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Pg 76-77


Hisses, creak, moan, ringing, squeaking, knock, ticking, rattles, swish, drip-drip.


(1) Rattling- shaking

(2) Crackling- slight cracking noises
(3) Crashing- hitting something
(4) Roaring- loud, deep, or harsh prolonged sound.
(5) Screeching- loud, harsh, piercing cry.
(6) Squelching- soft sucking sound such as that made by walking heavily through mud
(7) Squeaking- high-pitched sound or cry.
(8) Trickling- liquid slowly or gradually

The River roared violently

As chilly gusts of wind
Made them shiver

The horse’s hooves pounded the ground

Leaving a loud ring in my ears

Thunder clapped
As the seas roared with all its might

The powerful ocean roared like a lion

And terrifying clouds formed overhead


The rain fell incessantly

I heard it pitter patter on the roof

Birds sang their beautiful songs as

We sat at the lakeside

The tractor ploughed through the land loudly

Breaking up the soil

The picturesque waterfall was a sight to behold

The water splashed calmly

Birds sang loudly

But soothing to my ears

At The Beach

Water trickled down my neck

As i splashed and dipped and played
“Ohh how wonderful this is”
I thought as I dug in the sand
All of a sudden
The clear skies were full
And the rain pitter pattered on food sheds
“We've got to now”
I heard
And we returned home
Safe in our beds

(b) A feeling of fear is evoked.

PG. 96
1. (A) Man- made
(B) Rifles’ rapid rattle

2. The bird soared silently

Over the serene sea
3. The delighted dancer
Fell on the frosty floor
4. The stream serenely flowed over the rocky road
5. The girl skated seamlessly sending the crowd wild
6. The old boat rocked roughly in the choppy waters
7. The tree stood boldly bending only slightly in the strong winds
8. The kite soared serenely in the sky
9. The sun disappeared behind the marvellous mountains

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