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1.Which statement is not correct in the case of
"Sovereign India"?
(A) India is not dependent on any country
(B) India is not a colony of any other country
(C) India can give any part of its country to any other
(D) India is obliged to obey the UN in its internal affairs

Ans. D

2. Which of the following is called 'Mini Constitution'?

(A) Government of India Act, 1935
(B) 42nd Constitutional Amendment
(C) 44th constitutional amendment
(D) Government of India Act, 1919

Ans. B
3.Which of the following is not matched correctly?
(A) Right to Equality: Article 14-18
(B) Rights against exploitation: Article 20-22
(C) Right to Religious Freedom: Article 25-28
(D) Right to Cultural and Education freedom: Article 29-

Ans. B
4. Which of the following is not matched correctly?
(A) Part I: Union and its Territories
(B) Part II: Citizenship
(C) Part III: Directive Principle and State Policy
(D) Part VI: State Governments

Ans. C
5.The idea of 'concurrent list' in the Indian constitution
is taken from the Constitution of ............?
(A) Ireland
(B) Canada
(C) Australia
(D) Japan

Ans. C
6. Seventh Schedule is concerned with ............?
(A) From languages
(B) Partition of powers between center and states
(C) From the judicial areas of the states
(D) From Panchayati Raj

Ans. B
7.What is not taken from British Constitution in the
Constitution of India?
(A) Parliamentary rule
(B) Single citizenship
(C) Fundamental Rights
(D) Cabinet System

Ans. C
8. Which of the following articles cannot be null during
the National Emergency?
(A) Article 14 to 18
(B) Article 19
(C) Article 20,21
(D) Article 29,30

Ans. C
9.Which among the following authorities decides , how far
the fundamental rights can apply to the members of the
armed forces in India?
[A] President of India
[B] Parliament of India
[C] Arms Forces themselves
[D] Arms Forces Tribunal
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Correct Answer: B [ Parliament of India ]

10.Supreme Court has made Right to Free Education as
the part of which among the following rights?
[A] Right to life
[B] Right against Exploitation
[C] Right to freedom of speech and expression
[D] Cultural and Educational Rights
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Correct Answer: A [Right to life]

11.Which among the following articles of Constitution of
India abolishes the untouchablity?
[A] Article 15
[B] Article 16
[C] Article 17
[D] Article 18
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Correct Answer: C [Article 17]

12.How many freedoms are guaranteed by Article 19
(Right to Freedom)?
[A] 3
[B] 4
[C] 5
[D] 6
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Correct Answer: D [6]

13.Which among the following don’t come under the
purview of Right to Education?
[A] Government Schools
[B] Private Schools
[C] Madrasas
[D] Government schools funded by Private Funds
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Correct Answer: C [Madrasas]

14.Which among the following articles helped the
Madarsas in India to remain out of purview of the Right to
Education Act?
[A] Article 26
[B] Article 27
[C] Article 28
[D] Article 30
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Correct Answer: D [Article 30]

15.Sikkim became a new state in the Union by the
__________Amendment act
[A] 32nd, 1974
[B] 35th, 1975
[C] 36th, 1975
[D] 37th, 1978
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Correct Answer: C [36th, 1975]

16.Which among the following constitution is similar to
Indian Constitution because of a strong centre?
[B] Canada
[C] England
[D] Japan
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Correct Answer: B [Canada]

17 In which year Andhra Pradesh was Created?
[A] 1950
[B] 1952
[C] 1956
[D] 1960

Correct Answer: C [1956

18.Which among the following formed as 22nd state of
Indian union ?
[A] Goa
[B] Arunachal Pradesh
[C] Sikkim
[D] Telangan
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Correct Answer: C [Sikkim]

19.What was the number of state in India after the States
Reorganization Act 1956, which reorganized the
boundaries of different states on linguistic basis?
[A] 13
[B] 14
[C] 15
[D] 20
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Correct Answer: B [14]

20.In which schedule of Indian Constitution the territorial
extent of Indian states and union Territories is prescribed
[A] 1st
[B] 2nd
[C] 3rd
[D] 4th
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Correct Answer: A [1st]

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