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BiU International Short Course

Corporate Social Reponsibility (CSR)

Chita Oktapriana S.Akun., M.Ak., CSRS

Jl. Raya Siliwangi No. 6 Rawa Panjang – Bekasi

Learning Objectives
What will be discussed in this week

1. What is CSR
2. Where CSR is used
3. When CSR appears
4. Who should do CSR and Who is the target of CSR
5. Why need CSR
6. How to do CSR

Unggul dan Terpercaya

What is CSR
According to World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) definition:"Corporate Social
Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic
development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local
community and society at large"

Elkington, 1999
Triple Buttom Line – 3P


Unggul dan Terpercaya
Where CSR is Used
UU No 40 tahun 2007 tetang Perseroan Terbatas pasal 74.

PP No 47 tahun 2012 tentang Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan

Lingkungan Perseroan Terbatas terutama pada pasal 2 dan pasal 3.

Unggul dan Terpercaya

CSR – Who are the players and the targets

Unggul dan Terpercaya

Why need CSR?
How to do it?
• Increase employee satisfaction
• Improve public image
• Increase customer loyalty
• Increase creativity
• Sustainability Business
• Society balance
• Reduce business cost and business risk
• Etc.

Type of CSR Implementation:

1. Cause Promotion – some amount of money to support CSR
2. Cause Related Marketing – give some amount percentage of profit for a CSR
project (sponsorship)
3. Corporate Social Marketing – company campaign
4. Corporate Philanthropy
5. Community Volunteering
6. Socially Responsible Business Practice
Unggul dan Terpercaya
Thank You, see you next

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