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Q.P.CODE:1117-NS DR NTR UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES :: VUAYAWADA BPT DEGREE EXAMINATION — MARCH, 2020 FOURTH YEAR EXAMINATION REHABILITATION MEDICINE INCLUDING GERIATRIC REHABILITATION & WOMEN’S HEALTH (New Scheme) Max. Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours Note : Answer all questions ESSAY QUESTIONS: 10 a) What are the various schemes and benefits for disabled 1 person in India. OR b) A 40 year male has been diagnosed as a complete brachial plexus injury. Outline the long term goals and discuss physiotherapy management in detail. 2. a) Define Geriatrics. Write in detail about changes occurring in 10 musculoskeletal systems in geriatric age groups. OR b)Define rehabilitation. Mention its types. Explain its aims and principles. Short note: 8x5=40 3. _ Enumerate the types of neurogenic bladder. Discuss the management of autonomous bladder. 4, — Identify and classify communication problem. Outline the principles of training 5. _ Fall prevention issues for a lady with osteoporosis with balance issues. 6. Architectural barriers in public places 7. _ Define and explain equilibrium tests for co-ordination Explain the different strategies for muscle reduction following muscle transfer surgery Write a note on ergonomic advice given to a 25 year old pregnant woman. List common deficit associated with post-polio syndrome. Add 10. a note on interventions for the same. Contd.....2 10x2=20 Brief notes: Measurement of gutter crutches List any two differences between rigidity and spasticity Define Orthosis. Give an example. Gait in hemiplegia Orthotic appliance for spina bifida Kerning’s sign Ape thumb deformity List any four advantages of recreational therapy Classify disability Gower’s sign. NS Q.P.CODE:1117-NS DR NTR UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES :; VUAYAWADA BPT DEGREE EXAMINATION ~ SEPTEMBER, 2019 FOURTH YEAR EXAMINATION REHABILITATION MEDICINE INCLUDING GERIATRIC REHABILITATION WOMEN’S HEALTH —— resis (New Scheme) e: lours Note : Answer all questions Ig piarks 20 == 4 2x10=20 1. _ a) List the communication problems and outline the principles 10 of treatment and training. (5+5) OR b) Describe the theories of pain and the therapeutic pain management using various modalities. (5+5) 2, a) Discuss the team involvement in pre vocational evaluation 10 and training. OR b) Describe the types of artificial limbs and their function Short notes: 8x5=40 3. Compensation for differently abled persons 4, _ Differentiate Manipulation and Mobilization 5, Modifications for Architectural barriers 6. Contraindications of Orthotic devices 7, Pelvic floor rehabilitation 8. _Cardiorespiratory changes in the elderly 9, Palliative care and the role of team members 10. Post natal exercises 10x2=20 Brief notes: 41. Syme’s Amputation 12. Define rehabilitation 13. Four pathological gaits 14. Trigger point 15. Four orthotic devices for upper extremity 16, Active Assisted exercises 17. Causes of stroke 18. Types of crutches 19. Median nerve palsy 20. Coordination REHABILITATION MEDICIN: Time : 3 Hours Note : Answer all questions i yPpw en 10. it. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. DR NTR Sic : Beret OF HEALTH SCIENCES :: ie oS Shae EXAMINATION — MARCH, 2019 ‘OURTH YEAR EXAMINATION E INCLUDING GERIATRI wom IC REHABILITATION HEALTH ae (New Scheme) Max. Marks : 80 IONS: 2”40=20 a) Explain Physiotherapy management of Hemiplegia Patient. 10 OR b) Describe the principles involved in prescribing orthotic devices and the regional classification of orthosis. (5+5) a) Describe Architectural barriers and modification for a patient 10 with Parkinson's disease. (5+5) OR b) Outline the management of a patient diagnosed with Paraplegia. Short notes: siccan Evaluation of balance Mobility Aids Coordination Exercises Myofacial Pain Syndrome Ankle Foot Orthosis ea a iative care in Terminal Ilines: seed Bere ransiatheraplt in Leprosy Rehabilitation Post natal exercises following caesarian section 10x2=20 Brief note: Wrist Drop Four behavioural problems Tetraplegia Prosthesis for Below Ki Types of Wheel Chairs Endurance Foot Drop ; Antenatal education Rehabilitation team members Exercises to improve balance ie nee Amputation Time : 3 Hours Note : Answer all questions Le Pei Ue ai 12. 43. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. (New Scheme) Max. Marks :80 c 2x10=20 SON Ns and Outline the principles of manageme: a Qn nt ‘OR b) Describe the diff erent cial lis ne i types of artificial limbs used in lower a) List down the behavioral problems in differently at 19 a) Define Palliative care and the role of team members in Palliative care 7 OR b) Identify the various communication problems of the differently abled persons and outline the principles of management. Short notes: BS Gait training using assistive devices Exercises for improving balance Radial nerve injury Theories of pain Types of Cerebral Palsy Principles of disability evaluation Role of Physiotherapy in Geriatric rehabilitation Prosthetic devices for upper limb amputation Brief notes: Define CBR Muscle Spasm Benefits for the differently abled Elbow Crutches Causes of Pelvic floor muscle weakness Myofascial pain syndrome Types of walkers Muscular dystrophy Flaccidity ‘ Ergonomic advice for Neck Pain —_—_ OR NTRU ; ierene OF HEALTH SCIENCES Seppe GREE EXAMINATION — APRIL, 2018 a REHABILITATION MEDION INeLU ya SEAT a DING GERIATRIC REHABILIT/ mn TATION & WOMEN'S (New Scheme) Time : 3 Hours Note : Answer all questions 1. a) Discuss in detail about various members and their role in community physiotherapy and rehabilitation team. * fl OR )) What is ageing? Write in brief about various theories of ageing, (248) 2. a) Outline the role of Physiotherapy in Geriatric Rehabilitation. 10 OR b) Explain the different types of mobility aids availabl «indications. Short notes: 8x5=40 Post Menopausal PT management Exercises for gestational Diabetes Mellitus Disability evaluation of a case of meningo-myelocele, T10 level Wheel chair prescription for 10 year old boy diagnosed with Duchenne - muscular dystrophy. 7. Roleof non-governmental organizations in rehabilitation . Mental retardation and parental education program 9. je with onaw Measurement, Fabrication and fitting trials of HKAFO docrine changes during pregnancy 10. Cardiovascular and en 10x2=20 Brief not 11. Sedan sification of Peripheral Nerve Injury back pain 42. Ergonomic advice for low tion in Community based 13. Importance of communica’ rehabilitation 14. Tandem walking test 15. Behavioral problems it 16. Biofeedback for pelvic 17. Define metabolic screening 18, Measurement for walkers 19. Causes of fatigue in multiple sclerosis 20. Urinary Incontinence in disabled floor muscle training Q.P.CODE:13 /ADA CES :: VUAYAW/ FALTH SCIEN! Ba VERSITY OF HEA OCTOBER, eA TORE EXAMINA FAMINATION y HOLE eA aTRIC REHABILTATIO! Wo DING REHABILITATION MEDICINE INCLU! WEALTH lae-ah sche) Max. Mar Time : 3 Hours Note : Answer alll questions - A GE eadeo0 x is in industries 1. a) Discuss in detail about various health problem: and physiotherapy solutions for the same. OR : will 5) What are Architectural Barriers? Describe how you nal make accommodation for Parkinson's patient A) What is scoliosis? What are the indications of Milwaukee , brace? Enlist the Parts and fabrication of Milwaukee brace: (24345) OR ») Explain the ssessment and management of a patient with - Quadriplegia (545) Short notes: Bx 3. Fall prevention strategies for lady with osteoporosis with balance issues, “Physiotherapy management ofsacoiiac Joint dysfunction during pregnancy 5. Disability evaluation in head injury’ 6. Whatis intrinsic minus hand? How you willl Manage it? 7. Aeroplane splint indication and fabrication 8 Classify stress incontinence and write ts management 9% Role of Palliative care for terminally ill person 10. Immediate Post-natal problems and PT management Brief Notes: ‘10x2=2 Describe Gower's sign cue 12. Disability act 13. Automatic bladder 14. Parts of Artificial limb 15. Phantom Limb pain 16. Define power and endurance 17, Measurement of gutter crutches 18. Perception deficits 19. What is recreational therapy? 20. What is Vocational Rehabilitation? DRNTR UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH cI 7 BPT DEGREE Diimations th Vion FOURTH YEAR, DAT 2017 REHABILITATION MEDICINE INCLUDING GERIATRIC ' REHABILITATION WOMEN’S Sx avaw 19. HEALTH (New ssc Scheme) swer all questions Max. Shares 20 i , a) Define term Rehabilitation. Explain its aims and principles. + 10 (24444) OR Pain and Discuss therapeutic management of © b) Describe the (248) Pain using various modalities. a) Role of Physiotherapy in Antenatal and Postnatal Care. (5+5) 10 IR b) Explain the management of a patient with low back ache. 85-40 Short notes: Biofeedback Paraplegia mana Classify commun! principles of Disa Describe Walking Aids PT management of Poliomyelitis Management of Myofascial Pain Syndrome Muscle Re-education Programme gement \ ication problems bility Evaluation 10x2=20 Brief notes: wheel Chair Use of Disability Evaluation Amputation Ergonomic Advise Parkinson's Disease Hansen's Disease Clinical features of Pelvic floor exercise Any two methods to reduce spasticity Effects of ageing 0" cardio respiratory system Multiple Sclerosis p DR NTR UNIVER: SITY OF HEALTH SCIENC! mo ES © Vis BPT pee ees yi ~ APRIL, ae RE INATI HABILITATION MEDICINE INCLUDING DERIATRIC REHABILITATION & WOMEN’S HEALTH Tres t'S Hoult (New Scheme) tty Note : Answer all questions ees ESSAY 2x10=20 4. a) Identify behavioral problems in the disabled and outline 5+5=10 principles of management. in postnatal care 2. a) Compare and contrast Community Based Rehabilitation with Institution Based Rehabilitation. b) Role of physiotherapy R b) Describe the types of artificial limbs and their functions. Short notes: 8x5=40 3. Role of team members in palliative care~ 4, Discuss theories of ageing — 5, _ Indications for different types of mobility aids and their functions 6. Architectural barriers and possible modifications in patients with poliomyelitis A. _fPiinciples of treatment and training in patients with | _ communication problems. 8, _ Indications and contraindications of various orthotic © devices , 9, Role of biofeedback and ergonomic advice in pelvic floor rehabilitation 40. Aims of rehabilitation on geriatric rehabilitation 40x2=20 Brief notes: 44, Precautions for joint mobilization 42, Myo-fascial pain syndrome 43. Types of crutches 44. Quadriplegia crease co-ordination 4 Techniques to in Definition of disability according to WHO 47. Spasm and its management 18. Cerebral Palsy 49. Phantom Limb Pain 20. Functional Electrical Stimulation ay = VWAYAWARS LTH 9c OBER, aoe OF HEAION ~ Orr10N HABILITA EBSD Se at ac REMABITA Te FOUR! 4) DING OTH epic! REHABILITATION M! 8 WO! DR NTR UNIV! BPT DE! Max. Marks : 80 A= 20 10 Time Note f - nent of parkinsom’S 5+5=10 je @) Explain the Physiotherapy Manag disease b) Approaches of CBR and IBR 5+5=1 jit i d possible <7 2. a) Explain Architectural Barriers an arthritis Modifications with referenes to Rheumatoid Ol b) Explain the theories of Ageing 8x5= Short notes: Muscular Dystrophy Peripheral Nerve Lesion Scoliosis Management Osteoarthritis of knee Post menopausal management Effects of Ageing on neurological function Legal aspect of disability Levels of Amputation in Lower limb S°PNOgMay 10) Brief notes: 11. Types of amputation 12. SWD 13. MWD 14. Palliative care 15. Co-ordination Exercises 16. Endurance program 17. Rehabilitation 18. Pain 19. Types of Artificial Limb 20. Knee ankle foot orthosis 1117-p HL, 2015 BPT DEGREE EXAMINATION -APRI FOURTH EON INT ATRIC REHABILITATION CINE INCL REHABILITATION MEDI x WOMEN'S Hl (New Scheme) Max. Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours Note : Answer all questions ESSAY QUESTION / 1 a) Describe the common myofascial pain syndromes and outline their management. OR / b) Discuss team work involved in rehabilitation explain briefly the role of each team member. @) Describe types of artificial limb and their functions OR 5) Outline the management of patient suffering from es cerebral palsy. Short notes; Se Median claw hand Ulnar nerve palsy Joint mobilization Gait training in hemiplegia Wrist drop Cervical spondyitis Foot drop 0. KAFO. a ODrIanhe eee 10x2=20 11. Ice therapy 12. TENS 13. Hyper tonicity 14, Wax therapy 15. Phantom limb pain 16. Areflexia 47. Wheel Chair 18. Neuropraxia 49. Palliative care 20. Crutches DRNIR UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES :: VAYAWAI Time : 3 Hours Note : Answer all questions - 4. Boer aaPre? ESSAY QUESTION : 4117-NS PT DEGREE EXAMINATION - OCTOBER, 2015 FOURTH YEAR REHABI : EXAMINATION LITATION' MEDICINE INCLUDING GERIATRIC REHABILITATION & WOMEN’S HEALTH (New Scheme) Max. Marks : 80 ou 2x10=20 a) Outline the management of patient suffering from spinal cord injury OR b) Discuss methods and team involvement in prevocational evaluation and training a) Outline the principles of disability evaluation and discuss its use OR 'b) Explain the upper extremity management for a stroke patient Short notes: 8x5=40 Muscular dystrophy Antenatal education Bio-feedback Interferential therapy Ulnar nerve palsy Lumbar spondylitis Joint mobilization Poliomyelitis Brief notes 40x2=20 . Menopause Amputation. . Ankle - foot - orthosis . Cryotherapy Precaution to electrical stimulation Spasticity Gait Walkers. Paraplegia . Ergonomic advice for low back ache VVAT-NS i OCTOBER, 2014 a FE EXAMINATION , OPT OE TOUR TH YE Ae atic REHABILITATION CO REHABILITATION MEDICINE Na N'S HEALTH (New Scheme) Max. Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours Note Answer all questions “= 'SSAY QUESTION 7 a) Explain the importanee of environmental assessment in overall rehabilitation planning ‘OR b) Whatis CBR and IBR? Compare and contrast i 2 a) Role of Physical Agents in pain management IR , b) Define orthosis. Explain in detail about HKAFO. 26 Short notes: Bx6=40 3. Milwaukee brace. 4. Rheumatoid hand 5. Legal aspects in disability 6. Osteoporosis 7. Prevention of falls in elderly. 8. Wheelchair modifications 9. Theories of aging 10. Exercise for pregnant woman Brief notes, Oxes ” 10x2=20 11. Endurance ks 12. Tetrapod 13. Types of pain 14. Dynamic cock up splint 15. Typés of muscle contraction 16. Define rehabilitation. . 17.. SACH foot. 18.. Dementia 19. Rehabilitation team_ 20. Disability and Handicap BPT D EGREE EXAMINATION - APRIL, 2014 ows FOURTH YEAR EXAMINATION, REHABILITATION MEDICINE INCLUDING GERIATRIC REHABILITATION aN & WOMEN'S HEALTH uae 3 Hours (New Scheme) . ote : Answer all questions Max. Marks : 80 ESSAY QUESTION ” eeccecenecosennanaeeeeeecenennens 2x10= 1 3. 4 6. w 8. 9. 10. ate 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 47. 18. 19. 20. a) Discuss method : is and team involvement in - vocational evaluation and training cis OR Outline the role of physiotherapy in geriatric b) rehabilitation a) Explain the principles involved in prescribing orthotic devices and fabrication for different parts of 6+4 the body. R b) Define palliative care and the role of team members in palliative care Short notes: 8x5=40 Physiotherapy 'n abdominal surgeries. Therapeutic management of pain using various modalities. Social implications of disability for the individual and the community. Architectural barriers and possible modifications in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients. Post operative management after c-section. - Phantom Limb Pain. * Therapeutic techniques and relevant precautions for improving balance Outline terms of compensation for disability 40x2=20 Brief notes Electrotherapy in pelvic floor rehabilitation. Name postnatal conditions in which physiotherapists play a role. Claw Hand Precautions during muscle re education following muscle transfer surgery. Name four theories of pain. Four benefits that are available to the disabled. Walkers Techniques to strengthen muscles functions in peripheral nerve lesions Four physical dys' Define community based rehabilitation \ 1117-NS BPT DEGREE EXAMINATION NOVEMBER, 2013 FOURTH YEAR EXAMINATION REHABILITATION ME DICINE INCLUDING GERIATRIC REHABILITATION & WOMEN'S HEALTH (New Scheme) Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Note : Answer all questions ESSAY QUESTION a Identify behavioural Problems in the disabled and their Managem (5+5) 2x10=20 OR . Of pain and discuss therapeutic (5+5) ’ Describe the theori management of Pai 2.” Describe the role of Physiotherapy in pre and post (5+5) Operative care in 9g lynecological surgeries. OR Outline the Management of a patient suffering from Parkinson's disease Short notes: : a ae 8x5=40 Lumbar spondylitis; « ; ; : a nifig’ With assistive devices in hemiplegia Moist heat packs Radial nerve palsy Fost drop - Symes prosthesis Wheel chair transfers Median claw hand 5 Brief notes: 10x2=2 11. Phantom limb pain 12. Ankle foot orthosis 13. Cryotherapy 14,. Functional electrical stimulation 15. Neurological claudication i ; 16. Contraindications to electrical stimulation 17. Palliative care 18. Areflexia 19. Hypotonicity Jewrhy 20. Wax therapy - fe ee SLPNQH S anton = BpT od PHys EGREE EXAMINATION ACRE war SIO’ JRTH YEAR E MINA T I THE RAY Coe Ek Ro RESPIRATORY CONDI? JONS (New Scheme) tyox merks 80 2012 Time» ; 3 Hours lote Answer all questions ESSm@ = ESSAY QUESTION Describe the principles of intensive care teraPY OR ications and means of exercise tole' i rance © t Describe the indi test. Physiotherapy management for @ patient of = 40 Bronchiectasis OR g exercise ‘and write the indications and 8x5=40 Define breathin: procedures of teaching breathing exercise. Short notes: Pulmonary circulation Principles of humidification therapy Assessment of sputum > Coughing and Huffing id Buerger’sdisease * Broncho Pulmonary Segments intercostal drainage = - 40x2=20 Incentive Spirometry SP PNgaayw wiles: Brief‘notes: 11. Nebulization 2 ic drainage 13. PEEP’ 14. Bruce Protocol Six minute walk test 46 Pulse oximetry 47. Auscultation 48. Nasopharyngeal suctioning 19. Dyspnoea Chest expansion at different levels. ( 1117.NS BPT DEGR SREE EXAMINATION ~ OCTOBE R / NOVEMBER -2012 FOURTH YEAR EXAMINATION REHABILITA TION MEDICINE INCLUDING GE RIATRIC REHABILITATION & Time : 3 Hours WOMEN'S EHALTH (New Scheme) Max Marks 80 Note : Answer all questions [SPAN o oa 1 2x10= 2 Discuss methods of evaluation for physical dystunction and management of disabilities with reference to Hansen's disease oR Discuss the role of physiotherapy in antenatal care Outline the principles of disability evaluation and discuss its use. OR Describe various methods to increase co-ofdination Short notes: 8x5=40 Biofeedback in pelvic floor rehabilitation Pain Gate Theory. Team work involved in rehabilitation. Communication problems and their principles pf treatment. py in post menopausal management in terminal illness. ‘Outline benefits available to the disabled. Team involvement in pre-vocational evaltiation and training. i 10x2=20 i : Eafaion of joint mobilization and manipulation. 14. 12. Typesiof artificial limbs 13. Architectural Barriers. 14, Aims of rehabilitation. 15. Techniques to increase endurance. 16, Walker 17. Orthotic devices. 48. Goals of geriatric rehabilitation 19. Wheelchair. 20. Contraindications of manipulation.

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