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IPrimed is a young company established in the year 2009 by Mr.

Navin Kumar who is also the CEO of the company. IPrimed provides
services to young and freshly graduated students and helps them in
shaping their future in the corporate world. IPrimed identified that
there is a gap between demand and supply of skilled people in the
market. Therefore, their main services are for young minds who are
new for this world. The services can be accessed from anywhere in
the world anytime as all of the content is through games and
interesting videos.

Unlearning, as the name suggests means to discard things from your
mind that are no more of use to move forward in life. It means to
discard all of the things the ways that we are taught during our up
bringing, forgetting “this is how it is supposed to be”, instead trying
to ask “why is it like that?”, “why can’t it be like this?”. It helps us in
thinking more, thinking differently which helps in personal as well as
organizational growth. For instance, we always thought classroom
learning was the only way of learning, but since the covid all of us are
now aware that online learning is also practical and has lot of

Change is to make the form, nature, content, future, course, of
something different from it is with the involvement of external
forces. Change always takes place when there is some kind of
external pressure.
where there is presence of heat and when it is kept back in the fridge
For instance, a chocolate melts down when it is kept somewhere
or in a cool place it comes back to the former stage. This is called

change, with the help of external factors, which is heat and cold.

Transformation is much larger, more significant than the simple
change. Complete change of the identity is called a transformation. It
happens from within us. Transformation is much more unpredictable,
and as such, involves significantly higher risk.
For instance, transformation of a chicken from a chicken embryo. The
embryo develops into an egg and eventually into a full-grown

IST_Grouping and seating arrangement

In this section we learn the major difference of our school life and
corporate life. In school days we used to be in group but as a friends
and we are also seated we our best friends but in corporate life we
used to behave with our colleague with professional behaviour and
understand the fact that we are here in a group to work or to
achieve something which is helpful to our organisation. 

Interesting can be stated as something which can hold your attention,
whereas surprising is more of a thing where you can get astonished
of something.
Since, I am not friends with anyone in my batch currently, I will state
few facts that are interesting and surprising about me.

An interesting fact about me would be that I have lived in different

parts of the country through out my life till now and a surprising fact
would be that even after staying in Delhi for 5 years, I could not see
Lotus temple because I am more of staying at home person

IST_interesting and important

Interest keeps on changing but we need to decide what is important
and what is not because sometimes it may happen that your
interests are not important than your work so in that case we need
to give priority to what is important. 
Sometimes what are our interests are so we should open to learn
anything because it will add new skills and which will help in future.
Important things are to give importance to office work, provide
financial help to family where interest can be anything like travelling,

Self SWOT Analysis (Strength, Weakness,

Opportunity, Threats)
Strength Weaknesses
 Hard working  Get nervouts little bit
 Quick learner  Weak on theory
 Absorb any environment
Opportunity Threats
 Just completed MBA  No threats
 Selected by gallagher


Efficiency and effectiveness are two very common terms
used these days in management field. Let us look at these two

Efficiency refers to the act of performing activities with minimum
wastage of time and optimum usage of resources, so that the work
done is faster and, in an error, free manner. Efficiency is focused
more on input and output of the task. It is more strategy oriented.

Effectiveness is the extent to which someone or something is
successful towards meeting the desired outcome. It is focused more
on the outcome of the task. Effectiveness is not strategy oriented.
An effective employee produces at a high level, while an efficient
employee produces quickly and intelligently. By combining
effectiveness and efficiency, a company produces better products
faster and with fewer resources.
Being efficient as well as effective for the company makes us a good
employee otherwise, we are just cost to the company.
IST_Lord macaulay
In this section of lord macaulay it asks the questions related to
history and social reasons and impacts of asking questions. so it is
important to ask questions why and what because you have the
knowledge and courage to face anything and for that you have to
learn by asking questions because if you never ask anything then
your knowledge and doubts are not going to clear. Because these
questions are help to increase the productivity and efficiency to the

IST_Reformulation vs substitution
Reformulation refers to the process of modifying the composition of
the product or process to improve its properties which will help to
meet specific requirements in corporate life. 
Where as in substitution we adapt something new or change
something which is related to old technology or process to improve
productivity and efficiency. 

IST_Treasured Relationship Outside Your Family

Our family relationship and corporate relationship must be different
in a way that our family help us through each and everything with
everyone in our family we share a special bond. 
When these thing come to corporate life things are changed we
share a relationship with our colleagues which are related work and

IST_Seven Points For Success

There are seven key points for success starts from developing
autonomy, interpersonal skills, interpersonal relationship, Shun
catastrophizing, need for achievements which helps us to make
IST_Top performer
So top performer not necessary to be one who score highest marks
than other the top performer would be anyone who has all the
qualities to achieve something, have courage and patience and
efficient and have smart skills. 
IST_Service excellence and ownership
In this section excellence in continuous delivery and innovation on
them is about speed and velocity while maintaining quality. At its
core, service ownership is about connecting humans to technologies
and services and understanding how they map to critical business

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