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Candidate’s Name: Artneil Desouza

Candidate’s Number: 100157
Centre Name: Garvey Maceo High School
Year of Examination: 2021
Teachers: Ms. C. Peters
Subject: English
Topic: “The effects of lack of parental guidance on children”
Sub-Topic: Solutions/Recommendation



Content Pages
Plan of Investigations………………………………………………………2
Material Number One …………………………………………………………...3-5
Material Number Two…………………………………………………………...6-12
Material Number Three………………………………………………………….13
Reflection One…………………………………………………………………...14
Reflection Two…………………………………………………………………...15
Reflection Three…………………………………………………………………16
Group Report…………………………………………………………………….17-18
Group Material Number 1………………………………………………………...19
Group Material Number 2………………………………………………………….20-23
Group Material Number 3…………………………………………………………..24-28
Oral Presentation Plan……………………………………………………………….29

Plan of Investigation

Theme: “ Issues Affecting Children”

Topics: “The Effects Of Lack Of Parental Guidance On Children

The topic for my English SBA is ‘The effects of lack of parental guidance on children. I

plan on investigating how lack of parental guidance can affect children's essence. I became

interested in this topic after noticing how vile this act is to children. This research will be

beneficial because I am sure that I will develop a greater comprehension and increase my mental

flexibility in reading and understanding. I will search for information at the library,

through newspaper articles, and the internet visual and audio materials. I will use persuasive

skills to analyze my materials. I will use my information to persuade the audience in an oral


Material Number 1

Title: “The Effects Of Lack Of Parental Guidance’’

Author: Stacey Lynn

Source: ›

Self-esteem, self-discipline, ambition, and emotional development are stunted without parental

guidance and involvement, affecting an individual's decision-making capabilities and self-

identity far beyond childhood. Parental control is not only beneficial but necessary and has

immediate negative effects when not present that can put a child in danger.

Kids Need Boundaries

Without set boundaries, there are no guidelines, and living without guidelines creates insecurity.

Parents are a child's main source of security and if the parents' behavior indicates that they are

not in control, it opens the door for uncertainties. Kids push the limits because they need to know

limits are there and to know that someone is in charge of keeping them safe, according to, the website of clinical psychologist Dr. Laura Markham Ph.D.

Social Context

With the correct kind of involvement, parents help children develop interpersonal skills and

guide them in socialization, teaching them how to form relationships on their own. Parents have

significant control over their children's playmates when they are young. Youths from

authoritative homes look for and attract like-minded adolescents, creating a peer group that

maintains high standards, according to a 1995 study looking at parenting types and children's

associations published in "Developmental Psychology." With parental control, parents can teach

their children how to look for qualities in a friend that will create healthy relationships and

reinforce healthy behaviors.

Risks to Safety

Neglect is the extreme of parental lack of control and can lead to a variety of anti-social

behaviors that could result in intervention by the law. In the UK the Child Safety Order (CSO)

was established to act as an early preventative measure to indicate youths under the age of 10 at

risk. The child's behavior is identified as being anti-social and causing harm or disturbances in

the community and is often connected with home and family life, particularly identified as a lack

of supervision or neglect. A Parenting Order can be issued alongside a CSO, with intervention to

provide guidance and support in developing parenting responsibilities to further prevent

children from going down the delinquent route.

Academic Achievement

Ambition is learned, and corresponding behaviors are developed through the family and

environment a child is a part of. Parents lead by example for their children and the amount of

parental control practiced has a great influence over a child's ambition to achieve. Permissive

parenting, a parenting style that has no set boundaries or rules, results in lower levels of

achievement as found by Phyllis Heath Ph.D., in the 2009 edition of her book "Parent-Child

Relations: Context, Research, and Application." The book compares research in regards to

academic ambition and the parenting role. The children of these families fail to learn the self-

discipline that is required in academic learning and as a result, do not achieve the success they

are capable

Material Number 2

Title: “Is The Lack Of Parental Guidance One Of The Primary Causes of Crime’’

Author: Drexwell Seymour

Source: › i

Another primary cause of crime is due to the lack of parental guidance in the home. This lack of

guidance is probably due to the lack of involvement by parents and the lack of involvement

probably occurs because of the absence of parents in the home either because they are not there

in the home physically or because they are too busy out of the home working on multiple jobs.

Our responsibility as parents

Our responsibility as parents is to ensure that we take care of our children, financially,

physically, spiritually and mentally.

Sometimes, parents become separated and you will find that one of the parents is delinquent in

providing financial help for their children and as a result it puts a strain on one of the parents


Sometimes this results in poverty in the home and children want what they see other children

have and this may result in them robbing and stealing from others which will be the start of

committing a crime. As parents, we must ensure that we encourage our children not to compare

themselves to others and to be content until the situation improves. Of course there can be dual

parents in the home as well with little income and the effect may be the same.

As parents we must also carefully monitor what our children are watching and doing. Of course,

we cannot monitor our children 24 hours a day but the time we are around them, we must ensure

they are watching appropriate videos whether on TV or a You Tube channel. A lot of children

behaviors are influence by the things they watch. Some of the programs today are not suited at

all for children and may influence them in their conduct.

I believe we must ensure that our children know the word of God and therefore as parents we

must ensure we take them to church, have fellowship and devotions at home.

Without this foundation, it can lead to children doing things contrary to the word of God. Now of

course, there are children who have been raised in Christian homes and have diverted from the

teaching and are committing crimes.

I will say this though, once a child is grounded in the word of God, the word becomes a part of

their subconscious mind and one day they will return to the Lord. I believe peer pressure and

mental issues contribute to children diverting from the teaching of the word of the Lord. In

addition, some children are being taught in Colleges and Universities that there is no God and

hence this also plays a part in their actions.

Some of us have spoiled our children. We give them everything they want. We do not discipline

them. We cover for them when they are wrong. As a result, we are indirectly enabling children in

their action.

What should parents do?

There are some parents who have done their best to raise their children but yet their children

commit crimes.

• I believe the same way churches counsels individuals when they are getting married, joining a

church or christening a baby, the church should offer parental counselling to parents on a regular


• Parents should lead by example. If you want your children to do well, then you should do well.

Stop abusing individuals in the presence of your children. Stop taking drugs and stop getting

drunk in the presence of your children. Chances are they may do the same as you. There is

something called generational curses and generational blessings. Plant a good seed so you bear

good fruits through your children and grandchildren.


• Ensure your children are in a good environment and keep good company. This may be hard but

try. My mother hardly let us go out and as I reflect on it, it probably was a good thing. A

common thing that is being practiced is sleepover. Be careful with this parents.

• Be involve in the lives of your children even if you are not living in the same home. Give them

the attention they need before they find them elsewhere

• Do not put any TVs in their rooms and don’t give them any phones at a young age. If you

choose to keep the TV, then block the channels that you think are inappropriate.

• Get help with your children if you think they have mental issues. Don’t put this on the

backburner thinking nothing can be done.

• There are some children who are now adults and are no longer under parental control and are

having all sorts of issues. In this case, the parents should get their children to a treatment center

abroad for drugs, alcohol and behavioral issues. Ensure it is a Christian based one. Alternatively,

we can try and establish a center in or country as some people cannot afford to go abroad.


If we can get it right in raising our children properly, we will be close to alleviating the crime

situation in our country. Some of us are blaming the church and calling on the church to

intervene but we are not even taking our children to church. Some of us are blaming the

Government but we know some of our children are committing these crimes but we protect them

by remaining silent. However, you are not really protecting them, you are enabling your children

and they may commit more crimes.

Therefore no matter what the Government does, if we don’t do what we supposed to do at home,

then the initiatives by Government may not be impactful. Likewise, when we call on the church

to do something, we got to do our part as well for faith without works is dead.

Material Number 3

Title: Psychological Factors Linked to Bad Parenting

Author: Elliot Figuiera


10 Psychological Factors Linked to Bad Parenting



To proceed with my research, I examined roughly five (5) materials and choose three (3) out of

the five. I discovered an article on google published on December 8, 2018, by Stacey Lynn an

author, entitled “ The Effects Of Lack Of Parental Control.” In this article, the writer highlighted

that parents are a child's main source of security and if the parents' behavior indicates that they

are not in control, it opens the door for uncertainties. Material (2) discovered on google is an

article, entitled “Is The Lack Of Parental Guidance One Of The Primary Causes Of Crime,”

published by Drexwell Seymour. This article asked whether or not parietal guidance is one main

cause of crime. Material (3) discovered on google is entitled “Psychological Factors Of Bad

parenting” uploaded on April 22, 2016. it gives the action of bad parenting. The materials do not

have much in common but give brief information on “The Effects Of Lack Of Parental



In material (1) the writer approaches the audience in Standard English, formal language helps me

to understand the topic better because it is understood by many nations. The piece was used to

educate, it is an article that gives factual information. In the article the sentences are long and

compressed which made me research different words to get a better understanding, no literary

devices were used and the writer distributed the information in a calm tone. Material (2) the

author used formal language, which helps me to understand better. This piece was also used to

educate, in the pieces sentences are short and easy to understand. Statistic was used to drive the

topic and give a better understanding, and normal words were used that were familiar.No literary

devices were used but repetition was used, the writer was calm in addressing his thoughts but

sound angry in line(14). Material (3) is an audio piece from the video the points out the causes

that lead to bad parenting can use to educate parents. There was some word used that I had to

research to get a better understanding.



Doing this research on “The Effect Of Lack Of Parental Guidance” has shaped my mind a lot

better as a child. I have learned that bad parenting could be very bad at could even cause a

child/children to even commit suicide or crime etc. Doing this SBA had make my reading

understanding much better which I could put to use in other cases.



The group topic is “Issues Affecting Children” this topic was chosen because the

researchers want to know more about the problem that are affecting children. Each

researchers choose a topic relating to the group themes:

❖ Discrimination Against Children

❖ The Effects of Lack of Parental Guidance

❖ Peer Pressure

❖ Bulling in Schools

❖ Cyberbully

This piece of material is an online article published in 2018, by Stacy Lynn. The

the biggest factor was the various issue affecting children This material was chosen

because it gives a lot of information about children who are affected by a lack of

parental control. It can affect them mentally and it can also prevent children from

making the right decisions.

I found a magazine article that was published in 2009 by Blackwell Publishing


Company. This piece aims to highlight the significance of discrimination in four child

disability domains of right to care and production to secure their children in China.

This material was chosen because it gives a lot of information about children who

are discriminated against with disability in China.

This piece of material is an article discovered online that was published by

Kristen A. Schmitt in 2019. Students are victims of bullying, especially the younger

ones, this mostly occurs in high school. The problem in this piece is students being

bullied in school and the effect of bullying. According to the U.S. Department of

Health and Human Services, about 49% of children in grades four to twelve reported

being bullied by other students at least once a month. The material was chosen

because it consists of precise information that’s very important, therefore as

students, we won’t be ignorant of what others or going through.




Author/Date: Xiaoyuan Shang, Karen R. Fisher, Jiawen Xie {26/2/2009}

Title: “Discrimination against children with disability in China”




Author/Date: Stacy Lynn {12/52018}

Title: “The Effect of a Lack of Parental Control”

Self-esteem, self-discipline, ambition and emotional development are stunted without

parental guidance and involvement, affecting an individual's decision-making

capabilities and self-identity far beyond childhood. Parental control is not only

beneficial but necessary and has immediate negative effects when not present that

can put a child in danger.

Kids Need Boundaries

Without set boundaries, there are no guidelines, and living without guidelines creates

insecurity. Parents are a child's main source of security and if the parents' behavior

indicates that they are not in control, it opens the door for uncertainties. Kids push

the limits because they need to know limits are there and to know that someone is in

charge keeping them safe, according to, the website of clinical

psychologist Dr. Laura Markham Ph.D.


Due Date Calculator

Social Context

With the correct kind of involvement, parents help children develop interpersonal

skills and guide them in socialization, teaching them how to form relationships on

their own. Parents have significant control over their children's playmates when they

are young. Youths from authoritative homes look for and attract like-minded

adolescents, creating a peer group that maintains high standards, according to a

1995 study looking at parenting types and children's associations published in

"Developmental Psychology." With parental control, parents can teach their children

how to look for qualities in a friend that will create healthy relationships and reinforce

healthy behaviors.

Risks to Safety

Neglect is the extreme of parental lack of control and can lead to a variety of anti-

social behaviors that could result in intervention by the law. In the UK the Child

Safety Order (CSO) was established to act as an early preventative measure to

indicate youths under the age of 10 at risk. The child's behavior is identified as being

anti-social and causing harm or disturbances in the community and is often


connected with home and family life, particularly identified as a lack of supervision or

neglect. A Parenting Order can be issued alongside a CSO, with intervention to

provide guidance and support in developing parenting responsibilities to further

prevent children from going down the delinquent route.

Academic Achievement

Ambition is learned, and corresponding behaviors are developed through the family

and environment a child is a part of. Parents lead by example for their children and

the amount of parental control practiced has a great influence over a child's ambition

to achieve. Permissive parenting, a parenting style that has no set boundaries or

rules, results in lower levels of achievement as found by Phyllis Heath Ph.D., in the

2009 edition of her book "Parent-Child Relations: Context, Research and

Application." The book compares research in regards to academic ambition and the

parenting role. The children of these families fail to learn the self-discipline that is

required in academic learning and as a result do not achieve the success they are

capable of.



Author/Date: Kristen A. Schmitt {8/10/2019}

Title: “Is your Child the Bully or the Bullied”

Middle school can be tough: switching classes, learning locker combinations, more

challenging coursework. It’s also where the most bullying begins. According to the U.S.

Department of Health and Human Services, about 49 percent of children in grades four to 12

reported being bullied by other students at least once a month, and 31 percent of children

reported being the ones who bullied.

Those numbers suggest that it’s more likely than not that your child will either be the target

of bullying or the instigator.

Prevalent Perpetrators

We think we know what a bully looks like. Pop culture paints an image of an alpha male or

female who is either the star football player or head cheerleader. However, it’s not always

that easy to identify the problem child, especially if their misdeeds occur primarily online.

More male students may be physically bullied than female (6 percent versus 4 percent),

according to the National Center for Educational Statistics. Jennifer Knack, an associate

professor of psychology at Clarkson University who has researched bullying for 15 years,

points out that girls are typically socialized out of physical bullying and, instead, start using

bullying tactics like ostracism or spreading rumors. However, cyberbullying affects both


A 2018 Pew survey found that 59 percent of U.S. teens experienced some form of abusive

online behavior and, unfortunately, it doesn’t stay within the confines of school property.

Before social media, students who were bullied at school, on the school bus or in the

neighborhood, could escape to the safety of their homes in the evenings. Now, with the

ability to always be connected, kids are continually targeted on social networks sites.

Cyberbullying also allows students to pick on multiple children at once without leaving their

couches, adds Eric Schiff, a guidance counselor at Brookline High School in Brookline,

Mass. “There’s the anonymity of some of the online stuff, too.”

Whether or not parents are aware of how prevalent bullying is, it seems that students are —

90 percent of teens believe that online harassment is a problem affecting their generation and

63 percent say it’s a major one, according to the Pew survey. For most, it can become an

endless cycle of re-reading and feeling upset about the hurtful comments posted and re-

shared. While 57 percent of parents also expressed concern, Knack cautions that simply

cutting a teen off from social media isn’t the answer because positive support can also come

from the same places.

Seeking Solutions

Many schools have turned to bullying prevention programs and policies as a solution;

however, they aren’t usually that effective, Knack suggests. Adults may look at these

initiatives as a positive step, but Knack says that depends on the specific programs and how

they’re implemented. “I always worry about this one week we care about this issue,” she

says, in reference to annual bullying awareness events nationwide. “Kids can see right

through that.”

Schiff, whose school hosts a Kindness Week — “I think it’s a box-checking exercise” — says

resources would be better spent by hiring more counselors or social workers who can make

connections with students so those students have someone at school they can trust.

Some other programs can teach kids how to interact without aggression or hostility by giving

them tools to help build positive social behaviors. Programs that look at what the school or

community values show youth what to do and how to support each other rather than only

telling them what not to do. Yet, Knack warns, the bully-bullied dynamic is often not clearly


Regardless of whether schools have these types of tools and programs at their disposal, the

bullying dynamic depends on where kids fall within the social hierarchy of the school.

Who’s a bully?

The distinction between bully and bullied isn’t always clear. In a school environment, social

hierarchy often determines these two positions, which isn’t always a good thing.

“Bullies who are on the higher end of the social hierarchy are often liked by teachers, liked

by administrators and so they often get a pass even though they’re harming other children in

terms of their social relationships,” says Knack.

Schiff says it can also be difficult to decipher the truth from multiple versions of an incident.

Did a student trip another on purpose or was it truly an accident?


More:Considering Kindergarten

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“The question of intent can also be hard to judge, depending on the situation,” says Schiff.

Kids can pretend they’re joking or teasing was misinterpreted and, based on their social status

and whether or not they’re already viewed as troublemakers, they can often maintain their

social standing because they are so well-liked within the school environment.

While the conscious awareness may not fully be there, Knack believes that those who bully

understand that their behaviors reward them with social privilege, whether they’re fully

conscious of it or not. “They definitely are trying to figure out how to maintain that power,”

she says.

Kids who are bullied often withdraw from activities, go from being talkative to quiet,

experience fluctuations in grades — all red flags that parents need to be aware of — but what

about the kids who are doing the bullying? If you notice that your child is suddenly getting a

lot of extra attention from classmates, that could be a different sort of red flag, especially if

that attention comes out of left field.

“Some kids who are engaging in bullying behavior may react with more confidence,” says

Knack. “Kids have a hard time knowing what to do with that extra attention. It can be hard

because some of these (behaviors) we expect because they’re hitting puberty … but it’important

for parents to pay attention.


To proceed with my presentation I have been reading up on my topic and getting a better

understanding, to make my piece informative and well put together . I tend to do this reading up

on my topic at a nearby library in my community. My oral presentation may benefit others in

many ways.


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