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AnswerAl Lthe following VSAQ: 10x 2-20
IfA= and A-0 thentind thevalue ofh

nd ihe rmk ottne matrix A


3. Let a =i +2j+3k & b=3+ ++.Find aunitvector in the direction of a +5

4 Find the vector equation ofthe line passing through the point 2i+j +3k and
parallel to the vector 4i -2j +3k
5. ifthe vectors 2i +2j-k , 4i-2j+2k are perpendicularto each other then find .
6. Find the maximum and minimum values of ffx)-3cosx+4sinx

7. Show that
V3 =4
sin10 cos10°
8. IfA={-2.-1,0,1.2} and f:A-B is a surjection defined by f(x)=x+x+1 then find B.

9. If fy) =
S(y)= then show that (fog)(y)=y

10. If sinhx=3/4 then find cosh2x and sinh2x.
TL Answer any FIVE of the following SAQs: 5x4-20
11. If=
E = a then showthat(al+bE)=a1+3a-bE,where is
unit matrix of order 2.
12. S.T the four points - +4b -3T, 3a +2b-5, -3a +8b -5c, -3a +2b+
are coplanar, where a, b, c are non-coplanar vectors.
13. Find the distance of a point (2,5,-3) from the plane r.(6i - 3j+2k) = 4

14. For AER, P.T (i) sinAsin sinAFsin3A (i)sin20'sin40'sin60'sin80-3/16

15. Solve 2(sinx + cosx) =
16. Prove that
2Sin -Cos=Cos
17. Prove that
2 A
I.Answer any FIVE of the following LAQs:
18. IffABis a bijective function then prove that (i) fof=lB (ii) f-of-lA
19. n(n +6n + )
P.T2.344.54.. Jpto n terms 3

0 .Show that h+c+2a 2 a + b +c"

21. Byusing C'ramer's solve xtytz=1,2x+2y+3z 6, xt4y+9z=3
i+ .h=2i +j+k.= i +j+2k
then find (äxb)xë.lx(bxT)|I
IfA.B.C are angles of a triangle, P.T cos2A+cos23tcos2C=-4cosAcosBcosC-11
24. InaAABC ifr=8,2-12,r3-24 find a,b,c.

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