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2 Analytical Chemistry (CH2113)

Lecturer: Dr. Tran Thi Kieu Anh

Student Name 1 Trần Trung Tân () 4 Phan Gia Tuyến ()

(Student ID)
2 Huỳnh Gia Hân (2153336) 5 Gian Quỳnh Phương Anh
Class / Group 3 Trần Đức Hiếu ()

Topic: Determination of Ca2+ in Limestone stalactites by titrimetric method

I. Introduction:
Calcium compounds are widely used in many industries. calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is The
most common calcium compound on Earth, and it can be found in limestone or the fossilized
remnants of early sea life.
Calcium Cation is calcium's biologically active form. It is a cation that is required for several
activities in the body, including being a metabolite and a cofactor chemical.
II. Limestone stalacities formation:
The most common stalactites are speleothems, which occur in limestone caves. They form
through deposition of calcium carbonate and other minerals, which is precipitated from
mineralized water solutions.  Limestone is the chief form of calcium carbonate rock which
is dissolved by water that contains carbon dioxide, forming a calcium bicarbonate solution in
CaCO(s)3 + H2O(l) + CO(aq)2 → Ca(HCO3)(aq)
This solution travels through the rock until it reaches an edge and if this is on the roof of
a cave it will drip down. When the solution comes into contact with air the chemical reaction that
created it is reversed and particles of calcium carbonate are deposited:
Ca(HCO3)(aq)2 → CaCO(s)3 + H2O(l) + CO(aq)2
III. Removal of Calcium cation:
To remove the carbonate from limestone stalactites, we will use vinegar which is CH 3COOH 5%
specifically. The reaction is an acid-base reaction to dissolve CaCO 3 and get calcium acetate (in
CH3COOH + CaCO3 -> (CH3COO)2Ca + CO2 + H2O
1. Collect 10g sample of limestone stalactites (CaCO3) and place it in a beaker
2. Collect 150ml of vinegar (CH3COOH 5%) by using a pipette
3. Add in the vinegar to the beaker unitl the stalactites completely dissolve and no more
bubble come out
4. Filltering the solution to remove any residue or impure left
IV. Titration process: titirate Ca2+ by EDTA ( direct )
1. Titration reaction:
H2Y2- + Ca2+  CaY2- + 2H+ (pH = 12,5)
2. Procedure:
- Prepare EDTA solution using a buret
- Add in 70ml of filltered solution and with some amount of pure water to achive 100ml
into the erlenmayer
- Add-in 3 drops of calcon indicator
- Open the burette and let the edta drip into the mixture until the mixture changes its
color from pink to blue
- Once the mixture turn blue, stop the titration process and note the volume of EDTA
had use.
- Repeat the process 2 more times.
V. Calculation:
1. Determine Vf :
2. Mol concentration (Cm), weight concentration of Ca2+ in solution:

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