the small angle assumptions do not hold?

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Quadrotor: Rotation Matrix based Approach, Large Angle Case

• Third column of the rotation matrix

   
cos ψd sin θd cos ϕd + sin ψd sin ϕd a11
r3,d =  sin ψd sin θd cos ϕd − cos ψd sin ϕd  =  a12 
cos ϕd cos θd a13

• Solve for θd , ϕd

sin ϕd = a11 sin ψd − a12 cos ψd

sin θd cos ϕd = a11 cos ψd + a12 sin ψd
cos ϕd cos θd = a13

• Solutions
a11 cos ψd + a12 sin ψd −(a11 cos ψd + a12 sin ψd )
θd = tan−1 , tan−1
a13 −a13

ϕd = sin−1 (a11 sin ψd − a12 cos ψd ) , π − sin−1 (a11 sin ψd − a12 cos ψd )
• How to select one of these two values of Euler angles?

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Quadrotor: Rotation Matrix based Approach

• Using continuity of Euler angles, we can determine one of these values.

• Rotation matrix obtained using Euler angles.
• How to obtain desired thrust in this approach?
ge3 − r3,d = ad =⇒ fd r3,d = mge3 − mad
• How to proceed further to obtain thrust?

• Pre-multiply with r3,d on both sides

⊤ ge3 − ad
fd = mr3,d (ge3 − ad ) , r3,d =
∥ge3 − ad ∥
• For constrained throttle input,
fmin + fmax fmax − fmin fmin + fmax
h i

fd = satgd mr3,d (ge3 − ad ) − , +
2 2 2

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• Quan Quan, “Introduction to Multicopter Design and Control”,

Springer, 2017.
• Moussa Labbadi,“Advanced Robust Nonlinear Control Approaches
for Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle”, 2021.

Thank you for your attention !!!

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