Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship - Grade 12: Let Us Discover

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Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship – GRADE 12

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________

Grade: ______________________________________ Section: ___________________

Quarter: 3 Week: 2 SSLM No. 3 MELC(s): Define using various perspectives, e.g., social
sciences, institutions, civil society, and local/grassroots level

➢ Objectives: 1. Explain the definition of community in different perspectives; and

2. Appreciate different perspectives on community
➢ Chapter: ___ Pages: ___ Topic: Different Perspectives on Community

Let Us Discover

Community perspective is tailored for community and advocacy groups and officers
in community services. It covers news about projects, advice and recent complaints.

In Social Science, a community is a group of people whose connections and

relations are formed by their shared history, experiences, geographies and identities.
Generally, there is a common pattern of behavior. The course of embracing the behavior
patterns of a community is called socialization. To put it simply, man through socialization
develops a community. A German sociologist, Ferdinand Tonnies (as cited by Safar and
Madhi, 2012) noted two types of human associations: Gemeinschaft
(community) and Gesellschaft (society). Gemeinschaft is a community with a tighter & more
cohesive social entity brought about by unity or natural will. Gesellschaft is a group where
individuals participate as members driven solely by self-interest. It has been argued that the
real community manifests a combination of these two patterns of behavior.

Institutions are the core establishments that bind people toward a specific advocacy
or goal. They are grand social structures that are made up by individuals which, when
viewed as a whole, exhibit patterns of behaviour that create conventions and norms in our
society. There are five core institutions that are pillars of our society.
1. Government Institutions – it grants its citizens liberties and rights. The government
has the power to lead and govern its citizens within a confined territory and can
create sweeping policies and laws.
2. Economic Institutions – economists see institutions as the mechanism in which
goods, services, and money are distributed. In economics, goods are scarce and
considered to be finite. Therefore, we have to look into specific factors’ needs and
wants relative to the availability of a specific good or service being sought.
3. Religious Institutions – it is one of the pillars from which our civilization is built.
Today’s society emphasizes the importance of religion as a communal experience;

1 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

meaning, activities are still tied to the concepts and teachings of their faith. Religious
institutions are here to be a constant reminder that values and mores are grounded
on spiritually.
4. Educational Institutions – The mission of the school system is to arm us with the
needed skills and knowledge in relation to the demand of the environment. The
knowledge, skills and values we acquire are tools to chart our future.
5. Family Institutions – families are considered as the building blocks of our society.
At the center of every society is the family, and it is where the community and our
society draw strength from.

Civil Society (CS) is generally defined as a wide array of non-governmental

organizations and volunteer groups that are fighting for solutions to social issues that
continue to worsen the condition of the disadvantaged sectors of society, especially the
poor. Given this perspective, the CS views the community as composed of people,
structures and systems endowed with resources but are confronted with social issues as
well. The CS wants that those who are affected by social problems must organize and band
together to pursue and advocate for social change.

The Local and Grassroots Level (Community-Based Perspective) sees the

community as a setting for intervention, target for change, resource and agent as cited by
McLeroy (2003) and as established in the studies reviewed by Marzel and D’Afflitti. This
perspective, according to McLeroy, et al. (2003), requires vigilance in assessing community
structures and processes before any community interventions. The situation entails a
thorough understanding of the community in order to determine appropriate and strong
solutions. Further, the goal of cultural programs and activities in the grassroot level is to
enrich the cultural life of rural communities.

Let Us Try

Activity 1: Fill in Mo!

Instruction: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate term to complete the sentence about
community perspectives.
1. _________is a group where individuals participate as members driven solely by
2. In every society, there is always a _______where a community draws strength and
3. The goal of ________ perspective is to mobilize the members of the community to
participate in the community’s advocacies.
4. ___________is concerned with the production, distribution and consumption of
goods and services.
5. An organization that advocates help must have a thorough understanding of the
_______ in order to determine ways on how to solve/address problems.

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Let Us Do

Activity 2: Complete Me!

Instruction: Accomplish the table below with the needed information about the topic.

Perspectives on Draw an image/symbol that State your reason for

Community represents your definition coming up with such
of community under a definition.
certain perspective on
1. Social Science

2. Institution

3. Civil Society

4. Local/Grassroot

3 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

Let Us Apply

Activity 3 : Community Ko, Build Ko!

Instructions: After knowing about the different perspectives on community, think about your
community especially its needs and wants. Accomplish the house graphic organizer with the
information needed to help you build or rebuild your community.

• On the roof – give a short description of your community

• On window 1 – Identify at least three problems of your community at this time of
• On window 2 – List 3-5 power actors (leaders) in the different institutions who can
possibly help in addressing the problems in your community.
• On the door – give ways on how the power actors can intervene or help out in
making your community a better place to live in.

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This rubrics if for Activity # 3 Community Ko, Build Ko!

Criteria 20 Points
Content The learner was able to identification and
input their community’s condition.

Analysis The learner was able to identify the

problems and can suggest solutions to it.

5 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021



Agarpao, M.H.B., Quarter 1, Week 2 SLM on Community Engagement, Solidarity

and Citizenship (2021)


Lepazana, A.L.R., Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship

CSC_Compendium (May 24, 2017)

SSLM Development Team

Writer: Muslima L. Abdulcarim
Evaluator: Emily A. Baculi
Creative Arts Designer:
Education Program Supervisor:
Education Program Supervisor – Learning Resources: Sally A. Palomo
Curriculum and Instruction Division Chief: Juliet F. Lastimosa
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent: Carlos G. Susarno, Ph. D.
Schools Division Superintendent: Romelito G. Flores, CESO V

6 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

Answer Key

Let Us Try

1. Gesselschaft
2. Family
3. Civil Society
4. Economics
5. Community

Let Us Do

The answers may vary.

Let Us Apply

The answers may vary.

7 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

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