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Mr Penieli Ratei


27th August 2021

The Commissioner of Police

Fiji Police Force
PO Box 239

Dear Sir


I humbly refer to the above subject and kindly seek your indulgence as the Commissioner of
Police to consider my appeal in relation to my dismissal from the Fiji Police Force. Sir you
have been a role model to my career and your leadership attributes and skills will surely take
me a long way.

Sir, allow me to categorically state that I am remorseful of the action and conduct that I
exhibited which may have taint and tarnish the image and reputation of the Fiji Police Force
and to your good self as the Head of the Institution. With this it gives me great pleasure in
attempting to the executive authority of the FPF to give me a chance to shine again.

Sir, I kindly begs your high office to please give me a second chance to prove my potential
and also to showcase the skills and competency of working with your intention for the Fiji
Police Force. It is true practice proceeded over time is thought to as lawful practice and for
that I strongly agree.

Should your high office, wish to contact me or relay information pertaining to my humble
request for Appeal; please do not hesitate to contact me via mobile phone on 2934351. Deep
inside I know you still there and that gives me confident and I am not scared because your
good self will surely spread your light to the world and my self

Sir, for your info only I have learned all that about standing alone and with your teachings
about my dismissal have shown me the light to be independent about standing up for you self
and that executive authority lies solely on good self. It is true that your true friend will be
beside you when times are hard and this rings true to my incident when all else was lost your
authority speaks volume in satisfying my redemption and ensuring my families stability.

I would kindly appreciate if I could be advised the earliest of your decision to prevent any
false hope in my thinking for another opportunity.

Vinaka saka.

Respectfully submitted.

August 2021

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