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1. Translate the words into Polish.

imbued with sth-
utter equanimity-

2. Put the words from ex.1 into correct gaps in the sentences below.

1. The _____________________ lifestyle of the billionaire was the envy of many.

2. She was known for being __________________, always ready to speak her mind.

3. He tended to _________________ large crowds and preferred to spend his time alone.

4. The _________________ decorations on the Christmas tree were a bit overwhelming.

5. The decision was ________________, everyone agreed it was the best course of action.

6. The flowers in the garden _____________________ a sweet fragrance that filled the air.

7. Her _____________________ appearance and attention to detail made her stand out in a crowd.

8. The city was _____________________ a sense of history and tradition.

9. Even in the face of adversity, she maintained her ________________________ and composure.

10. Her successful career and happy family life were the envy of many women who tried to
______________________________ her.
3. Find new words or expressions in the story below.

When Sofia entered the opulent ballroom, she was immediately struck by the gaudy decorations and
the overwhelming atmosphere of extravagance. She tended to shun such events, but this time she
had to attend due to an obligation imposed by society.

As she made her way through the crowd, she noticed a woman with an immaculate appearance and
a voluble personality, who seemed to enchant everyone she spoke with. Sofia couldn't comprehend
how someone could be so at ease in such an excessive environment.

But as the night wore on, Sofia began to feel more at ease, and even found herself enjoying the
company of the other guests. She was surprised to find that despite their different backgrounds and
personalities, they were unanimous in their admiration for the woman she had noticed earlier.

Sofia realized that this woman had something that she didn't - an utter equanimity that allowed her
to navigate any situation with ease. She was imbued with a confidence that was enviable, and Sofia
found herself striving to emulate it.

In that moment, Sofia realized that she had been wrong to reject such events in the past. She had
been limiting herself and missing out on opportunities to meet interesting people and experience
new things. She vowed to make a change and to embrace the opportunities that came her way with
the same grace and poise as the woman who had caught her attention earlier.

From that night on, Sofia's life was never the same. She had a newfound appreciation for the beauty
and richness of life, and she was determined to live it to the fullest, without letting societal
expectations or rejection hold her back. She knew that she had much to learn, but with her new
outlook on life, she was excited to see where her journey would take her.

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