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Pythagorean theoram


Geometry is the math of the world. It has developed through art and architecture and is an
integral part of society. It has helped develop security systems. However, one of the most
important parts of Geometry is the Pythagorean Theorem. The Pythagorean Theorem is the
most important because it is one of the most commonly used theorems and in all of math.
The Pythagorean Theorem is as old as Geometry itself. It was developed by the Egyptians and
Chinese and finalized by a Greek philosopher Pythagorean. It can also help solve many real
world problems. The Pythagorean Theorem is fascinating because of who developed it, how it
has affected influential people, and how it has improved art and architecture.
The Pythagorean Theorem is the sum of the squares of the sides of a right triangle is equal to
the square of the hypotenuse. It is more commonly known as


What is important is the triangle must have a 90 degree angle to make this theorem true.
Within this are special values that are called Pythagorean Triples. The Pythagorean Theorem
is only useful if one follows the rules that come with it.
Many people believe that Pythagoras of Samos was alone the author of the Pythagorean
Theorem. Pythagoras was a Greek Philosopher from Samos and lived approximately from
570 BC to 495 BC. During his life time he founded the Pythagoreanism which was a type of
cult that was religious and scientific but was very secretive. Evidence from other nations
shows Pythagoras was not the only one to have developed this type of theorem. Historians
have found evidence that proves that the Egyptians and Chinese had a very similar theorem.
From this evidence many believe that Pythagoras was influenced by either nation. Still others
Pythagorean Theorem is incredible and will still be in the future because of everything that
can be discovered in maths.

EUCLID: The Man Who Created a Math Class Euclid of Alexandria was born in
about 325 BC. He is the most prominent mathematician of antiquity best known
for his dissertation on mathematics. He was able to create “The Elements”
which included the composition of many other famous mathematicians
together. He began exploring math because he felt that he needed to compile
certain things and fix certain postulates and theorems.
It will be used in mathematics forever and it will be known around overs and
moved around in order to make important calculations. It is the same concept
of an abacus, but there is the elimination of the use of string. This makes it a
little less portable and easy to maneuver around. One thing that can be
grasped from Greek mathematics is, that there have been several brilliant
philosophers and mathematicians that have come out of ancient Greece. So
many of the intelligent minds have come from Greek culture and it is interesting
to notice how many of them come out of that central location.

His discoveries led to the formation of many other theorems by later Greeks
such as Pythagoras and Plato. These two men (next to Thales) contributed the
most to Greek geometry. Pythagoras discovered and proved many different
theorems and ideas that contributed greatly to the development of geometry.
Some of Pythagoras's proven discoveries included: -     All of the angles in a
triangle add up to the sum of two right angles. -     The development and use of
geometrical algebra.

Have you ever wanted to create or invent something that will be used forever?
The mathematician, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz has! He has created MANY
algorithms, inventions, and forms of math. He was known as the last “Universal
Genius.” He contributed to fields of metaphysics, epistemology, logic,
philosophy of religion, as well as mathematics, physics, geology, jurisprudence,
and history. Many of his inventions and algorithms are used today most of
which are used in everyday life

In summary it is clear that as geometry and mathematics had become hugely

important to the people of the middle ages, due to not only the ideas of
philosophers and mathematicians, but also because of the political, economical
and theological development of the period. The belief that geometry and
number was a link to God was so strong that it influenced the Gothic style in a
number of ways. Maybe it is this fact that mathematics was so intentionally
incorporated, is one of the main reasons why these cathedrals remain such a
great importance to us so many years later, not only as a place of worship, but
also as a work of art.

Our world is filled with numbers, consequently, math plays an important role in
our daily life. The development of the discipline math has been made great
progress from the ancient times to now. It almost owes to the wisdom of the
mathematicians. From the book, I comprehend many sources and processes of
the generation of the mathematical theories and discoveries. On the one hand,
there are many merits in this book.

The history of algebra is very complex and went through many centuries of
development to the algebra that we know today. Algebra is still being
developed and will never quit being developed and added on to. Algebra is a
relatively new form of math in the European countries and the Americas.
Algebra helped mathematicians and scientists to develop many tools and
theorems that people over the world use on a daily basis. Although algebra and
geometry were considered separate subsets of All
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