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Save water, Secure the future

Hello, my name is Enkhtemuulen. Today we’re going to talk about Water

First: why do we need to save water?
Second: why is this important?
First: Why do we need to save water? Because it’s the life source we need oxygen
water or something else it’s the life source we can’t live without them. Everybody
needs water. Most people face that if they didn’t drink water, they would die for seven
days. In human bodies 70% is water. The human body needs two or three liters of
water a day. YouTube doesn’t drink enough water you’ve got damage to your health.
Second: why is this important?
Because we need water so much water is decreased in some way house like
shrinking using for ignorant things and using for useless things. These things make
the water shrink we need to stop it. There are some people throwing trash in the
ocean. This kind of stuff mixed with water pollution is so bad it’s increasing daily.
There is a company named 4ocean this company clean up the trashes from the
ocean and lots of people respect that and help them. We can save our ocean too.
We need to stop using water for useless things and wasting them. We need to use
them for useful things like drinking or planting trees. We need to stop throwing away
the trash. This makes water pollution we need to stop it because this is our earth we
need to save them there is some company drawing away chemical trash lots of
animals died because of this trashes.

Therefore, today’s topic was really serious let’s talk about our lives and if the natural
system in the world’s getting worse every day but there are other people dead clean
up and they are the lifesavers after decades a few years we need to love our earth
we need to stop the hunting.

7a, 9th school Enkhtemuulen.E

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