To Be Am Is Are

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1. We _________ in 4B at 2. Hello! We _________ Fido 3. I _______ an alien.

I ____
the Montessori School in the Dog and Mulle the Cat. green all over.

4. There ________ stars in 5. ”Here I ________ on the 6. I ________- wearing my

the sky at night. beach with my frog float on the beach.
beach gear.”

7. Peter and Scott ________ 8. Here __________ a 9. The boys ________ playing
playing football. telescope you can use for star with their match box cars.

10. Gina, Rose, and Kelly 11. There _________ a swing 12. Nanna _______ working
_______ jumping rope. in the garden. on the computer.

13. ”_______ you enjoying 14. It ________ my 15. There _______ three
your new birthday today. I candles in the
skates?” __________ 9 birthday cake.
years old.

16. Ali ________ going to 17. Oscar ________ going 18. Pingo _______ building a
school with his bag and file. tobogganing with his cousins. snowman.

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