A Bird... Extra

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Word Definition
Spawn To produce or generate, often in large numbers
Predecessor A person or thing that comes before another in time, position, or office
The development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a
supernatural power
Jaw-dropping Extremely surprising or impressive
Flee To run away from a place or situation of danger
Tranquillize To make someone calm or relaxed, often by giving them medication
A person who is captured and held prisoner by someone who demands something
in exchange for their release
Barred Prevented from entering or accessing something
Infest To overrun or fill a place in large numbers, especially with pests or vermin
Mansion A large, impressive house or building
Remain To continue to exist or persist
Supplication A humble request or plea
Adamant Refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind or opinion
Impervious Unable to be penetrated or passed through
Insidious Working in a subtle and harmful way, often over a long period of time
Offspring A person's child or descendant
Pitfall A hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty
Salvation The act of being saved or rescued from harm or danger
Perish To die or come to an end
Incarcerate To be locked up or confined, often in a prison

Despite the stir caused by the infested building, the adamant hostage refused to flee. As it may
sound, he was in love with the insidious captor who had him in stitches with her jokes and had him
in a straightjacket with her charms.
The raised eyebrows of the police negotiators watching the situation unfold couldn't be more jaw-
dropping. How could anyone in their right mind want to stay with a criminal? But with regard to
the situation, they had to respect the hostage's decision and continue to work towards his salvation.
The negotiators tried every supplication to convince the hostage to come out of the building, but he
remained steadfast. It wasn't until the captor herself had a change of heart that the situation
She had realized the pitfall of her actions and the danger she was putting both herself and the
hostage in. She surrendered herself to the police, and with that, the hostage was free.
He came out of the building with a smile on his face, grateful to be alive. He couldn't believe the
turn of events that had led to his release. The negotiators couldn't help but chuckle at the situation
that had initially had them all in stitches.
It just goes to show that even the most seemingly hopeless situations can have a happy ending. And
in this case, it took a change of heart and a little bit of bravery to make it happen.

Word Definition
To produce or generate, often in large numbers
A person or thing that comes before another in time, position, or office
The development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a
supernatural power
Extremely surprising or impressive
To run away from a place or situation of danger
To make someone calm or relaxed, often by giving them medication
A person who is captured and held prisoner by someone who demands something
in exchange for their release
Prevented from entering or accessing something
To overrun or fill a place in large numbers, especially with pests or vermin
A large, impressive house or building
To continue to exist or persist
A humble request or plea
Refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind or opinion
Unable to be penetrated or passed through
Working in a subtle and harmful way, often over a long period of time
A person's child or descendant
A hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty
The act of being saved or rescued from harm or danger
To die or come to an end
To be locked up or confined, often in a prison

Despite the stir caused by the infested building, the adamant hostage refused to flee. As it may
sound, he was in love with the insidious captor who had him in stitches with her jokes and had him
in a straightjacket with her charms.
The raised eyebrows of the police negotiators watching the situation unfold couldn't be more jaw-
dropping. How could anyone in their right mind want to stay with a criminal? But with regard to
the situation, they had to respect the hostage's decision and continue to work towards his salvation.
The negotiators tried every supplication to convince the hostage to come out of the building, but he
remained steadfast. It wasn't until the captor herself had a change of heart that the situation
She had realized the pitfall of her actions and the danger she was putting both herself and the
hostage in. She surrendered herself to the police, and with that, the hostage was free.
He came out of the building with a smile on his face, grateful to be alive. He couldn't believe the
turn of events that had led to his release. The negotiators couldn't help but chuckle at the situation
that had initially had them all in stitches.
It just goes to show that even the most seemingly hopeless situations can have a happy ending. And
in this case, it took a change of heart and a little bit of bravery to make it happen.

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