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Research Article Assignment

Kallysta Noyes


Thursday, February 23, 2023

CAYW 122

Jillian Manning

St. Lawrence College

Summary of Article

Weiler, J. (1999). An overview of research on girls and violence.


In the article “An overview of research on girls and violence” Jeanna Weiler talks about
youth violence carried by girls and the difference in violence rates between genders.
Jeanna talks about the reasoning for violence behind a girl and the difference there is with
how girls carry violence tendencies to how boys carry violence tendencies. These data
demonstrates that girls in 1999 accounted for one-fourth of youthful arrests (par. 3). Now
girls tend to be more involved in more violent crimes than they were a decade ago. Based
on an analysis of FBI statistics, arrests of girls for murder were up for 64 percent; robbery
arrests, 114 percent; aggravated assault, 137 percent; and other assaults 126 percent (par.
3). Although Jeanna stated there was many underlying reasons of why girls were
aggravated oppose to boys who has no reasons and just were aggravated at strangers or
friends for no reason they stated. Jeanna writes about statistics that girls are more likely
to use knives than guns, where boys are most likely to use guns than knives. This article
talks about the thought process of why girls commit the crimes they do and how
differently they execute their violent crimes (par. 8). However, almost all women who
were incarcerated revolve around someone had previously assaulted them, sexually
and/or physically. It was thought that differences in biology and socialization explain
differences in the crime rate. Boys become aggressive and independent while girls
become passive, dependant and conventional (par. 13). This article explains the
differences between girls and boys from before the crime was committed, during the
crime and after the crime. The ending of this article then talks about how the crimes girls
have committed effect their everyday lives after the fact. The crimes committed tend to
effect completion of school and other risk factors, like social lives, dreams and ambitions,
life goals and influencing others to follow to violent crimes. Female gangs make up a
relatively small percentage of gangs nationwide, 4 percent of youth identified as gang
members (par. 22). Concluding this article states different programs to help girls recover
from trauma in a non-abusive way to the abuser, and a more realistic, safer option.
Activity Formatting
Activity Title: Art Therapy / Therapeutic Colouring

Purpose of Activity: Art Therapy also known as therapeutic colouring is a good way for children
and youth to connect, express and release while still being interested in their
masterpieces. This is a way to non-verbally self-express stressors, hiding thoughts that
may be hard to communicate or a way to accept reality and work on healing and self-
regulation. A lot can be recognized within a photo, for example, if the individual your
working with in relation to girls and violence, maybe they will draw a picture related to
their childhood, that could possibly give you more insightful thoughts of why they may
be doing what they are doing, where they learned it or what state the home was where
they came from.
Age and size: Early children, or adolescents (6-19), this method can be used by all ages and sizes
for therapeutic healing and a form of self-care as well.
Timing: 1 hour
- Pens, pencil, pencil crayons and markers
- Paper big or small, any colour
- Stencils
- Scissors for cutting shapes and sizes
- Glue if wanted
- Stickers if wanted
1. Have a conversation with the group or individual about what we are doing, explain this
picture is how to release emotions that may be building up that need to be released.
2. Provide everyone(s) with a piece of paper coloured or white
3. Provide writing/drawing utensils to the individuals and allow them just to draw.
4. Provide effective feedback, for example “I like what you are doing there” or “can you tell
me about what your drawing”
5. Have every participant have the chance to analyze their drawings and describe it if they
want too.
o Evaluate boundaries, provide an option to not share right away and keep private from
explaining their picture.
o Ensure no sharp tools are out of sight.
o Explain to your participants that this is not “therapy” they can draw whatever they
like if they choose not to draw something deep.
o If some participants may not want to create art or draw, you can continue to help draw
and they can give you guidance and ideas, for example like “draw a dog here”
o Consider starting with a colouring page to understand if it is something that is going to
work for this group or not.
Colouring books are widely effective to start off with related to this topic.

Digitalcommons@lesley, D., & Donovan, R. (n.d.).
Art Therapy with Juvenile Offenders Building on Community, Art Therapy with Juvenile
Offenders-Building on Community, Strengths and Self-Esteem: A Literature Review
Strengths and Self-Esteem: A Literature

Digitalcommons@lesley, D., & Donovan, R. (n.d.).

Art Therapy with Juvenile Offenders Building on Community, Art Therapy with Juvenile
Offenders-Building on Community, Strengths and Self-Esteem: A Literature Review Strengths
and Self-Esteem: A Literature

How to Interpret Art Therapy Drawings with Beyond Art Therapy Training. (n.d.).

Weiler, J. (1999). An overview of research on girls and violence.


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