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Non-Experimental 1

Chapter 1
• Before the rationale, there should be an introductory statement. This statement
shall mention/state the contents for Chapter 1.

Rationale (Problem-driven)
• First paragraph shall present/explain the focus of the study. This contains details
related to the dependent variable and/or problems related to such without
referring to any specific place/respondents. This should be with author/s. –
general statement
• Second paragraph is the problem related to the DV and/or being related to the IV
as manifested in a global setting.
• Third paragraph is the problem related to the DV and/or being related to the IV as
manifested in a national setting. (Note: Studies/problematic situations conducted
within the region shall not be included here).
• Fourth paragraph shall present the social relevance, urgency.
• Last is the gap.

Research Objectives
• The opening statement should introduce the main objective of the study by
stating the last specific objective. To enumerate the specific numbered objective.
As example, the first numbered objective is to describe the level of the IV in
terms of its indicators; the second objective is to describe/determine which
domain in the DV in terms of its indicator; the third objective is to determine the
significant relationship between IV and DV; fourth indicator is to determine which
domain in the IV that significantly influences or significant determinant of the DV.
The fifth objective (If applicable) is to develop an intervention program/scheme
based from the findings of the study.

Research Hypothesis
• The research hypothesis/hypotheses to be reflected shall be based on the
identified objectives.
• This part shall be written in a paragraph form. (Note: A single variable study may
have hypothesis/hypotheses provided that the study has moderating variable/s to
which its objectives include identifying its significant difference when grouped).

Review of Related Literature (RRL)

• There are two subtopics/subheadings for RRL – one for IV and one for DV. This
shall be minimum of 12 pages.
• First paragraph should start with the opening statement on the parts of the RRL
and on the purpose of the readings.
• The 1st subheading shall be the IV having at least five (5) related literatures or
articles. The indicators shall be presented afterwards; however, before
presenting the indicators of the variables, a statement is required. This statement
introduces the indicators with the corresponding reference/s.
• The 2nd subheading shall be the DV having at least five (5) related literatures or
articles. The indicators shall be presented afterwards; however, before
presenting the indicators of the variables, a statement is required. This statement
introduces the indicators with the corresponding reference/s.
• After each of the subheading, there is one paragraph for the synthesis. This will
summarize the points as discussed on the readings presented for each variable.
• All authors cited should be found at the end of the paragraphs.
• For the percentage, 90% of the references should be within the last 5 years of
publication and the remaining 10% is for those not within the 5-year recency.
• All references cited in the Discussion (Chapter 4) are found in the RRL.
Non-Experimental 2

• References citations should follow the Author-Year System. In case sources do

not have authors, cite the title or the first 3 words of the title if the title is long;
otherwise, cite the title.
• Paraphrasing is a must.

Theoretical Framework
• Present a main theory or proposition that connects the IV and DV. References
have no restrictions on the year of publication.
• There should be at least 2 support theories or propositions that further connect
the 2 variables being studied upon.
• As to the presentation, the theory/proposition will be presented first followed by
its elaboration then its contextualization being related to the study.

Conceptual Framework
• First paragraph should introduce the indicators of the IV with source and define
briefly the indicators with references to figure 1. The defined indicators should be
in italics.
• Second paragraph should introduce the indicators of the DV with source and
define briefly the indicators. The defined indicators should be italics.
• Third paragraph is for the moderating/mediating/third variable (as the study
• Figure 1 which is the Conceptual Framework of the study should be in one page
that follows immediately after it is mentioned. The indicators are presented
without bullets and the one-headed arrow should point to the right if regression is
used and the boxes are labeled as IV and DV. Two-headed arrow for correlation
and the boxes designated as first variable and the second variable.
• Simple box borders and arrow are required.

Significance of the Study

• This is usually two or three paragraphs.
• First paragraph presents the importance of your study.
• This will be followed by paragraphs mentioning the beneficiaries of the study. In
other words, it identifies, in paragraph form, the people or offices where the
results of the study can be utilized. These are arranged from macro to micro level
(i.e. DepEd officials, school heads, teachers, students, parents, community
residents if applicable, and finally, future researchers).
• One paragraph may contain two or more beneficiaries as long as each has been
discussed thoroughly. Beneficiaries shall be written in bold letters and embedded
within the paragraphs not enumerated separately from one another.

Definition of Terms
• Define only the variables of your study (excluding the moderating variable/s).
• In defining each variable, one paragraph may do. It shall have conceptual and
operation definitions. Conceptual definition requires authors/reference of the
concept while operational definition is how such is being used in the study;
indicators can be used for the operational definition.
• For the operational definition, the clause “As used in this study, it refers to…
(enumerating the indicators here)” may be used.
Non-Experimental 3

Chapter 2
• Introductory statement is need. (All parts of the chapter should be presented in
paragraph form).

Research Design
• This shall contain what design/approach is being employed. It contains three
• First paragraph presents the focus of the study, research design, and
approach to be utilized.
• Second paragraph discusses the design (quantitative experimental or non-
experimental) with author/s.
• Third paragraph discusses the approach/type (descriptive, correlational,
mediating effect, etc.) with author/s.

Research Locale
• Presents the location of the study.
• Describe briefly the location of your study with reference to Figure 2. Figure 2
is the map of Philippines highlighting the research setting where the study is
conducted. Give brief description of the municipality by stating its boundaries,
how many barangays, school districts, and other information that relate to
your study. Finally, state when will the study be conducted (months and
school year).

Population and Sample

• Describe the respondents of the study.
• Discuss the table for the Distribution of Respondents (refer to your statistician
for the computation) and the type of sampling being used.

See sample below

Table 1
Distribution of Respondents
Section Population Sample Percentage

2A 52 34 16%
2B 43 28 13%
2C 42 27 13%
2D 45 29 13%
2E 34 22 10%
TOTAL 216 140 65%

Research Instrument

• Introduce the questionnaire/instrument to be used by identifying if it is

researcher-made, adapted, or adopted. This will be followed by the description of
the instrument to be used to measure the level of the IV. This includes how many
parts the questionnaire has and from whom it is adapted. Mention also that the
original questionnaire will be modified to contextualize the school setting and
question items will be simplified or translated to the vernacular for the
Non-Experimental 4

understanding of the respondents. This will be followed by the Range of Means

to be used for the IV.

• Second paragraph is the description of the instrument to be used for the DV –

follow the flow of discussion same as the IV. This will also be followed by the
Range of Means to be used for the DV.

Range of Means should follow the following values:

4.30 – 5.00 Very High

3.50 – 4.20 High
2.70 – 3.40 Moderate
1.90 – 2.60 Low
1.00 – 1.80 Very Low

Data Collection

• This part presents how the study was done from asking permission to conduct
the study to the tabulation of the data – all in paragraph form. All problems /
experiences encountered during the conduct of the study and how they were
addressed should be narrated here. (Minimum of 1 page)
• Steps shall be enumerated not embedded within the paragraphs.

Ethical Considerations

• This part presents how the study was crafted and done focusing the attention on
the ethical conduct.
• The researcher/s must reflect how the research in all aspects was able to adhere
to the following considerations from Denzin and Lincoln (2011):
a) Informed Consent;
b) Risk of Harm, Anonymity and Confidentiality; and
c) Conflict of Interest
Non-Experimental 5

Chapter 3
by indicator single variable
two or more summarized

• Introductory statement is needed. (All parts of the chapter should be presented in

paragraph form).
• Present all of the results not the summary only. This means that results from
each indicator shall be presented then the overall result for the IV (same process
for the DV).
• Each indicator result interpretation shall have its subheading. The subheading
shall contain the variable and the indicator (see below).

(Sample subheading):
Level of Entrepreneurial Attitude in terms of Achievement

(For the Tables)

• Item statements for each indicator have to be changed to –ing form of the verb.
So the items from the instrument must be changed once presented in this
chapter. It shall start with the verb in –ing form. The table borders have to be
changed, too (see below).
• Table label has to be italicized and the table itself has to maximize the space;
thus, it should be in single space.

(Sample table):

Table 2
Level of Entrepreneurial Attitude in terms of Achievement

Achievement Mean Description

1. Getting a sense of accomplishment from the
pursuit of my business opportunities. 4.25 High

2. Believing that is more important to think about

future possibilities than past
Very High
accomplishments. 4.42
3. Getting my biggest thrills when my work is
among the best there is. 4.03 High
4. Sacrificing my personal comfort in order to
take advantage of business opportunities. 4.09 High
5. Putting important matters off until a more
convenient time. 4.05 High
OVERALL 4.17 High

(For the Interpretation)

• Interpretation of results for each indicator should start with the statement of what
is the table all about then the overall findings will follow. In the interpretation, the
mean value, descriptive equivalent, and description shall be found.
• After the overall, this is to be followed by identifying the highest and the lowest
mean scores among all the items. The item with the highest mean shall be
presented including the item statement, value, descriptive equivalent, and
description. This way of interpretation is true to all.
Non-Experimental 6

Summary Results (of the Variable)

• After each of the indicator, the summary results for the variable will follow. The
overall level has to be reflected first so with its mean value, descriptive
equivalent, and description. This is to be followed by enumerating all the
indicators from the highest to the lowest mean scores.
• Each indicator shall have its own paragraph where the mean value, descriptive
equivalent, and description are to be presented.

Significant Relationship and/or Significant Difference & Significant Influence

• Results for the significant relationship, difference, and/or influence are to be
interpreted by reflecting the important values and what they do mean.
• Hypothesis decision is to be included in the interpretation

Action Plan/ Proposed Intervention

Non-Experimental 7

Chapter 4
• Introductory statement is needed. (The contents of the chapter should be
presented in sentence/paragraph form).
• The difference between the presentation of RRL and Discussion (Chapter 4) is
that in the RRL, sources/references should be placed after the sentence or
paragraph while in the discussion, sources should be placed at the beginning of
the sentence or paragraph, ie. “…The study is in consonance/ parallel/
congruence/similar to the study of (reference)…”
• Sources/references to be used in this chapter have to be reflected or taken from
the RRL.

Summary of the Level of IV/DV

• First paragraph should discuss the results from the tables presented using the
indicators as the point of discussion with references.
• Mean values are not required to be reflected here. Descriptive equivalent and
description will do.
• Same with Chapter 3 for the summary of results, the discussion shall start with
the overall findings of the variable itself with its implication/s as supported by two
or more related readings or literatures.
• The findings for each indicator (from the highest to the lowest) shall follow. Each
result shall be discussed with two or more related readings or literatures.

Correlation Between Measures

• Discussion for this should start by going back to your theoretical framework to
determine whether the findings of your study confirmed or contradicted the
anchor theory or propositions you presented in Chapter 1.

• This will be written in paragraph form not in bullets.
• Conclusion should also follow the descriptive equivalents of the findings based
on the research objectives.
• Follow the sequence of presentation based on the objectives of the study (see
chapter 1)
• The final paragraph should state whether the anchored theory confirms the result
or not.

• This will be written in paragraph form not in bullets.
• Recommendations should be based on the conclusions.
• Don’t be prescriptive. Avoid using the terms, “must”, “should”, etc.)

• Follow APA Format (See sample below).
• Reflect all in-text citation from Chapter 1 to Chapter 4.
• Mention all authors especially for et al. citations

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